
Terms for subject Technology containing 临时 | all forms | in specified order only
下游临时downstream temporary dam
两脚临时吊杆sheer leg derrick
临场时间approach time
临时temporary water course (过)
临时temporary (的)
临时provisional (的)
临时occasional (的)
临时交通temporary communication
临时人行道temporary sidewalk
临时休息处pied a terre
临时估价interim valuation
临时住处temporary residence
临时住宅temporary residence
临时住宅temporary accommodation
临时住宿处crash pad
临时住房improvised housing
临时住房transient housing
临时住房barong-barong (菲律宾)
临时住所temporary accommodation
临时使用transient occupancy
临时供水temporary water supply
临时供电temporary power supply
临时便桥detour bridge
临时便桥service bridge
临时便桥emergency bridge
临时便桥temporary bridge
临时便桥makeshift bridge
临时便桥auxiliary bridge
临时便线temporary track
临时便道detour temporary access road
临时便道temporary access (road)
临时便道Pioneer road
临时便道detour road
临时借款temporary borrowing
临时值机员temporary operator
临时停工brief stoppage
临时停车temporary stop
临时停车信号temporary stop signal
临时停车站optional halt
临时停车道emergency stopping lane
临时储存temporary storage
临时occasional light
临时公路桥temporary road bridge
临时关税证书temporary duty certificate
临时养护extraordinary maintenance
临时凑合的住处makeshift dwellings
临时凑合的办法improvised makeshift
临时列车out-of-schedule train
临时列车conditional train
临时判决interlocutory decree
临时办公室office hut
临时办法interim means
临时办法makeshift measure
临时办法temporary arrangement
临时办法interim arrangement
临时加固be temporarily stiffened
临时加固设备shoring equipment
临时区域temporary realm
临时协定pilot contract
临时协议temporary agreement
临时协议provisional agreement
临时危险区provisional hazard area
临时厕所temporary toilet
临时含水层temporary aquifer
临时地理坐标图temporary geographic grid
临时地震台站temporary seismograph station
临时场地beta site
临时坐标provisional coordinate
临时坑支柱pit prop (矿井)
临时垫块temporary backing
临时垫板temporary backing
临时堆场temporary yard
临时堆场temporary storage yard
临时堆集paddock (矿石、石料)
临时movable weir
临时堵漏用木结构standard patch
临时填补物fill in
临时增加的床位spare bed (客户里)
临时temporary pier
临时备用闸门emergency guard gate
临时天桥temporary flyover
临时孔隙critical porosity (度)
临时存储temporary storage
临时存储区scratch-pad area
临时存储控制temporary storage control
临时存储表temporary storage table
临时安装temporary erection
临时安装rig up
临时安装支架temporary erection support
临时安装板temporary erection plate
临时安装的temporarily erected
临时定位铆钉tack rivet
临时定位铆钉quiet rivet
临时客车passenger extra
临时宾客temporary guest
临时寄宿sorority house
临时寄宿fraternity house
临时封板temporary face
临时封缝temporary seal (for joint)
临时小房shanty (屋)
临时居住transient occupancy
临时居住区temporary settlement
临时居住建筑transient residential building
临时居住木板房living hut
临时居住设施transient lodging facility
临时屋面材料temporary roofing
临时干坞temporary dry dock
临时平台false deck
临时庇护所emergency shelter
临时应力temporary stress
临时应急修复jury repair
临时应急修理jury repair
临时应急坝emergency dam
临时应急舵temporary rudder
临时应急装置jury rig
临时开支unforeseen expenses
临时急用版hurried provisional edition
临时性住宅temporary housing
临时性修理temporary repair
临时性修理emergent repair
临时性围墙temporary enclosure
临时性围栏temporary fence
临时性小溪blind creek
临时性工棚temporary shed
临时性工程temporary works
临时性工程temporary project
临时性底漆holding primer
临时性建筑temporary building (物)
临时性房屋throwaway-type house
临时性接缝带temporary joint fillet
临时性无业temporary unemployment
临时性桥temporary bridge (梁)
临时性桥梁temporary bridge
临时性检修temporary repair
临时性沙嘴false point
临时性河道工程temporary river works
临时性结构孔temporary construction
临时性表流temporary surface flow
临时性观测点temporary observation point
临时性观测站temporary observation station
临时性观测站incidental observation station
临时性调查contemporary survey
临时性费用non-recurrent charges
临时性起重桅杆temporary derrick
临时性跑道soap-box race track
临时性通路temporary pass
临时性防御工事temporary fortification
临时性食品服务设施temporary food service establishment
临时性餐厅temporary restaurant
临时性饭店temporary restaurant
临时悬臂斜撑propped cantilever beam
临时情况emergency condition
临时房屋temporary block
