
Terms containing 中 指 | all forms | in specified order only
fin.世界大型企业联合会中国先行经济指数Conference Board LEI for China
fin.世界大型企业联合会中国先行经济指数Conference Board Leading Economic Index for China
avia.世界空中指挥所系统worldwide airborne command post system
earth.sc.中东与世界水指南Middle East and World Water Directory
tech.中位指数median index number
interntl.trade.中位数指数median index
math.中位数指数median index number
busin.统计中位数指数median index
fin.中信标普指数信息服务有限公司S & P/CITIC (指数管理公司)
radio中功率归航指点标medium power homer
agric.中和指标neutralization index
securit.中国公司在香港上市指南刊物Listing Chinese Companies in Hong Kong publication
fin.中国内地国企指数index of mainland Chinese companies
fin.中国工厂产出分类指数sub-index for Chinese factory output
fin.中国房地产指数系统China real estate index system
securit.中国指数期货China Index Futures
avia.中国民用航空总局适航指令China airworthiness directive
securit.中国证券南方经济富裕行业指数China Securities Southern Well-Off Industry Index (Well-Off Index, 简称"小康指数"或"经济富裕指数")
securit.中国证券指数有限公司、中证指数有限公司China Securities Index Co., Ltd.
securit.中国证券指数系列China Securities Index Series
securit.中国证券自由流通指数China Securities Free Floating Index
fin.中国采购经理指数China purchasing managers' index
fin., China中国采购经理指数China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing -Purchasing Management Index
securit.中型股标普指数存托凭证MidCap SPDR
tech.中央 〔中心〕指零式仪表zero center type meter
earth.sc.中央协调指导局美国国家海洋数据中心Central Coordination and Referral Office NODC
avia.中央告警指示器centralized warning indicator
gen.中央射击指挥central fire control
earth.sc.中央峰值指数central peak index
avia.中央指令central command
manag.中央指导central direction
mil., air.def.中央指挥与控制系统central command control system
avia.中央控制指示器central control indicator
gen.中央炮火指挥系统central fire control
fin.《〈港〉中央结算系统参与者及指定银行名录》CCASS Participant & Designated Bank List
securit.中央限价指令记录central limit order book
tech.中子通量密度指示器neutron flux density indicator
securit.中小企业指数-最低SME Board Index-low (SZSE)
securit.中小企业指数-最高SME Board Index-high (SZSE)
securit.中小板交易型开放式指数基金深圳证券交易所SME Board ETF
avia.中心压力指数centre pressure index
avia.中心压力指数center pressure index
geol.中心峰值指数central peak index
avia.中心指令center cue
shipb.中心指零式仪表zero center meter
tech.中心指零式仪表zero centre meter
shipb.中心指零式仪表center zero meter
tech.中心指零式测量仪表center zero meter
avia.中心空中指central air command
tech.中性指示器neutralizing indicator
anat.中指middle finger (位于手的正中线上,在手指中最长)
textile中指第三指middle finger third finger
textile中指第三指mid finger
textile中指第三指long finger
tech.中指digitus medius
gen.中指second finger
sport., med.中指middle finger
gen.中指long finger
tech.中指标点middle marker (机场)
avia.中指点信标台locator middle marker
tech.中指点标middle marker
avia.中指点标locator middle marker
dril.中断指令interrupt instruction
tech.中断指令interrupted instruction
tech.中断指定策略interrupt assignment strategy
tech.中断指示器interrupt indicator
telecom.中断指示灯hit indicator
tech.中断返回指令interrupted return instruction
tech.中断重指定interrupt reassignment
agric.中期配对指数metaphase pairing index
sport., physiol.中枢指令central command
securit.中止交易指令suspended market order
avia.中段指导装置midcourse guidance unit
tech.中污带指示种mesosaprobical zone indicator
tech.中污带指示种mesosaprobic zone indicator
earth.sc.中泓流速指教Center-line Velocity Index
tech.中点指标middle marker
avia.中点指点标设在离跑道起点1060米处middle marker
avia.中示位信标和指点标locator middle marker
tech.中等产量指标middling yield
avia.中级维修指示intermediate maintenance instruction
