
Terms for subject Refrigeration containing | all forms
低真空电子束焊接设备medium-low-vacuum electron-beam welding plant
压循环medium-pressure cycle
压循环Claude cycle
压空气分离装置medium-pressure air-separation plant
和面neutral pressure level
央化验室central laboratory
央控制室main control room
心供热厂central heating plant
心式供暖central heating
心牛奶工厂central milk plant
心线速度center-line velocity
效过滤器middle-efficient filter
枢液体循环central hydronic
止循环除霜off-cycle defrosting
温水供暖系统medium temperature water heating system
等压力moderate pressure
等输出功率moderate output
等阻力moderate resistance
继站booster pump station
center-to-center distance
转性冷藏库transferring cold store
间再热级stage of reheat
间加热interstage heating
间压力interstage pressure
间过滤器intermediate filter
产品的热损失heat loss from products
低泄漏可能性系统使用制冷剂规则application rules for low-probability system
住宅集供冷系统residential central cooling system
住宅集供暖系统residential central heating system
冷冻系统的泵供液蒸发器pump feed evaporator
制冰桶心残留的水core water
半集式空气调节系统semi-central air-conditioning system
单区域变风量集式空调系统single zone VAV central system
变风量央冷却系统VAV cooling central system
变风量央空调系统的类型type of VAV central system
变风量再热央系统VAV reheat central system
吸收器的溶液solution at absorber
吸收器和冷凝器移除的热量heat removed from absorber and condenser
周边供暖变风量集式系统perimeter-heating VAV central system
在大气持续时间atmospheric lifetime
在静止空气冻结still air freezing
大气的含湿量atmospheric moisture
带垂直间冷却器的复合系统compound system with vertical intercooler
建筑材料的水分迁移moisture migration in building materials
暖通空调系统的玻璃纤维fiberglass in HVAC&R systems
检査住宅央空调inspecting residential central air conditioning
气体间冷却器gas intercooler
杂质water impurities
浸没在水的管子immersion pipe
牛奶集milk collection centre
生成器的溶液solution at generator
用新得到的气相混合物在冷凝器冷凝You take that gas phase mixture, and condense it in your condenser
空气的污染物airborne pollutant
空气的污染物airborne contaminant
空调的设备控制system control center
蒸发器和冷却器都由铜线圈制作,并且在压缩机也有部分铜The evaporator and the condenser are both made out of copper refrigerant coils, and there is some copper in the compressor, too
送风机 VAV 央系统fan-powered VAV central system
送风机 VAV 集系统fan-powered VAV packaged system
配送distribution hub
闪蒸式间冷却器flash intercooler
防火保护自动喷淋装置automatic sprinkler on fire protection
供暖总站central heating plant
供热centralized heat-supply
加湿器central humidifier
式空气调节系统central air-conditioning system
式系统central system
式通风系统air system
空调机房central station
空调设备central air conditioning plant
送风采暖localized air supply for air-heating
通风空调系统central fan air conditioning system
除尘系统central dedusting system
高泄漏可能性系统使用制冷剂规则application rules for high-probability system