
Terms for subject Technology containing 串行 | all forms | in specified order only
严格串行顺序strict sequential order
串并行serial parallel (的)
串并行乘法器serial parallel multiplier
串并行乘法器one-shot multiplier
串并行传输serial parallel transmission
串并行加法serial parallel addition
串并行变换serial parallel conversion
串并行控制serial parallel control
串并行控制器series parallel controller
串并行操作serial parallel operation
串并行模/数转换器serial parallel analog ue/digital converter
串并行模/数转换器serial parallel analog /digital converter
串并行转换serial parallel conversion
串并行转换器serial to-parallel converter
串联运行series running
串至并行转换器series to-parallel converter
串行serialization (化)
串行乘法器serial multiplier
串行二进制计算机serial binary computer
串行任务类型serial type of task
串行传输数据serially transmitted data
串行传送series convey
串行传送serial transmission
串行传递serial transmission
串行位串serial bit string
串行体系结构series architecture
串行储存器serial storage
串行全减器serial full subtractor
串行全加器serial full adder
串行共享资源serially shared resource
串行内函数string built-in function
串行减法subtraction with serial operation
串行分时系统serial time-sharing system
串行分析serial analysis
串行分解series decomposition
串行分解serial decomposition
串行分配算法series assignment algorithm
串行加减电路serial adder and subtracter
串行加工serial processing
串行半减器serial half subtractor
串行半加器serial half adder
串行发送数据serially transmitted data
串行serial port
串行可重复使用的serially reusable
串行可重复加载模块serially reusable load module
串行可重用资源serially reusable resources
串行四则运算serial arithmetic unit
串行处理consecutive processing
串行处理机serial processor
串行子句serial clause
串行字操作serial word operation
串行存储器serial store
串行存储器serial memory
串行存取系统serial access system
串行寄存器serial register
串行工作流程serial work flow
串行平分移位寄放器series half shift register
串行并行收发器transmitter-receiver serial parallel module
串行延迟系统cascaded delay system
串行式印刷机series printer
串行扫描serial scan
串行批处理系统serial batch system
串行排序serial sort
串行接口板series interface board
串行控制处理机serial control processor
串行操作计算机consecutive-sequence computer
串行数字加法器serial digital adder
串行数字计算机series digital computer
串行数据传送serial data transmission
串行数据传送serial data transfer
串行数据分析器serial data analyzer
串行数据发送机接收机serial data transmitter
串行数据线路tandem data circuit
串行数据输入serial data input
串行数据集serial data set
串行数控制serial number control
串行文件结构serial file organization
串行智能电缆serial intelligent cable
串行格式serial format
串行比较程序serial comparator
串行serial loop
串行移位serial shift
串行移位寄存器serial shift register
串行程序serial programme
串行程序存取法chained programme access method
串行程序存取法chained program access method
串行程序的访问方法chained programme access method
串行程序的访问方法chained program access method
串行程序设计serial programing
串行穿孔serial punch
串行算术运算serial arithmetic operation
串行系统tandem system
串行系统serial system
串行累加器serial accumulator
串行级联作用series cascade action
串行线网际协议serial line Internet protocol
串行终端设备serial terminal
串行编号serial numbering
串行编程序serial programing
串行表示serial representation
串行计数器serial counter
串行计算机series machine
串行计算机series computer
串行计算机consecutive computer
串行设备serial device
串行访问serial access
串行诊断in-line diagnosis
串行读出serial read
串行读出穿孔机serial read punch
串行调度serial scheduling
串行转送serial transfer
串行输入serial input
串行输入serial entry
串行输入输出serial input-output
串行输入输出中断serial input-output interrupt
串行输入输出命令serial input-output command
串行输入输出地址serial input-output address
串行输入输出接口serial input-output interface
串行输入输出缓冲器serial input-output buffer
串行输出serial output
串行输出寄存器serial output register
串行输出输出接口serial output-input interface
串行输送serial feeding
串行运算器serial arithmetic unit
串行运算部件serial arithmetic unit
串行进位serial carry
串行进位cascaded carry
串行连接series connection
串行通信控制器serial communication controller
串行馈送serial feed
串行serial bit
侧出式双行串列挤奶台side opening two-row tandem stalls
串行模/数转换器all serial analog/digital converter
串行word serial
字符串行character string
串行parallel serial
串行变换parallel serial conversion
串行寄存器parallel serial register
串行操作parallel serial operation
串行方式parallel serial mode
串行计算机parallel serial computer
串行转换parallel serial conversion
并行输入串行输出parallel in serial out
异步串行数据asynchronous serial data
按位串行处理serial-by-bit processing
数的串行表示serial representation
标准串行程序standard serial programme
电子串行数字计算机electronic serial digital computer
高速串行打印机high-speed serial printer