
Terms for subject Air defense containing | all forms
东部太空和导弹eastern space and missile center
功率放大器middle power amplifier
国电子科技集团公司China Electronic Technology Company
地球轨道medium-Earth Orbit
型地面站medium ground station module
央处理器单兀central processing unit
央处理站center process station
央情报局central intelligence agency
央指挥与控制系统central command control system
央数据终端central data terminal
央无线电电波传播实验室US central radio propagation laboratory
央自检系统central build-in test (equipment)
心处理分系统central processing subsystem
心处理单元central processing unit
心处理机central processor
心综合测试系统central integrated test system
性粒子束neutral-particle beam
数据率medium data rate
断时隙interrupt slot
断确认interrupt acknowledge
期延寿升级mid-life update
段弹道形成造型midcourse trajectory shaping
段空间试验midcourse space experiment
段航程引导midcourse guidance
段防御midcourse defense segment
气旋指直径 16 千米以下的旋风mesocyclone
波红外medium wave infrared
程增程防空系统medium extended air defense system
程声呐medium range sonar
程核力量intermediate-range nuclear forces
程防空导弹medium anti-aircraft missile
程雷达medium range radar
空目标middle altitude target
空长航时medium-altitude long-endurance
等容量自动化电信系统intermediate capacity automated telecommunication system
红外高级化学激光器mid-infrared advanced chemical laser
继扫描器trunk scanner
继无线电通信网trunk link network
继站intermediate station
继维护trunk maintenance
继设备trunk facility
继设备repeater facility
继连接网络relay contact network
脉冲重复频率测距medium-PRF ranging
远程导弹intermediate-long-range missile
速率数据data-medium rate data
间层散逸层-平流层-对流层mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere
间层散逸层-平流层-对流层雷达MST radar
"间层-平流层-对流层"气象雷达MST (radar)
频分集intermediate frequency diversity
频分集IF diversity
频定向medium frequency direction finding
频对消IF cancellation
频对消器intermediate frequency canceller
频放大器intermediate frequency amplifier'
频放大器增益intermediate frequency amplifier gain
频放大电子管intermediate frequency amplifier valve
频旁瓣对消器IF sidelobe canceller
频测向器medium-frequency direction finder
频测向机medium frequency direction finder
频滑环medium frequency slip-ring
频-甚高频测向站medium-and-very high frequency direction-finding station
频积累IF integration
频谐波干扰intermediate frequency harmonic interference
频锁相相参脉冲雷达intermediate frequency phase-locked coherent pulse radar
频、高频和甚高频测向medium, high and very high frequency direction-finding
高层大气探测middle and upper atmosphere exploration
高空侦察和监视medium-altitude reconnaissance and surveillance
、高频测向站medium and high frequency direction finding station
主指挥master direction center
主要空打击计划master air attack plan
人工指挥manual direction center
以网络为心企业维护netcentric enterprise services
休斯公司空间运输系统STS的 Ku 波段交会雷达与通信子系统IRACS
优良的杂波可见度superclutter visibility
传输transfer center
低空空图像接口low level air picture interface
低频与low frequency/medium frequency
作战情报combat operation intelligence center
信号情报/电子战协调signal intelligence/electronic warfare coordination center
信号电平median of signal level
信息处理intermediate processing center
信息战支援information warfare support center
信息技术获取information technology acquisition center
信息控制information control center
先进程空空导弹advanced medium-range air-to-air missile
全球网络作战global network operation center
军事战略战术通信系统military strategic and tactical relay system
军战术作战心支援分队corps tactical operations center support element
军用卫星跟踪army satellite tracking center
副载波副载频检波继系统subcarrier detection repeater system
动目标显示的地面活动目标ground moving targets in MTI
动目标显示雷达 I、Q 支路平衡I and Q balance in MTI radar
动目标显示雷达的盲速blind speed in MTI radar
动目标显示雷达的鸟类回波birds in MTI radar
区域作战控制regional operations control center
区域性信号情报运作regional SIGINT operation center
区域管制控制area control center
区域通信district communication center
区域通信area communications operations center
单信道地面与空无线电通信系统simple channel ground and air radio system
单工远距通信simplex remote communication center
单调谐频放大器single tuned intermediate frequency amplifier
dual IF
双基地雷达的脉冲追赶pulse chasing in bistatic radar
双调谐频放大器double-tuned intermediate frequency amplifier
反潜战心指挥控制系统antisubmarine warfare center command control system
发达的空和太空全球激光器交战evolutionary air and space global laser engagement
司令部情报资料command information center
各信息处理心联合委员会inter-center council of information processing
