
Terms for subject United Nations containing 中间 | all forms
亚太经社会关于发展中国家间技术合作方案制订和实施的区域政府间协商ESCAP Regional Intergovernmental Consultation for the Formulation and Implementation of Programmes of Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries
制定和执行发展中国家间技术合作方案政府间协商Intergovernmental Consultations on the Formulation and Implementation of Programmes on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries
单一阶段政府间审议方案预算和中期计划single-stage intergovernmental review of the programme budget and MTP
地中海沿岸国"蓝色计划"政府间会议Intergovernmental Meeting of the Mediterranean Coastal States on the "Blue Plan"
建立区域农业机械中心政府间会议Intergovernmental Meeting for the Establishment of the Regional Centre for Agricultural Machinery
建立区域防治荒漠化研究训练中心网络政府间会议Intergovernmental Meeting on a Regional Network of Research and Training Centres on Desertification Control
热带木材生产和出口发展中国家政府间协商论坛Intergovernmental Consultative Forum of Developing Tropical Timber Producing/Exporting Countries
老年人日间照料中心day-care centre for the elderly
集中技术支助空间consolidation of technological support spaces