临时手动装置emergency hand-drive
临时托梁needle beam
浇筑垂直施工缝用的临时挡板stopped end
临时挡板stop end (浇注垂直施工缝用)
临时挡板temporary retaining board
临时挡板retaining board
临时挡水板temporary flush board
临时挡水闸门flash board
临时捡查casual inspection
临时排序temporary order
临时排水干管portable outlet header
临时排水泵房temporary water discharge pump room
临时接合temporary joint
临时接地器temporary earths
临时接地电极temporary earth electrode
临时接头temporary joint
临时接水temporary water connection
临时接缝temporary joint
临时措施temporary measure
临时措施interim means
临时shoring (柱)
临时操舵装置jury steering gear
临时支付证书的最小限额minimum amount of interim certificate
临时支出non-recurrent expenditures
临时支出extraordinary payment
临时支承temporary support
临时支承梁needle beam
临时支撑temporary shoring
临时支撑temporary bracing
临时支撑provisional timbering
临时支撑工程temporary underpinning
临时支撑工程temporary support works
临时支撑梁propped beam
临时支撑设备shoring equipment
临时支架temporary support
临时支柱temporary column
临时支柱poppet (船舶下水时的)
临时支柱prop post
临时支柱temporary post
临时支柱temporary support
临时支柱catch prop
临时支点temporary support point
临时支索triatic stay
临时支索jumper stay
临时支索freshwater stay
临时收入temporary revenue
临时收入transitory income
临时收入non-recurrent revenue
临时收入incidental revenue
临时收入账户temporary receipts account
临时收容所casual ward
临时改善措施interim improvement
临时改进措施interim improvement
临时救济所casual ward
临时数据盒式盘scratch data cartridge
临时数据集temporary data set
临时文件temporary gauge
临时文件temporary gage
临时旅客列车passenger extra
临时旅客列车extra passenger train
临时旅客列车additional passenger train
临时旅游列车temporary tour train
临时暖房hovel shelter
临时暗室improvised darkroom
临时服务temporary service
临时木工temporary surfacing
临时木板办公房office hut
临时木架racked timbering
临时木桩temporary wood piling
临时木桩temporary wood pile
临时木棚子back casing
临时木结构及帐篷temporary wood frame structures and tents
临时机场temporary airfield
临时机场short-term airfield
临时板围temporary boarded fence
临时板桩temporary sheet piling
临时板篱temporary boarded fence
临时构筑物temporary construction
临时标准地temporary sample plot
临时标单provisional list of tenders
临时标志temporary sign
临时标志provisional marker
临时桅杆jury mast
临时框架temporary frame work
临时spur bridge
临时检修transient service
临时检查occasional survey
临时检査contingent survey
临时检疫证书provisional pratique
临时检验occasional survey
临时检验contingent survey
临时楔块dry wedging
临时模板temporary shuttering
临时模板temporary form (work)
临时横撑false stull
临时欠款temporary debt
临时款项temporary payment
临时气象卫星interim meteorological satellite
临时气象卫星interim meteorologic satellite
临时水准temporary bench mark
临时水坝temporary dam
临时参考水尺reference gauge
临时水尺temporary gauge
临时水尺temporary gage
临时水闸temporary gate
临时水闸splash dam
临时泄水管temporary discharge piping
临时泄水管temporary discharge tubing
临时泄水管temporary discharge tube
临时泄水管temporary discharge pipe
临时洋流temporary current
临时洪水淹没occasional flooding
临时活动教室school caravan
临时测潮站temporary tidal station
临时测潮站secondary tidal station
临时测站unrated gaging station
临时测站unrated gauging station
临时测站temporary station
临时信号浮标dam buoy
临时浮筒temporary buoy
临时浮筒dam buoy
临时涂料stripping lacquer
临时消防战斗员pick-up fire fighter
临时temporary canal (槽)
临时渡口emergency ferry
临时渡线emergency crossover
临时温床temporary hotbed
临时港区interim port
临时潮位站temporary tide station
临时灌溉temporary irrigation
临时trouble light
临时灯标temporary light
临时灯标provisional light
临时灯标temporarily lighted buoy
临时灯标occasional light
临时炸药extemporaneous explosive
临时temporary point
临时provisional point
临时点焊接tack welding
临时焊缝temporary welds (接)
临时煤气用具安装工journeyman gas fitter
临时煤舱temporary bunker
临时provisional issue
临时provisional edition
临时emergency issue
临时版地图map substitution
临时版地图preliminary plot
临时版地图provisional map
临时版地图preliminary series
临时版地图preliminary map
临时版地图crude map
临时特征曲线threshold response point
临时生产trial run
临时用地temporary site
临时用地补偿compensation for temporary land occupation
临时用材料temporary material
