
Terms for subject Electronics containing 串行 | all forms | in specified order only
串-并-串行结构serial-parallel-serial configuration
串联运行series operation
串联运行方式[工况]series operation mode
串行事件定时器与记录器serial event timer and recorder
串行二进制信息传输serial binary information transmission
串行位差错检测器serial bit error detector
串行位检错器serial bit error detector
串行化作业处理器serialized job processor
串行可重用资源serially reusable resource
串行同步光纤网络收发机serial SONET transceiver
串行向量格式serial vector format
串行serial block
串行外围设备接口serial peripheral interface
串行外围设备接口总线serial peripheral interface bus
串行字符打印serial character printer
串行存储体系结构serial storage architecture
串行存储体系结构工业协会Serial Storage Architecture Industry Association
串行存储地址计算机serial memory address computer
串行存储媒体serial storage media
串行实时通信系统serial real-time communications system
串行密码设备serial cryptographic device
串行-并行转换serial to parallel conversion
串行-并行转换器serial-to-parallel converter
串行序数serial number
串行微处理机阵列serial microprocessor array
串行微编码单片多模式智能终端serial microcoded monolithic multimode intelligent terminal
串行总线协议第二版本serial bus protocol, second version
串行总线管理器serial bus manager
串行扩展端口serial extended port
串行扩展端口中断启动serial extended port interrupt enable
串行扩展端口中断标志serial extended port interrupt flag
串行扩展端口接收启动serial extended port receive enable
串行扩展端口控制serial extended port control
串行扩展端口状态serial extended port status
串行扩展端口速度选择serial extended port speed select
串行拷贝管理系统serial copy management system
串行排错调试装置serial debug unit
串行接口单元serial interface unit
串行接口单元中断SIU interrupt
串行接口单元总线SIU bus
串行接口单元状态计数器serial interface unit status counter
串行接口层serial interface layer
串行接口引擎serial interface engine
串行接口插件板serial interface board
串行接口模块serial interface module
串行接口适配器serial interface adapter
串行控制serial control
串行控制接人网serially controlled access network
串行控制接口serial control interface
串行数字传输接口serial digital transmission interface
串行数字数据互联网serial digital data internet
串行数字数据互连serial digital data interconnect
串行数字数据接口serial digital data interface
串行数字输人/输出serial digital input/output
串行数据交换serial data exchange
串行数据缓冲器serial data buffer
串行数据输人serial data input
串行数据通道serial data channel
串行数据链路serial data link
串行数据链路控制serial data link control
串行时钟发送serial clock transmit
串行时钟接收serial clock receive
串行时钟线serial clock line
串行查询启动serial poll enable
串行检索serial retrieval
串行模拟存储器serial analog memory
串行模拟延迟serial analog delay
串行测试卡serial test card
串行点阵字符打印机serial dot character printer
串行状态检测serial presence detect bit
串行电可擦可编程只读存储器serial electrically erasable and programmable read-only memory
串行短线端接收发器逻辑series stub terminated transceiver logic
串行码-电压转换器serial-to-voltage converter
串行移位计数器serial shift counter
串行移位设备serial shift arrangement
串行移位配置serial shift arrangement
串行端口中断serial port interrupt
串行端口中断优先级priority of SPI
串行端口控制serial port control
串行端口空闲serial port idle
串行管理控制器serial management controller
串行红外技术serial infrared technique
串行级联编码系统serially concatenated coding system
串行线路单元serial line unit
串行线路因特网协议serial line Internet protocol
Macintosh 串行线路因特网协议Macintosh serial line Internet protocol
串行线路因特网协议/点对点协议serial line Internet protocol/point-to-point protocol
串行线路因特网协议间程序inter-serial-line-Internet-protocol program
串行线路接口模块serial line interface module
串行编码serial coding
串行计算机模拟程序serial machine simulation program
串行诊断接口serial diagnostic interface
串行输人serial input
串行输人串行输出serial input serial output
串行输人寄存器serial input register
串行输人并行输出serial in parallel out
串行输人打印机serial entry printer
串行输人数据serial input data
串行输人/输出serial input/output
串行输人/输出处理机serial input/output processor
串行输人/输出控制器serial input/output controller
串行输人/输出通道serial input/output channel
串行输出数据serial output data
串行通信接口serial communications interface
串行通信环路serial communications loop
串行通信端口serial communications port
串行链路控制器serial link controller
串行音频接口serial audio interface
以太网串行接口Ethernet serial interface
会话串行化接口区interface area for session serialization
串行处理bit serial processing
