
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
一排的桩数number of piles in one row
一群的桩排数number of rows of piles in one group
值粒径medium diameter
值粒径median diameter
华人民共和国P. R. C.
华人民共和国铁路标准列车活载Standard Railway Train Live Load Specified by The People's Republic of China
华人民共和国铁道部The Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China
华人民共和国铁道部标准Standards of Ministry of Railways of P. R. C.
压缩性medium compressibility
国主要城市气候表list of Chinese major city climate
国主要桥梁List of Chinese Major Bridges
国公路桥梁工程公司China Road and Bridge Engineering Company
国公路运输学会China Highway and Transportation Society
国力学学会Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
国土木工程学会China Society of Civil Engineering
国土木工程期刊Chinese Journal of Civil Engineering
国地震烈度Chinese seismic degree
国工业标准Chinese Industrial Standards
国柱研究委员会Column Research Committee of China
国科学院The Academy of Sciences of China
国结构稳定研究委员会China structures stability research council
国计量单位制China Official System of Units
国钢结构学会China Society of Steel Construction
国钢结构学会China Society of Steel Structures
国钢结构标准技术委员会China Technical Committee for Standards of Steel Structures
国铁道学会China Institute of Railways
国铁道学会Chinese Railway Society
国铁道工程学会China Railway Engineering Society
国铁道科学院Academy of Railways of China
国铁道科学院China Academy of Railway Sciences
intermediate pier
外合资经营企业Chinese foreign joint business
央分隔带median separator
央分隔带center strip
央分隔带median divider
央截面middle section
央粒径median diameter
央跨度intermediate span
央跨度centre span
央面middle surface
层桥面intermediate deck
平面middle plane
心值central value
心剖面center section
心加载柱centrally loaded column
心加载柱concentrically loaded column
心压缩central compression
心受力的墩centrally loaded pier
心受压central compression
心受压容许应力allowable axial compressive stress
心受压时混凝土的容许应力allowable stress of concrete in axially compressing
心受压杆centrally compressed member
心受压杆axially compressed bar
心受压杆件centrally compressed member
心受压杆件centrally loaded compressive member
心受压杆件轴向容许应力的折减系数reduction factor of axial allowable stress of central compressive member
心受压柱的稳定性stability of axially loaded column
心受压桩的稳定性stability of axially loaded pile
心受压组合杆centrally compressed built-up member
心受压组合杆件axial compressive combined member
心受压腹杆centrally compressed web member
心受拉central stretch
心受拉central tension
心孔centre hole
心对称central symmetry
心岛central island
心支承平旋桥center bearing swing bridge
心点central point
心管节central section of tube
心管节central section of pipe
心线line of centres
心至中心的距离center-to-center distance
心荷载concentric loading
心荷载center load
心距spacing of centers
心距distance between centers
心跨度central span
心轴central axis
心轴向加载concentric axial loading
性轴位置position of neutral axis
性轴至受压翼缘内侧的距离的两倍twice the distance from the neutral axis to the inside face of the compression flange
性轴至受压翼缘的净距clear distance from neutral axis to compression flange
性面neutral surface
截面intermediate section
承式桥half-through bridge
承式桥梁half-through bridge
承式桥面half-through deck
承式桥面intermediate deck
承桥面half-through deck
文名Chinese name
断级配gap grading
新统Miocene series
桁架的middle post (of truss)
柱及侧墙的根部剪应力shear stress of bases of intermediate column and side wall
标者successful tender
medium bridge
center stake
横隔板intermediate diaphragm
活载standard railway live load specified by P. R. C. (P. R. C. The People's Republic of China)
活载图diagram of standard railway live load specified by P. R.C
mid stream
middle reaches of a river
central point