tech.中线指示信标middle marker beacon
nautic.中继指示器repeater scope
sport., med.中节指骨middle phalanx
anat.中节指骨middle phalanx (两端分别与近、远节指骨构成近、远侧指间关节)
sport., med.中节指骨middle phalange
tech.中螺口茄形指示灯泡medium egg-plant screw indicating lamp bulb
fin.中证 50 债券指数CSI 50 Bond Index
fin.中证 1 债券指数CSI 1 Bond Index
fin.中证 QDII 基金指数CSI QDII Fund Index
fin.中证 ETF 基金指数CSI ETF Fund Index
fin.中证 200 指数CSI 200 Index
fin.中证 800 指数CSI 800 Index
fin.中证 700 指数CSI 700 Index
fin.中证 500 指数CSI 500 Index
fin.中证 100 指数CSI 100 Index
fin.中证两岸三地500 指数CSI Cross-Straits 500 Index
fin.中证中央企业 100 指数CSI Central SOEs 100 Index
fin.中证中央企业综合指数CSI Central SOEs Composite Index
fin.中证产业指数CSI Industry Stimulus Indices
fin.中证产业链指数CSI Industry Chain Indices
securit.中证300价值指数CSI 300 Value Index
fin.中证债券型基金指数CSI Bond Fund Index
fin.中证债券指数CSI Bond Indices
fin.中证全债指数CSI Aggregate Bond Index
fin.中证公司债指数CSI Enterprise Bond Index
securit.中证公司债指数CSI Corporate Bond Index
securit.中证公司指数系列CSI Indices System
fin.中证内地主题指数CSI China Mainland Thematic Indices
fin.中证内地市场指数CSI Mainland Indices
fin.中证分信用类别债券指数CSI Credit Classification Bond Indices
fin.中证分年期债券指数CSI Maturity Classification Bond Indices
fin.中证分离债指数CSI Detachable Convertible Bond Index
fin.中证创业成长指数CSI Innovative & Growing Enterprises Index
fin.中证医药 100指数CSI Health Care 100 Index
fin.中证南方小康产业指数CSI Southern Well-off Index
fin.中证商品期货类指数CSI Commodity Future Indices
fin.中证商品期货综合指数CSI Commodity Futures Composite Index
fin.中证固定收益类指数CSI Fixed Income Indices
fin.中证国有企业 200指数CSI SOEs 200 Index
fin.中证国有企业综合指数CSI SOEs Composite Index
fin.中证地方国有企业 100 指数CSI Local SOEs 100 Index
fin.中证地方国有企业综合指数CSI Local SOEs Composite Index
fin.中证基金类指数CSI Fund Indices
fin.中证央票1指数CSI Central Bank Note 1 Index
fin.中证央票指数CSI Central Bank Note Index
fin.中证央票指数CSI Central Bank Note
fin.中证开放式基金指数CSI Open-end Fund Index
org.name., securit.中证300成长指数CSI 300 Growth Index
securit.中证300成长指数CSI 300 Growth Index
fin.中证技术领先指数CSI Leading Technology Index
securit.中证200指数China Securities 200 Index
securit.中证500指数China Securities 500 Index
securit.中证100指数China Securities 100 Index
fin., China中证指数有限公司China Securities Index Co., Ltd (指数管理公司)
fin.中证新兴产业指数CSI Emerging Industries Index
fin.中证民营企业200指数CSI POEs 200 Index
fin.中证民营企业综合指数CSI POEs Composite Index
fin.中证沪深300指数Shanghai Shenzhen CSI 300 Index
fin.中证油脂期货综合指数CSI Edible Oil Futures Composite Index
fin.中证流通指数CSI Free Float Index
fin.中证流通指数China Securities Free Floating Index
fin.中证海外不含香港内地股指数CSI Overseas Mainland ex HK Index
fin.中证海外内地股指数CSI Overseas Mainland Index
fin.中证海外市场指数CSI Overseas Indices
fin.中证海外股不含台湾指数CSI Overseas ex Taiwan Index
fin.中证混合型基金指数CSI Hybrid Fund Index
securit.中证300相对价值指数CSI 300 Relative Value Index
securit.中证300相对成长指数CSI 300 Relative Growth Index
fin.中证短债指数CSI Short Term Bond Index
fin.中证短融指数CSI Short Term Note Index
fin.中证等权 90指数CSI Equal Weight 90 Index
fin.中证红利指数CSI Dividend Index
fin.中证综合债券指数CSI Universal Bond Index
fin.中证股票型基金指数CSI Stock Fund Index
fin.中证股票类指数CSI Equity Indices
fin.中证行业指数CSI Sector Indices
fin.中证财富大盘指数CSI Wealth Large Cap Index
fin.中证货币基金指数CSI Money Fund Index
fin.中证银河 99 指数CSI Galaxy 99 Index
securit.中证300风格指数系列CSI 300 Style Index Series
fin.中证香港 100指数CSI Hong Kong 100 Index
fin.中证香港上市可交易主题指数CSI HK Listed Tradable Thematic indices
