
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
一图顶点vertex in a graph
一次击曲线single-hit curve
三环tricyclic stele (stelatricyclica)
三组型耙three section medium harrow
lower-middle peasant
染色体板集合non-congression (incongressio)
板集合染色体noncongressing chromosome
不稳定间产物labile intermediate product
不精确imprecise interrupt
专性间寄生obligatory intermediate host
世界天气World Weather Center
两分布bicentric (bicentricus)
上层鱼类种群pelagic fish population
上层鱼类资源量abundance of pelagic fishes
central hair
乌头碱mesaconitine (C₃₃H₄₅NO₁₁)
休眠期mittel ruhe
median deviation
位刈割指割草在牧草的中间部位medium level cutting
位子房semisuperior ovary (ovarium semisuperius)
位子房ovary semisuperior (ovarium semisuperum)
分不等叶式mediananisiophylly (mediananisiophyllia)
分子亚部分mesomolecular subfraction
分子的mesomolecular (mesomolecularis)
分生组织mesomeristem (mesistema)
分生组织mesistem (mesistema)
刈整枝medium-cut training
传统traditional Chinese medicine
午蒸腾作用midday transpiration
午降低midday depression
夏干化稻田drying paddy field in midsummer
夏播种mid-summer seeding
多度median abundance
字头 centro-
央丝状体central filament
央主枝central leader (ramus primarius centralis)
央体corpus centrale
央作垄犁体center ridger body
央光挡显技central stop
央分禾器center divider
央劈开median chorisis (chorisis medianus)
央加热central heating
央化学感受器central chemoreceptor
央区指中央着丝缢痕median region
央区midcontinental region
央区central region
央发火指处理废材central percussion
央壁median wall (paries medianus)
央对central pair
央小苞median bracteole (bracteola mediana)
央平行圈显技central parallel circle
央微纤维central microfibril
央快门显技central shutter
央悬挂农具centre-mounted accessories
央扫描环路central scanning loop
央拉杆control link
央拉杆compression link
央控制方式centre control
央操纵central control
央木arithmetic mean sampletree
央水稻研究所Central Rice Research Institute
央液泡central vacuole (vacuola centralis)
央的median (medianus)
树木央直径half-height diameter
央着丝median attachment
央着丝点median centromere
央组织区central tissue zone (zona tela centralis,解剖)
央细胞central cell (cellula centralis)
央细胞群central group
央缢痕median constriction
央胎座median placenta (placenta mediana)
央腔指胚乳,cubiculum centralecentral chamber
央腹臌的ventricose (ventricosus)
央行central row
央视觉central vision (visio centralis)
央计算机center computer
央试验农场central experiment farm
央资源功能central resource function
央轴丝central axial filament (filamenturn axiale centrale)
央输导束central bundle (fasculus centralis)
央面median plane (planas medianus)
央鞘central sheath (vagina centralis)
央驱动刈草机center drive motor mower
子剂量单位neutron dosimetry
子剂量单位unit n
子处理neutron treatment
子稳定法观察根系neutron moderation method
小企业medium and small sized enterprises
小企业发展development of medium and small enterprises
小型农业企业small and medium agricultural enterprise
尺度气候mesoclimate (mesocaelum)
尺度气候学mesoclimatology (mesoclimatologia)
middle zone
层嵌合体mesochimera (mesochimaera)
层延绳钓middle layer longline
层拖网middle layer trawl
层拖网meso-layer trawl
层流网midwater drift net
mesozone (mesozona)
常能见度能见度7〜 12千米moderate visibility
eutric (eutricus)
稳定neutral stability
性世代neutral gene ration (generatio neutralis)
性两性花同株agamonoecism (agamonoecismus)