砾石cobble gravel
砾石medium gravel
砾石cobble st one
砾石cobble boulder
穿桥midheight deck bridge
穿桥bridge with floor at its middepth
穿桥half through bridge
等土medium soil
等地震moderate earthquake
等地震运动moderate earthquake motion
等密度medium intensity
等尺寸medium dimension
等开裂moderate crack
等温度moderate temperature
等跨median span
等跨medium span
等配筋结构medium reinforced structure
粗砂medium coarse sand
-24 级C-24 live loading
级路面intermediate-type pavement
线桩center line stake
线测量centre-line surveying
至中距离centre to centre distance
至中间距centre to centre spacing
intermediate sight
误差standard deviation
medium span
intermediate span
间三分之一部分middle third part of section
间三分之一部分mid-third portion
间位置mid position
间加劲杆intermediate stiffener
间加劲肋intermediate stiffener
间层intermediate course
间带central strip
间支座intermediate bearing
间支承intermediate support
间支承intermediate bearing
间断面联结系intermediate cross frame
间桥墩intermediate pier
间梁median girder
间梁median beam
间横向加劲杆intermediate transverse stiffener
间横向联结系intermediate transverse bracing system
间横向联结系intermediate cross bracing system
间横联intermediate cross frame
间横隔板intermediate diaphragm
间点intermediate point
间立柱intermediate post
间竖向加劲肋intermediate vertical stiffener
间粒径median grain diameter
间裂缝intermediate cracking
间跨intermediate span
间跨弯矩midspan bending moment
间跨弯矩midspan moment
间车道middle lane
间门架intermediate sway bracing
间隔板intermediate diaphragm
隔板middle diaphragm
middle term
主桁心距离centre to centre distance of main trusses
主桁心距离distance between centres of main trusses
主梁心线centre line of main beam
主梁心距centre to centre distance of main beams
二值的较低者lower of both values
二值的较大者greater of both values
二值的较小者lesser of both values
从规范取出的条文provisions extracted from specifications
作用于梁上的集concentrated force acting on beam
作用荷载的偏心对偏心平面对应截面尺寸之比ratio of eccentricity of applied load to corresponding section dimension in the plane of eccentricity
信息information centre
全部外力对基础底面心的总力矩total moment of all external forces about centre of base of foundation
剪切centre of shear
剪切shearing center
剪力centre of shear
剪力shear center
单位集荷载unit concentrated load
卵石土的基础foundation in gravel
压力pressure centre
压力翼缘的弯曲应力bending stress in compression flange
受弯杆最外纤维的压力compression in extreme fiber of member subjected to bending
受弯杆的腹板的斜拉应力diagonal tensile stress in web of bending member
受集力压缩compression by concentrated forces
受集荷载的压杆concentrically loaded compression member
固定fixed centre
soil moisture
土体应力stress in earth mass
城市city center
基础旋转rotation center of foundation
墩台心线centre-lines of pier and abutment
型建设项目large and medium-sized projects
定位线location centre line
定倾心高度metacentric height
实腹式、小跨度石拱桥solid spandrel stone arch for medium and minor span
实验experimental center
寒冷气候浇灌混凝土cold weather concreting
性轴的面积矩moment of area with respect to neutral axis
对称symmetrical centre
局部作用的集荷载locally applied concentrated load
应力心距distance between centres of tension stress and compression stress
应力集系数factor of stress concentration
建设的桥bridge under construction
弯曲centre of flexure
弹性心法elastic centre method
总荷载恒载所占比例的影响系数influence coefficient considering proportion of dead load to total load
扭转centre of torsion
扭转torsion centre
扭转twist centre
承受心荷载的桩centrally loaded pile
技术technical centre
心线centreline of arch
心线arch centre-line
拱圈心轨迹线locus of centres of arch ring
拱圈的心角included angle of arch
按第n条条文方程确定的应力stress as determined by equation of Article n
振动centre of oscillation
振动centre of vibration