fin.中证香港内地国有企业指数CSI HK State-owned Mainland Enterprises
fin.中证香港内地民营企业指数CSI HK Private-owned Mainland Enterprises Index
fin.中证香港内地股指数CSI HK Mainland Index
org.name., securit.中证香港100指数全收益CSI 100 HK Index total Return
fin.中证香港红利指数CSI HK Dividend Index
fin.中证龙头企业指数CSI Industry Top Index
avia.中距指点标middle marker
avia.中距指点标无线电导航台compass locator at middle marker
interntl.trade.中间优惠指标intermediate preference targets
busin.中间优惠指标intermediate preference target
earth.sc.中间层环流指数mesospheric circulation index
tech.中间指令meta instruction
avia.〔客〕中间指点标middle marker
avia.中频全向指向标MF omnirange
mil., air.def.主指挥中心master direction center
proj.manag.举例来说、在您的通信软件中的协议将指定接收设备怎样承认发送设备The protocol in your communications software, for example, will specify how receiver devices will acknowledge sending devices
tech.事故指挥中心emergency command center
mil., air.def.人工指挥中心manual direction center
gen.从某人的指缝中溜掉slip through sb.'s fingers
gen.从某人的指缝中溜掉slip between sb.'s fingers
commer.企业指导中心enterprise directing center
gen.低频-中频指点标low frequency/medium frequency marker
manag.体育指挥中心sport command centre
USA, space作战[战术]指挥中心Tactical Command Center
avia.作战指挥中心combat operation center
avia.作战空中指combat air command
proj.manag.使用卸载实用程序、您可以卸载数据库、并将一组数据文件放在指定的目录中With the unload utility, you can unload a database and put a set of data files in a named directory
avia.信息与指挥中心information and direction center
avia.先进战术空军中央指挥部advanced tactical air command central
avia.先进的空中指挥所advanced airborne command post
avia.全国军事指挥中心National Military Command Center (美国)
gen.全国军事指挥中心National Military Command Center
gen.全国军事指挥系统支援中心National Military Command System Support Center
avia.全国机载指挥中心national airborne operations center
avia.全球国家空中指挥所worldwide airborne national command post
avia.全球国家级空中指挥所worldwide airborne national command post
USA, space全球空中指挥所系统worldwide airborne command post system
econ.公司年度报告指出,该公司已从节约开支措施中获益The company's annual report said it had benefit from its cost saving measures
interntl.trade.公司清理程序中财产管理人所指定的特任管理人liquidation: special manager
UN关于中美洲和加勒比可持续森林管理的标准和指标专家会议Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Central America and the Caribbean
consult.关于工程服务中独立咨询工程师的使用和报酬的指南guide to the use and remuneration of independent consultants for engineering service
UN关于蓄意把转基因生物释放到环境中的指令Directive on the Deliberate Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms
surg.再造中指middle finger reconstruction
gen.军事飞行区域集共同military common area control
UN, polit.农村中心规划指导方针Guidelines for Rural Centre Planning
expl.凿石中的岩石质量指数rock quality index in drilling
el.分区指挥中心sector command center
UN, police刑事司法系统中儿童问题行动指南Guidelines for Action on Children in the Criminal Justice System
gen.前线指挥中心forward direction centre
el.北美防空司令部作战指挥中心NORAD Combat Operations Center
avia.北美防空联合司令部作战指挥中心美国、加拿大North American Air Defense Combat Operations Center
anim.husb.双亲中值指数mid-parent index
avia.反潜战中心指挥与控制系统antisubmarine warfare centers command and control system
mil., air.def.反潜战中心指挥控制系统antisubmarine warfare center command control system
busin.发展中国家投资行动指南guidelines for investment activities in developing countries
tech.可屏蔽中断指令maskable interrupt
USA, space可配置航天指挥中心con figurable aerospace command center
avia.可重用综合指挥中心reusable integrated command center
tech.台风中心气压指数central pressure index