性两性花同株的agamonoecious (agamonoecius)
性亚硫酸盐法木材防腐neutral sulfite process
性作物neutrophilous crop
性作物neutrophil (neutrophilus)
性作用neutral action
性化脂肪neutralized fat
性土neutral soil
性基因neutral gene (gena neutralis)
性多态性neutral polymorphism
性孢子neutral spore
性巴拿马树胶neutral balsam
性带neutral zone
性平面neutral plane
性态neutral state
性染色剂显技neutral stain
性植物neutrophilous plant (planta trophila)
性气团indifferent air mass
性溶剂neutral solvent
性环境neutral surroundings
性甲醛neutral formalin
性的eutrophic (eutrophus)
性盐neutral saline soil
性盐土neutral salt soil
性碱基neutral base
性福尔马林neutral formalin
性糖脂neutral glycolipid
性红染料显技neutral red (C₁₅H₁₆N₄HCl)
性结构土壤mesomorphic soil
性结构的mesomorphous (mesomorphus)
性结构的mesomorphic (mesomorphus)
性置换neutral substitution
性群体neutral population
性肥料neutral manure
性胶料brown size
性花sterile flower (flos sterilis)
性质点neutral particle
moderate susceptibility
成分肥料medium analysis fertilizer
星仪transit (transitus)
介于长期与短期之间的medium stand
期 IImetaphase II
期 Imetaphase I
介于长期与短期之间的medium standing
C-colchicine-blocked metaphase (C-metaphase)
天气预报medium-range forecast
期位置控制系统proportioning control system
期增组metareduplication (metareduplicatio)
期并合metaphase fusion
期抑制剂metaphase inhibitor
期抑制因子metaphase inhibitor
稻田期排干midseason drainage
期播种medium seeding
期时纺锤体spindle apparatus during metaphase
期板metaphase plate
期板nuclear plate
期板metaplasic plate
期板equatorial plate (platus aequatorialis)
期的medium- term
期纺锤体metaphase spindle
期配对指数metaphase pairing index
期阻滞metaphase arrest
核生物mesokaryote (mesocaryota)
核生物mesocaryote (mesocaryota)
核的mesokaryotic (mesocaryoticus)
欧山松mountain pine
欧混交落叶林Central European mixed deciduous forest
活力median vitality
intermediate temperature
温植物mesotherm (mesotherma)
温植物型mesothermal type (typus mesothermalis)
温植物群落mesothermophytia (mesothermophytia)
温温室intermediate house
温菌群intermediate temperature group
指江河middle reaches
生代Mesozoic (era)
生代土壤mesozoic soil
生代植物mesophyte (mesophyta)
生化mesophytization (mesophytisatio)
生土壤mesomorphic soil
生性mesophytism (mesophytismus)
生杂草mesophytic weeds
生植物指适湿地的植物mib plant
生植物群落mesophyte community (mesophytocommunitas)
生的mesic (mesus)
生的mesogenous (mesogenus)
生的mesendogenous (mesendogenus)
生被子植物mesophytic angiosperm (angiosperma mesophytica)
第一接穗intermediate stock
second-crop rice
semi-late rice
intermediate rice
质地土壤medium soil
等反应性品种moderately responsive variety
等发达水平国家level of medium developed country
等吸收品种指对肥料的吸收moderate sucking variety
等子粒midsized kernel
等孔宽度intermediate pore width
等对比度反差medium contrast
等小穗数moderate number of spikelet
等感光度medium contrast
等感病种子medium-infected seed
等旋转干燥机secondary rolling and drying machine
等有效性moderate availability
等枝的mesocladous (mesocladus)
等水平moderate level
等活力medium vitality
等渗透率moderate permeability
等滚压机secondary rolling machine
等照射moderate irradiation
等生产力moderate productivity
等生产量moderate production
等生育期medium duration
等生育期品种medium-duration variety
等短分蘖品种short and moderate tillering variety
等程度moderate extent
等程度moderate degree