各信息技术保密心联合委员会inter-center council on information technology security
合成天线阵雷达指令制导空发射导弹synthetic array radar command air launched missile
合成空作战中心combined air operation center
同步继卫星synchronized relay satellite
同步稳定转播传送synchronous stable relaying
hit probability
和平时期空侦察计划peacetime aerial reconnaissance program
回路威胁信号处理threat signal processing in-the-loop
因特网号码美国注册American Registry for Internet numbers
因特网网络操作Internet network operation center
国家信息保密评定national information security assessment center
国家军事指挥national command center
国家气象研究national center for atmospheric research
国家航空和航天管理局马歇尔航天NASA Marshall space flight center
国防作战心系统defense operation center complex
国防电子器材供应defense electronic supply center
国防通信工程defense communication engineering center
国防通信控制defense communication control center
国防通信系统作业defense communications system operation center
国际international change relay
图像频变压器vision intermediate-frequency transformer
图像频放大器vision intermediate-frequency amplifier
地基段防御ground based midcourse defense (GMD)
地基段防御ground-based midcourse defense
地面与空任务导向雷达ground/air task oriented radar
地面控制截击/防空ground control intercept/air defense center
声呐情报sonar information center
多信道通信multi-channel communication control center
多信道通信multi-channel communication center
宇宙空间维修重建aerospace maintenance and regeneration center
定位分析的雅可比行列式Jacobian in location analysis
定向directive relay
定向距离directional distance relay
宽带频放大器broad band intermediate frequency amplifier
宽频带继网络broad band relay network
对空监视心雷达center air surveillance radar
导弹missile middle repair
导弹missile medium repair
导弹心线missile center line
导弹制导数据采样工作sampled data operation in missile guidance
导弹制导的目标照射target illumination in missile guidance
导弹发展missile development center
导弹命missile impact point
导弹命精度missile hit accuracy
导弹气动missile pneumatic center
导弹测试的"圆整木"思想概念wooden-round concept in missile testing
导弹鉴定missile evaluation squadron
导弹防御数据missile defense data center
导弹集攻击missile concentrated attack
导弹预警指挥missile warning command center
射频频增量RF/IF delta
射频干扰空侦察RF interference air reconnaissance
师通信division communication center
干扰可见度sub-jamming visibility
并行频相干积累parallel-IF coherent integration
应急作战emergency operation center
微波继通信线路microwave radio relay link
情报intelligence center
情报information cent
情报心与学校intelligence center and school
情报信息分析information analysis center
情报与指挥information and direction center
情报警报intelligence warning center
情报资料intelligence information center
战场情报battlefield information center
战场情报与协调battlefield information and cooperation center
战斗情报combat intelligence center
战斗情报心军官combat information center officer
战斗防御情报分析battle-defense information analysis center
战术电子战tactical electronic warfare squadron
战术电子战队 XX 分遣队tactical electronic warfare squadron detachment
战术电子战训练tactical electronic warfare training squadron
战术空侦察和电子战支援tactical air reconnaissance and electronic warfare support
战术空侦察和空中战场监视tactical air reconnaissance and aerial battlefield surveillance
战术空导航简称"塔康"tactical air navigation
战术空导航系统"塔康"系统tactical air navigation system
战术空指挥系统tactical air command system
截击控制intercept control center
扇形控制sector control center
指挥心处理显示系统command center processing display system
指挥和综合command and integration center
指挥控制command control center
指挥、通信、控制command, communication, control center
接收机高频端front end
控制与报告control and reporting center
敌、我、立识别identification friend, foe or neutral
数字频处理器digital IF processor
数字频存储器digital IF memory
数字频接收机digit intermediate frequency receiver
数字雷达digital radar relay
数字雷达继链digital radar relay link
数据央显示器data display central
数据作业控制data operation control complex
数据利用data utilization center
数据融合data fusion center
方位速搜索bearing moderate-speed scanning
方位平均雷达截面积averaged radar cross section medium of azimuth
心遥控电动机non-centering telemotor
无线电radio relay station
无线电继制中继系统radio relay system
无线电微波继线路radio microwave link
无线电空导航radio aeronavigation
时分制无线电继系统time division radio relay system
本地电子数据控制electronic data local control center
本地电子数据通信electronic data local communication center
机载频均时干扰相干雷达IF time averaged clutter coherent airborne radar
机载动目标显示雷达的平台运动platform motion in AMTI radar
机载无线电继站airborne radio relay