mil., air.def.合成天线阵雷达指令制导空中发射导弹synthetic array radar command air launched missile
proj.manag.同店销售额指过去至少一年中开得店面的销售额、 它是反映零售商健康状况的重要指标Same-store sales are sales at stores open at least a year and are considered a key indicator of a retailer's health
avia.国家先进空中指挥所advanced airborne national command post
USA, space国家军事指挥中心National Military Command Center
mil., air.def.国家军事指挥中心national command center
USA, space国家军事指挥系统支援中心National Military Command System Support Center
USA, space国家军事联合指挥中心National Military Joint Command Center
met.比利时国家冶金研究中心法还原指数Centre National de Recherches Metallurgiques index
met.比利时国家冶金研究中心还原指数C.N. RM. index
UN国家气象、水文机构在执行21世纪议程和气候变化框架公约中的作用的指导方针Guidelines on the Role of National Meteorologies and Hydrological Services in the Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Framework Convention on Climate Change
avia.国家空中指挥所airborne national command post
avia.国家紧急空中指挥所national emergency airborne command post (美国)
IMF.《国际金融统计中的货币与银行统计指南》A Guide to Money and Banking Statistics in International Financial Statistics
econ.在任何取消抵押品赎回权的诉讼中,本抵押单持有人将有权指派一名清算人The holder of the mortgage, in any action to foreclose it, shall have the right to appoint a receiver
avia.在指定构型中的失速速度stalling speed obtained in a specified configuration (而不是 Vₛ₁或V ₛₒ,即分别为此构型和在起落架与襟翼都放下时的失速表速)
China, law在近亲属中指appoint a guardian from among one's near relatives
earth.sc.地中海〔天气环流〕振荡指数mediterranean oscillation index
avia.地区指挥中心sector command centre
gen.地面指挥截击中队ground control intercept squadron
tech.声呐攻击指挥中心sonar attack center
USA, space备用国家军事指挥中心alternate national military command center
avia.备用指令和控制中心alternate command and control center
avia.备用指挥作战中心backup command operations center
avia.备用指挥作战中心alternative command operations centre
avia.备用指挥和控制中心alternate command and control center
avia.备用指挥和管制中心alternate command and control center
el.备用指挥控制中心alternate command and control center
el.大功率中断指标bulk power interruption index
securit.大摩MSCI中国外资自由投资指数MSCI China Free Index
manag.太空指挥中心space centre
earth.sc.太阳黑子指数资料中心Sunspot Index Data Centre
sport.奥运会安全指挥中心Olympic Security Command
org.name., securit.富时中国600指数FTSE China 600 Index
fin.富时中型企业250指数FTSE Mid 250 Index
securit.富时中型250指数FTSE Nid 250 index
org.name., securit.富时/新华中国25指数FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index
avia.对实施中工装指令的笔改ink changing of active tool order
mil., air.def.导弹预警指挥中心missile warning command center
avia.射击指挥中心fire detection center
UN, polit.小岛屿发展中国家脆弱程度指数vulnerability index for small island developing States
construct.工程指永久工程和 临时工程,或视情况 指其中之一works mean the permanent works and the temporary works, or either of them as appropriate
securit.并购分析中的快速定价指标shorthand valuation ratios used in M&A analysis
proj.manag.微处理器将在每一个指令末尾检查有无中断A microprocessor will check for interrupts at the end of every instruction
gen.必胜客经理说,他正要把钱放在夜间存款箱子里的时候,那个持枪歹徒从黑暗中闪出,用手枪指着他,抢走了银行帆布袋A manager of Pizza Hut said, when he was about to drop the money in a night depository, the gunman stepped out of the shadows, pointed a pistol at him and grabbed the canvas bank pouch
tech.快中子指数实验装置fast exponential experiment
gen.总指挥中心Master Direction Center
Hong.Kong.恒生 50中型股指数Hang Seng Midcap 50 Index
Hong.Kong.恒生中国企业指数Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