等米middle-grade rice
等维修medium maintenance
等缺水moderate water deficit
等节medium knot
等花柱的mesostylous (mesostylus)
等茧middling cocoon
等规模农场medium sized farm
等规模农场medium farm
等规模集成电路medium scale integrated circuit
等质地medium texture
等速度moderate rate
等重复 DNAmiddle repetitive DNA
等重量打字机medium weight typewriter
等长度向量moderate length vector
等霜冻moderate frost
等黏土medium clay
紧密的mid-dense (middensus)
耐性median tolerance
inter-cultivation (intercultivatio)
耕休闲cultivation fallow
耕休闲地cultivation fallow
耕作物hoed crops
耕作物cultivated crops
耕作物hoe crops
耕作物tilled crops
耕作物tillage crop
耕作物row crops
耕作物intertilled crops
耕作物intertillage crops
耕作物row crop
耕作物栽培cultivation of tilled crops
耕培土tilling and ridge
耕培土机cultivator ridger
耕培土机cultivator hiller
耕幅宽weed coverage
耕拖拉机row-crop tractor
耕操作intertillage operation
耕期time of intertillage
耕机mechanical hoe
耕机具intercultivation implements
耕机具cultivating implement
耕机具intertillage tools
耕机具cultivating equipment
耕机架tiller body
耕机锄齿cultivator tines
耕条播机tiller planter
耕松土器knife harrow
耕松土机hoeing cultivator
耕松土犁ripper plough
耕深度及次数depth and frequency of cultivation
耕犁plough harrow
耕犁hoeing plough
耕覆盖法tillage and cover system
耕追肥机cultivator plant feeder
耕通用机架hoeing toolbar
耕速度cultivating speed
耕铲scraper tooth
耕铲tilled teeth
耕铲tilled shovel
耕铲spear head
耕铲cultivation spade
耕铲柄tiller tine
耕铲耕作tooth cultivation
耕铲耕耘tooth cultivation
耕锄齿cultivator tooth
耕锄齿hoe tine
耕锄齿hoe teeth
耕锄齿cultivating tine
耕间苗机hoe thinner
耕间隙cultivating clearance
耕除草cultivating and weeding
耕除草作业cultivating work
耕除草幅宽weed coverage
耕齿tilled teeth
脂囊medium pitch pocket
primary vein (nervus primarius)
main nerve
light defective cocoon
草药Chinese medicinal herbs
mesoplasm (mesoplasma)
途停止发酵stop alcoholic fermentation
速外围设备moderate-speed peripheral device
速渗透率moderately rapid permeability
速的medium speed
速进化horotelic evolution
second-cut file
休闲地耕机lea cultivator
传统医理论theory of traditional Chinese medicine
伪软件pseudo-software interrupt
分体meristele (meristela)
分化center of differentiation
分布centre of distribution
分散 /集操作scatter /gather operation
分生组织meristematic center (centrum meristematicum)
分组式耕机separated-gang cultivator
分蘖middle tillering stage
分裂division center (center divisionis)
分裂separated stele (stela divisa)
分裂mitotic poisoning
分裂真separated eustele (eustela divisa)
刚齿耕机stiff-tooth cultivator
刚齿耕机stiff standard cultivator
合生gamostele (gamostela)
牛乳吊运冷却cooling on the trolley
同位素指同位素生产、利用、供应的中心isotope centre
螺旋推运器center-delivery auger
间搂集草条center gathering
向量vectored interruptVI
圆盘耕机中耕disc cultivation
圆盘松土耕机disc scarifier
圈形弹齿耕机looped-tine cultivator
圈簧弹齿耕机loop spring tine cultivator
动态指农药在土中的分解、残留、移动等情况behavior in soil
药剂在移动movement in soil
土壤和作用neutralization of soil
土壤illuvial layer of soil
土壤热交换soil-air heat exchange
土壤的硫化物sulphides in soil
土壤的紧实障compact barrier in the soil
土壤硫酸形成sulfuric acid formation in soil
土壤耕机soil cultivator
compound middle lamella (lamella mediana composita)
复制间体replicative intermediate
复制间型replicative intermediate