机载空防撞系统airborne collision avoidance system
杂波可见度sub-clutter visibility
杂波可见度subclutter visibility
frame relay
模拟式微波继系统analog microwave relay system
欧洲数据分析European Data Analysis Center
武器系统支援weapon support system center
天线submerged antenna
水平心调准horizontal centering alignment
水平对调整horizontal centering alignment
测高height finder central
海上作战maritime operation center
海军决策navy decision center
海军反情报naval counter intelligence center
海军情报处理系统支援naval intelligence processing system support activity
海军战术电子战navy tactical electronic warfare squadron
海军电信naval telecommunication center
海军电子攻击navy electronic attack squadron
海军科技情报naval scientific technical intelligence center
海军空系统司令部naval air systems command
海军空间控制naval space control center
海军通信naval communication center
海军陆战队用 S 波段空交通管制与着陆系统MATCALS
海军陆战队空交通管制与着陆系统marine air traffic control and landing system
海岸警戒雷达报告站reporting post, coastal medium
生存力与易损性信息分析survivability/vulnerability information analysis center
用天基雷达实施空交通管制air traffic control with SBR
电子作业electronic operation center
电子侦察electronic reconnaissance squadron
电子卫星图像分析electronic satellite image analysis center
电子安全electronic security squadron
电子对抗electronic countermeasure squadron
电子对抗electronics countermeasure squadron
电子对抗系统指挥electronic countermeasure system command center
电子情报electronics intelligence center
电子情报的非相干积累noncoherent integration in ELINT
电子战斗electronic combat squadron
电子数据传输通信electronic data transmission combination center
电子系统electronic systems center
电子资源控制electronic asset control center
皇家雷达研究royal radar establishment
目标跟踪target track central
直升机侦察helicopter reconnaissance squadron
直升机指挥helicopter direction center
直接命导弹direct hit missile
直接空支援中队direct aid support squadron
相控阵天线的量化效应quantization effects in phased arrays
移动心值shifting mean
交通告警与防撞系统traffic alert and collision avoidance system
交通指挥雷达air traffic radar
交通控制区air route traffic control area
交通控制雷达air traffic radar
交通管制air route traffic control
交通管制体系统air traffic control system
交通管制信标询问机air traffic control beacon interrogator
交通管制和信息air traffic control and information
交通管制系统air traffic control system
交通管制雷达分队air traffic control radar unit
交通自动控制计算机automatic air-traffic control computer
交通自动控制设备装置automatic air-traffic control device
交通识别air traffic identification
任务指令air tasking order
作战中心air operation center
侦察与警戒aerial reconnaissance and security
假目标false contact
动目标显示air moving target indication
发射击中并摧毁air launched hit-to-kill
发射导弹air fired/air launched missile
发射的反雷达导弹air launched anti-radar missile
噪声airborne noise
图像传输airborne imagery transmission
导航与作战控制air navigation and tactical control
应答器分系统airborne transponder subsystem
战斗与控制系统aerial combat and surveillance system
截击airborne intercept
截击控制共用频率air intercept control common frequency
截击雷达air intercept radar
搜索airborne search
摄影测量勘测aerial photographic surveying
支援作战air support operation
支援雷达air support radar
无人载体飞行器unmanned aerial vehicle
无线电领航学radio aeronavigation
格斗模式air combat model
测向仪air direction finder
环境air environment
电子战aerial electronic warfare
电子战斗airborne electronic combat
电子攻击airborne electronic attack
监视与目标捕捉系统aerial surveillance and target acquisition system
综合图像air integrated picture
行动总规则air mobility master plan
通信网络系统air communication network system
预警与指挥飞机airborne early warning and control aircraft
预警情报及控制网airborne early warning intelligence/ control net
E-3A空预警机载 S 波段预警和控制系统AN/APY-1 (AWACS)
机载预警雷达AEW radar
领航图aeronautical charting
空军全球网络空间集成global cyberspace integration center
空军密码支援air force cryptologic support center
空军指挥与控制发展air force command and control development center
空军空间控制air force space control center
空军通信Air Force Communication Center
空天作战air and space operation center
空袭报告与控制心临时信息系统北约interim ARRC information system NATO
空间探测和跟踪系统space detection and tracking system center
第一联合人员合成joint CREW composite squadron one
管制control center
精确空投放系统precision aerial delivery system
系统协调coordination center of the system
线性对数频放大器linear logarithmic intermediate-frequency amplifier
综合记录通信consolidated record communications center
网络心协同瞄准network-centric collaborative targeting
