
Terms for subject Consulting containing | all forms
国人民外交学会Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs
国化工建设总公司China National Chemical Construction Corporation
国外资管理委员会the Foreign Investment Commission of China
国建筑工程公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation
国石油工程建设公司China Petroleum Engineering Construction Corporation
层的工程师middle-management engineers
心平台的水下检测underwater inspection of central platform
心群hierarchy of centres
期发展规划interim development plan
英联合联络小组Sino-British joint liaison group
间变量intermediate variables
间变项intermediate variables
以团体为心的改变意识the group focused image of change
优先分析centre for priority analysis
关于工程服务独立咨询工程师的使用和报酬的指南guide to the use and remuneration of independent consultants for engineering service
即食国菜式nitrogen frozen ready-to-eat Chinese dishes
发展国家债务问题特设政府专家组Ad Hoc Group of Governmental Experts on the Debt problems of Developing Countries
发展国家间技术合作工作组Working Group on Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries
发展的工厂on going factory
发达国家与发展国家税务条约特设专家小组Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Tax Treaties Between Developed and Developing Countries
吉尼集Gini concentration ratio
国际研究centre for international studies
在项目起的作用role within the project
大学卫生科学university Center for Health Sciences
工业村心及标准厂estate centre and standard factories
情报交流information exchange center
成长的债务国growing debtor nation
智囊think centre (factory)
用于技术经济的术语汇编glossary of terms used in techno-economics
经济发展方案资料Reference Center Economic Development Programs
进行的项目project in progress
进行的项目on going project
银行concentration bank
需经国政府批准subject to authorization by the Chinese government