外生柱鞘outer pericycle (pericyclus externus)
外部external interruption
外韧管状ectophloic siphonostele (siphonostela ectophloica)
柱茎polystelic stem (caulis polystelicus)
多体polystele (multistela)
多体multistele (multistela)
多变性centre of diversity
栽培品种多样化指栽培品种最多的地区center of diversification
多样性centre of diversity
多样性center of diversity
多梁耕锄multibar hoe
多次击存活曲线multiple-hit survival curve
多次击multihit target
多环式polycyclic stele (stela polycyclica)
多行耕机multiple-row cultivator
多行作物旋转耕机multi-row-crop rotary cultivator
型拖拉机large-medium tractor
大发生epicentra 植病outbreak centre
大发生指疾病outbreak center
大发生epicentra 植病epicentre
大田作物耕机field cultivator
型拖拉机small-medium tractor
microcenter (microcentre)
小染色体染色microchromosomic chromocenter
小穗分化mid-stage of spikelet differentiation
小粒稻mini rice center
带伸缩旋耕器多列耕机果园用multiple cultivator with retractable rotor
成批培养的细胞分化cytodifferentiation in batch culture
成本折cost trade-off
挠性耕锄flexible hoe
星状actinostele (actinostela)
最优折方案best compromise
最后last cultivation
瘤所需要血清serum requirement for cancer cells
瘤相关 糖脂变化tumor-associated glycolipid change
瘤相关抗原tumor associated antigen
tumefaction (tumefactio)
有丝分裂mitotic metaphase
有效active center (centrum activum)
有毒间产物toxic intermediary product
木排路心部分corduroy road core
未补偿碱uncompensated alkalosis
未补偿酸uncompensated acidosis
树干周围用耕机round- the- trees cultivator
株间耕锄interplant hoe
株间耕除草interplant hoeing
植物生长阶级同时线isophane (isophana)
樟脑camphorism (camphorismus)
模块操作modular operation centre
横向transverse cultivation
植物起源次级secondary center (center secundarius)
欧洲及地海植物保护组织European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (E. P. P. O.)
气压pressure center
气旋center of cyclone
气泡置centring of level bubble
气泡置centring of bubble
气泡置centering of level bubble
渔场core of fishing area
爪式弹齿耕机claw spring cultivator
甘蔗耕机sugarcane cultivator
甘蔗耕机cane cultivator
甜菜耕单面平铲beet hoe
甜菜耕器beet hoe
甜菜耕锄singling hoe
生于光photobiotic (photobioticus)
生殖reproductocentric (reproductocentricus)
生理性肥料physiological neutral fertilizer
生长organic center
生长growth center
生长middle stage of growth
生长middle growth stage
M I第一metaphase I
第一分裂first metaphase (MI)
第一次first intertillage
第二分裂second metaphase (M II, metaphasis secunda)
M II第二metaphase II
第二间宿主second intermediate host
编织plectostele (plectostela)
耐药浓度median tolerance limit
耐药median tolerance limit
耐药限量median tolerance limit
茎和肋腐烂病culm and midrib rot
死蚕dead silkworm in cocoon
萌发germinal center (centrus germinus)
萌芽前指甘蔗pre-germination hoeing
死蚕dead silkworms in cocooning frame
蜡熟middle dough stage
负变压katallobar center
质体plastid center
质量粒径mass median diameter
贫下poor and lower-middle peasant
退化hysterostele (hysterostela)
性的neutrophilous (neutrophilus)
适时right time for tillage
选择selective neutrality
透视center of perspective
通信signal centre
通用间型体积集装箱flexible intermediate bulk container
通用操向耕锄universal steerage hoe
通用行间耕机multiple -purpose inter-row cultivator
通过挖掘混人土壤dig in
速率rate center
霉菌毒病micotoxicose (micotoxicosis)
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