securit.恒生中国企业指数Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
Hong.Kong.恒生中国企业指数期货Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures (H股指数期货)
securit.恒生中国企业指数期货Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures
Hong.Kong.恒生中国内地流通指数Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index
securit.恒生中国内地流通指数Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index
Hong.Kong.恒生中国内地综合指数Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
securit.恒生中国内地综合指数Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
Hong.Kong.恒生中国H股金融行业指数Hang Seng China H-Financials Index
securit.恒生中型股指数Hang Seng Midcap Index
securit.恒生50中型股指数Hang Seng Midcap 50 Index
securit.恒生中型股指数成分股Hang Seng Midcap Index Constituent stock
Hong.Kong.恒生中资企业指数Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporations
securit.恒生中资企业指数期货Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporations Index futures
securit.恒生中资企业指数期权Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporations Index options
securit.恒生新50中型股指数New Hang Seng MidCap 50 Index
Hong.Kong.恒生香港中型股指数Hang Seng HK MidCap Index
org.name., securit.恒生香港中型股指数Hang Seng HK Mid Cap Index
securit.恒生香港中型股指数Hang Seng HK MidCap Index
org.name., securit.恒生香港中资企业指数Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index
Hong.Kong.恒生香港中资企业指数中资企业指数Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index
Hong.Kong.恒生香港中资企业指数期权中资企业指数指数期权Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index Options
mil., air.def.情报与指挥中information and direction center
gen.战斗机指挥中心fighter control centre
avia.战斗空军指令和控制中心combat air command and control center
avia.战术指挥控制中心tactical control center
avia.战术空中指挥作战中心tactical air control center operations
avia.战术空中指挥控制专家tactical air command and control specialist
avia.战术空中指挥控制系统tactical air command control system
mil., air.def.战术空中指挥系统tactical air command system
avia.战术空军指导中心tactical air direction center
USA, space战术空军指挥中心Tactical Air Command Center
gen.战术空军指挥中心tactical air direction center
avia.战术航空兵指挥中心tactical air command center
el.截击导弹指挥中心interceptor missile direction center
avia.截击导弹指挥中心interceptor missile direction centre
gen.民防扇形战区作战指挥中心sector operations centre
manag.技术指挥中心Technology Command Centre
econ.技术指挥中心Technical Command Center
construct.技术规范中指级配specified grading
commer.技术规范中指定的级配specified grading
gen.把矛头集中指zero (in,on)
USA, space拦截导弹指挥中心Interceptor Missile Direction Center
avia., inf.指一种型别飞机中质量或飞行品质最差的一架dog
el.指令会话中断command session abort
el.指令会话异常中止command session abort
el.指令控制中心command control center
tech.指令控制中心command control centre
fin.指定的人民币离岸交易中心designated offshore centre for the Chinese currency
el.Novell 指定的教育中心Novell authorized education center
avia.指挥与控制中心command and control center
navig.指挥中心command center
tech.指挥中心control centre
el.指挥中心处理和显示系统更新command center processing and display system replacement
mil., air.def.指挥中心处理显示系统command center processing display system
el.指挥作战中心command operations center
el.指挥信息中心command information center
mil., air.def.指挥和综合中心command and integration center
el.指挥席中继线order wire position trunk
el.指挥报告中心command and reporting center
mil., air.def.指挥控制中心command control center
USA, space指挥控制作战中心Command Control Operations Center