临时用材料critical material
临时电源temporary power
临时界桩non-monumented boundary peg
临时for a short time
临时的延期决定interim determination of extension
临时的水准基点temporary bench-mark
临时的禁止令temporary prohibition
临时码头temporary terminal
临时码头makeshift handing stage
临时禁猎区temporary hunting prohibited area
临时程序transient programme
临时程序库transient programme library
临时temporary duty
临时立体交叉temporary flyover (多指临时人行桥)
临时筒易住宅temporary dwelling
临时筹措资金interim financing
临时简易住宅temporary dwelling
临时管道及电缆连接器umbilical connector
临时管道及电缆连接器umbilic connector
临时temporary cable
临时线temporary way (如建筑工地临时运料用)
临时线temporary track (路)
临时线路temporary route
临时线路temporary track
临时线路temporary line
临时线路temporary paving
临时经费extraordinary expenses
临时编码interim codes
临时脚手架temporary staging
临时脚手架temporary scaffolding
临时舞台temporary stage
临时航海通告temporary notices to mariners
临时舱壁temporary bulkhead
临时舷窗盖temporary deadlight
临时船尾撑住trip shore (下水时)
临时船尾撑住thimble shore (下水时)
临时船级证书provisional classification certificate
临时船级证书provisional certificate of class
临时船闸temporary navigation lock
临时荷载temporary loading
临时荷载transient loading
临时荷载provisional weight
临时薄膜temporary film
临时补救措施interim remedial measure
临时补贴temporary subsidy
临时衬砌provisional lining
临时衬砌primary lining
临时衬砌混凝土temporary concrete lining
临时裁决interim award
临时装设的temporarily erected
临时装配temporary assembly
临时觇标temporary target
临时觇标temporary signal
临时计划contingency plan
临时记录interim record
临时许可provisional release
临时设备表special list of equipment
临时设施improvised installation
临时设施improvised plant
临时设施improvised facility
临时设施construction site facility
临时设施费temporary facility expense
临时设施费temporary works expense
临时设施费fee for construction site facility
临时证书provisional certificate
临时付款证书interim certificate
临时谷场temporary check dam
临时负荷provisional weight
临时账单interim account
临时贷款provisional loan
临时费用incidental expenses
临时费用extra expenditures
临时费用extraordinary expenditures
临时赊贷interim financing
临时赔偿interim reparation
临时超前支架force piece
临时跑道temporary runway
临时轨道temporary track
临时轨道shoofly (指铁路)
临时边界压力critical edge pressure
临时过梁loose lintel
临时过渡性费用non-recurring transitional cost
临时过滤器temporary filter
临时通航temporary navigation
临时通航建筑物temporary navigation structure
临时通航设施temporary navigation facility
临时通道trail road
临时通道temporary site access ramp
临时通道temporary access (road)
临时道路temporary way
临时道路access road
临时道路通行权temporary wayleaves
临时遮阴棚temporary shade house
临时配筋temporary reinforcement
临时采伐incidental felling
临时采伐incidental cutting
临时金额provisional sum
临时temporary nail
临时pilot nail
临时钙化区zone of provisional calcification
临时钢支柱roof jack
临时钢筋interim reinforcement
临时铁路constructor's railway
临时铁路construction way
临时铆钉temporary rivet
临时锚具temporary grip
临时锚地emergency anchorage
临时防空洞temporary shelter
临时防锈temporary rust protection
临时防锈涂料temporary protective coating
临时阻尼地震仪critically damped seismograph
临时隐避所temporary shelter
临时隔墙demising partition
临时隔墙temporary partition
临时隔断temporary partition
临时隔断demising partition
临时集资interim financing
临时顶撑raking shore
临时项目provisional item
临时项目extraordinary item
临时预算variable budget
临时频率调制incidental frequency modulation
临时验收provisional acceptance
临时验收证书provisional acceptance certificate
临时鹰架桥rising scaffolding bridge
临界实时处理critical real-time processing
临界持续时间critical duration
临界时间crash time
临界时间数列模型threshold time-series model
临界时限critical moment
临界通路时间critical path time
借款人以现住房临时作抵得款以购置另一住宅swing mortgage
同时临界荷载simultaneous critical load
大型临时设施large-scale temporary facility
小型临时设施small-scale temporary facility
挑选临时职工shape up
木制临时营房wooden hut
砖石墙体临时夹具masonry wall temporary clamp
程序临时固定programme temporary fix
程序临时固定program temporary fix
程序的临时修改programme temporary fix
程序的临时修改program temporary fix
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