摆动centre of oscillation
撞击centre of percussion
整个截面的钢筋数reinforcement contribution in full section
施工的桥梁constructing bridge in progress
旋转turning centre
暴雨rainstorm centre
暴露于海水的混凝土concrete exposed to sea water
暴露于海水的结构structure exposed to sea water
暴露于碱性土的混凝土concrete exposed to alkali soil
暴露于碱性土的结构structure exposed to alkali soil
暴露于空气的混凝土concrete exposed to weather
最大拉力区挠曲拉力钢筋flexural tension rein forcement in the zone of maximum tension
杆件心线centre-line of member
栏式央分隔带barrier centerline stripe
桥址线centre-line of bridge site
桥梁填充混凝土的管结构pipe structure with infilled concrete in bridge
桥梁央跨centre-span of bridge
桥梁心线距离distance between centre-lines of bridges
桥梁线centre-line of bridge
桥梁轴线central axis of bridge
桥面心线centre-line of deck
桩的心距spacing between centres of pile
桩群荷载的分配distribution of load in pile group
应力stress in beam
水平剪力horizontal shear in beam
梁腹板的剪力shear in girder web
梁部分长度全由混凝土承受的容许主拉应力allowable principal tension stress borne by concrete on partial length of beam
梁高心线centre-line of depth of girder
梁高心线centre-line of height of beam
横截面心线cross-sectional centerline
比例mean proportional
毛截面对性轴的面积矩moment of area of gross cross-section with respect to neutral axis
养护curing in water
养护water curing
水平线horizontal centre line
没有间缀板的杆件member without intermediate batten plate
混凝土不曝露在空气或不与地面接触concrete which not exposed to air or not contacted with ground
潮汐的基础foundation in tide water
瞬时instant centre
瞬时instantaneous centre
瞬时转动instantaneous center rotation
矩形截面梁由于集的力产生的弯曲bending of beam of rectangular cross section by concentrated force
研究research centre
稳定心高度metacentric height
三角测量aero triangulation
三角测量aerial triangulation
吊索架设法erection by working cable
摄制地图photo map
索道aerial cableway
送丝法air spinning process
等效集系统equivalent lumped system
线路心线centre line of railway
线路心线centre line of track
线路心至人行道栏杆内侧的净距clear distance from centre-line of track to hand-rail of sidewalk
线路线centre line of track
线路线处自涵洞流水槽面至轨底的高度height from surface of flow channel of culvert to bottom of rail at centre-line of track
节点center of node
节点center of nodal point
螺栓心至构件边缘距离distance from centre of bolt to edge of member
表1所给的系数coefficient given by Table 1
表1所给的系数coefficient given in Table 1
规范所规定的公式formula specified in specifications
规范提供的方法method provided in specifications
计划的桥bridge under consideration
计算用的系数factors for use in calculation
计算机computation center
调整对lining up
质量mass centroid
质量心轴centroidal axis
span middle
middle of span
合拢junction at midspan
垂度sag of middle of span
弯矩mid-span moment
断面cross-section of middle of span
路基心线centre line of subgrade
车行道心线central line of carriageway
车轮集荷载wheel concentration load
轨道track centre
轨道心线track centre line
转动centre of rotation
转向架旋转rotating center of bogie
运输拌和mixing in-transit
的值modest value
道碴桥面大、、小桥major, medium and minor bridge with ballasted floor
部分埋于土的桩pile partially embedded in soil
铁路 心距distance between centre-lines of tracks
铆钉心至构件边缘的距离distance form center of rivet to edge of member
铆钉心距centre distance of rivets
冲刷local erosion
冲刷concentrated scouring
加载concentrically loading
应力concentrated stress
荷载concentric load
质量localized mass
质量lump mass
质量振动系统lumped mass system of vibration
轴重concentrative load of axle
轴重concentrative weight of axle
轴重concentrative axle weight
seismic centre
earthquake epicentre
烈度epicentral intensity
distance from epicentre
epicentral distance
心力noncentral force
面积的心惯性矩central moment of inertia of area