el.指挥、控制和通信中心command, control and communications center
gen.指挥监视中心Control and Reporting Centre
mining.指挥、通信、控制中心command, communication, control cente
mil., air.def.指挥、通信、控制中心command, communication, control center
securit.指数化中的最小方差法variance minimization approach to indexing
econ.指望中的in expectation
tech.指缝中挤出泥炭squeezing peat out of soil
tech.指鏠中挤出清水squeezing clear water out of soil
org.name., securit.摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数Morgan Stanley Capital International MSCI China Index
securit.摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数Morgan Stanley Capital International MSCIChina Index
gen.救生指挥中心Rescue Control Center
fin.新华富时中国 25指数期货及期权合约FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index futures and options contracts
fin.新华富时中国25指数FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index
securit.新华富时中国25指数期权FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index Options
securit.新华富时中国25指数期货FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index Futures
securit.新恒生50中型股股指new Hang Seng midcap 50 index
fin.新恒生香港中型股50指数New Hang Seng MidCap 50 Index
proj.manag.无法创建快捷方式。请创建一个项目、然后将指向此文件的快捷方式插入到该项目的文本框中Can't create the shortcut. Create an item, and then insert the shortcut to the file into the text box of the item
earth.sc.时空域内的中值指示克里格median indicator kriging in temporal-spatial domain
tech.曲线方程中的指数degree of curvature
avia.未击中距离指示器miss distance indicator
gen.机场指挥中心Airport Operation Center
fin.标准普尔/香港交易所中型股25指数S & P/HKEx MidCap 25
securit.标普中型股400指数S&P Midcap 400 index
fin.标普中盘股 400指数S & P MidCap 400 Index
el.模拟指挥引导中心simulated direction center
earth.sc.欧洲空间操作中心降水指数ESOC precipitation index
sport.比赛中场外指导advice to player during play
avia.求援指挥/协调中心rescue control/coordination center
fin.汇丰中国制造业采购经理人指数HSBC China Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (由汇丰与英国研究公司 Markit Group Ltd. 共同编制,通常于每月第一个工作日发布。如果 PMI 高于50,表示制造业活动处于总体扩张趋势,低于50则反映制造业出现萎缩)
USA, space海军指挥控制和海洋监视中心Naval Command, Control, and Ocean Surveillance Center
USA, space海军部队指挥中心Naval Force Command Center
ecol.消防指挥中心fire command center
environ.消防机灭火飞机中指挥官air tanker boss
securit.深圳证券交易所中小企业综合指数SZSE SME Composite Index
interntl.trade.清理程序中的债权人指定检查委员会liquidation: committee of inspection
econ.清理程序中的债权人指定检査委员会liquidation committee of inspection
org.name., securit.澳交所中型股250指数ASX Mid 250
gen.炮火射击指挥中心fire direction centre
expl.炸药与岩体的关系被认为是单位炸药消耗量、爆破人员可用来作为确定岩体中炸药分布的总指标The relationship between the explosive and the rock mass is known as the powder factor and can be used by the blaster as a general guideline for determining explosive distribution in the rock mass
mil., air.def.电子对抗系统指挥中心electronic countermeasure system command center
avia.目标搜索、指定和空中侦察target acquisition, designation and aerial reconnaissance
mil., air.def.直升机指挥中心helicopter direction center
tech.离中趋势指数index of dispersion
avia.中指令和参谋学院air command and staff college
avia.中指挥中心airborne command center
gen.中指挥中心Air Operation Center
avia.中指挥员airborne commander
avia.中指挥和控制系统air command and control system
avia.中指挥控制与通信airborne command, control & communications
avia.中指挥系统airborne command system
tech.空中交通指挥air traffic control
gen.空中交通指挥〔系统〕air traffic control
gen.空中交通指挥信号系统air traffic control signal system
mil., air.def.空中交通指挥雷达air traffic radar