网络心战network center warfare
网络集成和试验network integration and experimentation center
美国无线电继同盟American Radio Relay League
美国无线电继同盟American Radio Relay League
美国欧洲司令部联合情报EUCOM joint intelligence center
美国空军战术空侦察中心united stats air force tactical reconnaissance center
美国空军通信USAF communication center
美国红石技术试验Redstone technical test center
美国陆军情报心与学校US army intelligence center and school
美国陆军通信电子司令部信号战US army CECOM center for signal warfare
联合作战情报combined operational intelligence center
联合信息作战joint information operation center
联合协调心信网joint coordination center communication network
联合多信道继和转换系统joint multichannel trunking and switching system
联合战区电子战控制combined theater electronic warfare control center
联合指挥与控制战joint command and control warfare center
联合机载通信心与指挥所joint airborne communication center/command post
联合电子战joint electronic welfare center
联合频谱joint spectrum center
脉冲压缩的泰勒加权Taylor weighting in pulse compression
脉冲多普勒雷达的副瓣旁瓣杂波sidelobe clutter in pulse Doppler radar
自动央告警automatic central alert
自动继技术automatic relay technology
自动数字网交换AUTODIN switching center
自动检测的目标分辨力target resolution in automatic detection
航天-地面无线电继分系统space-to-ground link subsystem
航天防御指挥space defense operations center
航空战术作战aviation tactical operation center
航空数据心计算机central air data computer
航空母舰情报carrier intelligence center
舰队信息战fleet information warfare center
舰队情报训练fleet intelligence training center
舰队海洋监视情报fleet ocean surveillance information center
舰队防空作战训练fleet anti-air warfare training center
试飞flight test squadron
贝塔微子对Beta neutrino pair
超视距微波继系统trans-horizon microwave relay system
距离distance relay
跟踪和数据继系统tracking and data relay system
跟踪数据track data central
飞机进场雷达控制radar approach control center
远程继系统remote relay system
远程空交通管制雷达long range air traffic control radar
远距通信remote communications central
连续检波对数continual detection logarithmic amplifier
通信与电子维修communications and electronics maintenance squadron
通信导航监视与空交通管制communication, navigation, surveillance/air traffic management
通信、导航、监视及空交通管制系统CNS/ATM Systems
通信指挥作业communication command operation center
通信状态控制communication status center
通信电子communication and electronics squadron
通信电子司令部信号战CECOM center for signal warfare
通信系统communications systems center
通用通信universal communication IF
重合相位心技术coincident phase center technique
长途通信telecommunication center
防空作战air defense operation center
防空作战antiaircraft operation center
防空作战指挥antiaircraft operations center
防空区与分区空作战中心region/sector air operations centers
防空指挥antiaircraft director center
防空指挥、协调和通信anti-aircraft command correspond and communication
单元增益element gain in an array
单元方向图element pattern in an array
陆军联合兵种combined arm center
陆军部通信department of the army communications center
限幅式频放大器limiting intermediate frequency amplifier
寄存器centralized register
通信量concentrated traffic
防空系统centralized air defense system
心准确度精度zero center accuracy
频信号zero intermediate frequency signal
频接收机zero intermediate frequency receiver
雷达radar center
雷达继线路情报线路radar link
雷达radar squadron
雷达前哨战斗空巡逻radar advance picket combat air patrol
雷达和空通信radar and air communication
雷达微波继转发器radar microwave link repeater
雷达情报radar information centre
雷达情报radar information center
雷达截面积radar cross section median
雷达标定弹着点radar bombing scoring center
雷达研究与发展radar research and development establishment
雷达空交通管制radar traffic control
雷达空交通管制radar air traffic control
雷达空交通管制中心radar air traffic control center
雷达网心站radar netting station
雷达鉴定radar evaluation squadron
雷达领航radar course-directing center
领示继方式pilot relaying
频率速搜索frequency moderate-speed-scanning
频率稳定性测量的短期问题short look problem in frequency stability measurement
频谱心接收frequency spectrum-center reception
频谱心接收电路spectrum center receive circuit
频谱心频率接收机spectrum center frequency receiver
飞机空互撞预警warning of air-to-air collision
飞行拦截器通信系统in-flight interceptor communication system
飞行拦截器通信系统inflight interceptor communications system
飞行情报flight information center
馈通可见度subfeed through visibility
驱逐舰声呐分析destroyer sonar analysis center
空防御high-to-medium-altitude defense
频接收机high IF receiver
频超外差式接收机high-intermediate-frequency receiver
高级空指挥机构advanced airborne national command post