低压差分信令串行器/解串器low voltage differential signaling serializer/deserializer
修订的基本串行协议modified radical serial protocol
先进多频道遥控串行数据收发机multichannel advanced remote control serial data transmitter and receiver
光纤同步串行接口synchronous serial interface on optical fiber
全局串行通道global serial channel
全局串行通道发送出错优先级priority of global serial channel transmit error
全局串行通道发送有效优先级priority of global serial channel transmit valid
全局串行通道接收出错优先级priority of global serial channel receive error
全局串行通道接收有效优先级priority of global serial channel receive valid
全局串行通道接收机启动GSC receiver enable
全局串行通道标志空闲状态启动GSC flag idle enable
全局串行通道模式GSC mode
全局串行通道辅助接收启动GSC auxiliary receive enable
全局资源串行global resource serialization
全局资源串行化向量表global resource serialization vector table
全局资源串行化向量表扩充global resource serialization vector table extension
全局资源串行化矢量表GRS vector table
全局资源串行化矢量表扩展GRS vector table extension
全局资源串行化队列global resource serialization queue
单通道通用串行控制器mono-channel universal serial controller
压缩型串行数据接口compressed serial data interface
压缩的串行线路因特网协议compressed serial line Internet protocol
双通用串行通信控制器dual universal serial communication controller
可寻址串行总线接口电路addressable serial bus interface circuit
可编程串行接口programmable serial interface
可编程串行接口控制器programmable serial interface controller
可靠性与概率的串行计算series computation of reliability and probability
同步串行接口synchronous serial interface
同步串行数据转接器synchronous serial data adapter
同步串行端口synchronous serial port
同步串行通信接口synchronous serial communications interface
同轴电缆同步串行接口synchronous serial interface on coaxial cable
启动允许串行中断enable serial interrupt
启动全局串行通道发送出错中断enable GSC transmit error interrupt
启动全局串行通道发送有效中断enable GSC transmit valid interrupt
启动全局串行通道接收出错中断enable GSC receive error interrupt
启动全局串行通道接收有效中断enable GSC receive valid interrupt
国际串行数据系统international serials data system
在线串行程序设计in-circuit serial programming
在线串行编程in-circuit serial programming
基本串行协议radical serial protocol
增强串行通信控制器enhanced serial communication controller
增强单串行通信控制器enhanced monoserial communication controller
增强型串行端口enhanced serial port
增强型串行音频接口enhanced serial audio interface
增强型以太网串行收发机enhanced Ethernet serial transceiver
增强型同步串行接口enhanced synchronous serial interface
串行接口适配器multi serial interface adapter
多协议串行控制器multiprotocol serial controller
多协议串行通信接口multi-protocol serial communications interface
多相串行-并行-串行存储multiphase serial-parallel-serial storage
多通道缓冲串行端口multichannel buffered serial port
字符-字节串行传输character-byte serial transmission
局部串行通道local serial channel
并行-串行转换parallel-to-serial conversion
并行-串行转换器parallel-to-serial converter
并行输人串行输出parallel-input serial-out (put)
异步串行光纤接口asynchronous serial interface optical fiber
异步串行同轴电缆接口asynchronous serial interface on coaxial cable
异步串行通信接口asynchronous serial communication interface
快速串行通信控制器fast serial communication controller
扩展串行数据集extend serial data set
扩展体系结构串行通信控制器extended architecture serial communication controller
扩展体系结构通用串行总线extended architecture universal serial bus
按位串行处理serial by bit
按字节串行处理serial by byte
排队式串行外围设备接口queued serial peripheral interface
排队式串行模块queued serial module
数字串行分量digital serial components
数字串行接口digital serial interface
时限串行输人time-limited serial input
最小串行数字集minimum serial digital set
标准串行编号standard serial number
比特串行处理bit serial processing
比特串行链路bit serial link
点对点通信协议/串行线路接口协议point-to-point protocol/serial line interface protocol
硬件化串行接口hardwared serial interface
缓冲串行端口buffered serial port
话路串行session serialization
通用串行总线事务分析仪USB transaction analyzer
通用串行总线设备控制器USB device controller
通用串行总线驱动器universal serial bus driver
通用串行总线驱动器接口universal serial bus driver interface
通用串行控制器universal serial controller
长链路串行通信设备serial communication unit for long links
集成串行通信控制器integrated serial communications controller
高性能串行总线high performance serial bus
高速串行总线high speed serial bus
高速串行数据缓冲器high speed serial data buffer
高速串行数据连接器high-speed serial data connector