gen.空中交通指挥雷达射束air traffic control radar beam
avia.空中交通管制区指挥员air control area commander
avia.空中交通管制指令中心air traffic control command center
avia.空中交通管制指定空域air traffic control assigned airspace
avia.center空中交通管制系统指挥中心air traffic control system command (是空中交通管制系统的策略操作部门,由4个业务部门组成:中央流量管理部门“CFCF”,中央高度预留部门“ CARF ”,机场预留办公室“ARO”及空中交通管制意外事故指挥站。中央流量管理部门负责在系统的基础上协调和批准各中心间的流量控制限制,以确保实现管制空域的最大使用效率。中央高度预留部门负责协调、规划和批准特殊用户根据高度预留“ALRT”概念提出的各种请求。机场预留办公室负责高频使用机场在指定时间段内的仪表飞行规则“IFR”飞行的批准工作。空中交通管制意外事故指挥站是一个功能类似于美国联邦航空局“FAA ”的管理部门,在空管系统的某些重要功能部门失去工作能力或受到威胁时负责管理整个空中交通管制系统)
avia.空中交通管制系统指挥中心air traffic control ATC system command center
mil., air.def.空中任务指令air tasking order
avia.空中任务指令air task tasking order
geol.空中位置指示器air-position indicator
avia.空中发射的合成天线阵雷达指令导弹synthetic array radar command air launch missile
avia.空中国家指挥所airborne national command post
avia.空中/地面指示系统air/ground indication system
avia.〔客〕空中客车公司指令Airbus directive
avia.〔客〕空中客车公司指令和程序Airbus directive and procedure
avia.〔客〕空中客车公司质量指令airbus industries quality instruction
avia.〔客〕空中客车公司通用指南airbus general guide
avia.空中客车指令Airbus directive
avia.空中导航复式指示器air navigation multiple indicator
avia.空中战斗指令air order of battle
gen.空中截击指挥air control of interception
avia.空中接近警告指示器airborne proximity warning indicator
avia.空中支援指令air support command
tech.空中继线指示灯idle trunk lamp
avia.空中防御炮兵指挥所air defence artillery command post
mil., air.def.空中预警与指挥飞机airborne early warning and control aircraft
avia.空军作战指挥中心air operations center
mil., air.def.空军指挥与控制发展中心air force command and control development center
avia.空军指挥中心air command center
USA, space空军指挥控制、情报、侦察与监视中心Air Force Command and Control, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center
avia.空战指挥和控制中心airborne battlefield command and control center
gen.空球指拝中心flight operations center
manag.竞赛指挥中心Sport Command Centre
avia.联合作战指挥中心joint combat operations center
mil., air.def.联合指挥与控制战中心joint command and control warfare center
mil., air.def.联合机载通信中心与指挥所joint airborne communication center/command post
avia.联合空中通信中心指挥所joint airborne communications center command post
USA, space联合部队空军指挥中心Joint Force Air Command Center
securit.股 MSCI 中国指数基金iShares MSCI China Tracker i
securit.i股新华富时A50中国指数基金iShares FTSE/Xinhua A50 China Tracker
avia.航向中指点标locator middle marker
avia.航向信标中指点信标台localizer middle marker
USA, space航天[空间]指挥中心Space Command Center
mil., air.def.航天防御指挥中心space defense operations center
gen.航空大队指挥中心group control center
gen.舰队作战指挥中心美国太平洋舰队所属的Fleet Operations Control Center
proj.manag.苹果电脑中的错误指示图标Sad Mac
earth.sc.跟踪指挥中心Tracking and Command Center
met.输入-输出中断指示器input/ output interrupt indicator
gen.〔飞机〕进场雷达指挥中心radar approach control (centre)
mil., air.def.通信指挥作业中心communication command operation center
org.name., securit.道・琼斯第一财经中国600种股票指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Index
fin.道•琼斯中国指数Dow Jones China Broad Market Index
fin.道•琼斯中国88指数Dow Jones China 88 Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600个人和家庭用品行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Personal & Househould Goods Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600公用事业行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Utilities Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600化工制品行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Chemicals Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600卫生保健行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Health Care Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600基础资源行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Basic Resources Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600工业用品和服务行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Industrial Goods & Services Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600建筑和材料行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Construction & Materials Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600旅游和休闲行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Travel & Leisure Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600汽车和零件行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Automobiles & Parts Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600石油和天然气行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Oil & Gas Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600科技行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Technology Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600金融行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Financials Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600零售行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Retail Blue-Chip Index
fin.道•琼斯第一财经中国600食品和饮料行业领先指数Dow Jones CBN China 600 Food & Beverage Blue-Chip Index
busin.遗嘱中指定的执行者executor nominate
earth.sc.遥测跟踪和指令中心Telemetry, Tracking and Command Centre
securit.金融时报中型250指数FTSE Nid 250 index
tech.铁路运输中间的投入价格指数rate index of intermediate input in railway transport
tech.铁道部运输指挥中心Ministry of Railways Traffic Management Center
mil., air.def.防空作战指挥中心antiaircraft operations center
mil., air.def.防空指挥中心antiaircraft director center
avia.防空指挥中心air defense control center
avia.〔英〕防空指挥中心air defense direction center
avia.防空指挥中心air defence direction center
mil., air.def.防空指挥、协调和通信中心anti-aircraft command correspond and communication
gen.防空指揺中心Air Defense Control Center
UN, account.附有指示性资源的4年期滚动战略中期计划rolling MTP with indicative resources, strategic four-year
econ.除非我方从你方复电中得到必要的指示,否则你方订货将赶不上这班轮船Unless we get necessary instructions by return of cable, your order will miss the steamer
tech.中指centralized direction
math.中指delta-index of Gini
math.中指δ-index of Gini
math.中指index of concentration
tech.中指concentration index
ecol.集中化指数index of centralisation
tech.集中式指令系统centralized dictation system
tech.集中荷载指数point loading index
stat.集中趋势指标measure of central tendency
econ.集中趋势指示measures of central tendency
expl.集中载荷强度或指数在现场或试验室测定近似抗压强度的一种方法,以MPa 为单位。集中载荷径向施加于岩心之上。破碎岩石所需之力F和载荷点之间的长度 L〈L = d,为岩心直径〉决定着集中载荷指数 Iₛ,Iₛ = F/d²。试验规程已由 ISRM〈国际岩石力学学会〉于1985年描述point load strength or index
securit.集中限价指令gather in the stops
tech.非可中断指令non-interruptable instruction
gen.预警及指挥雷达飞机中队airborne early warning and control squadron
gen.飞行指挥中心flight control centre
org.name.食品和包装材料中氯乙烯单体和丙烯腈的 指导水平Guideline Levels for Vinyl Chloride Monomer and Acrylonitrile in Food and Packaging Material
fin.高盛中国活动指数Goldman Sachs China Activity index
mil., air.def.高级空中指挥机构advanced airborne national command post
gen.高级空中国家指挥站Advanced Air Borne National Command Post
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