
Terms containing 中转 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.两趟航班之间只间隔20分钟,您最好待在中转Since there are only 20 minutes during the two flights, you'd better stay in the transfer correspondence
railw.中交叉支撑转向架middle frame brace bogie
earth.sc.中华人民共和国城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例Interim Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning the Assignment and Transfer of the Right to the Use of the State-owned Land in the Urban Areas
ecol.中国能源技术转型Energy Technology Transitions in China
wind.中型风能转化系统medium scale wind energy conversion system
mil.中央数据转换装置central data-conversion equipment
avia.中央转换装置central switching unit
tech.中子转移反应neutron transfer reaction
chem.中子通量转换器flux converter
chem.中子通量转换器neutron converter
tech.中子通量转换器neutron flux converter
earth.sc.中心取样回转钻机Center Sample Rotary
tech.中心回转接头central rotating joint
tech.中心支承旋转窗central pivoted window
tech.中心支承旋转窗centre pivoted window
tech.中心支承旋转窗center pivoted window
tech.中心支承旋转门center-pivoted door
agric.中心旋转自动喷灌center-pivot sprinkle
auto.中心点式转向center point steering
tech.中心点转向centre-point steering
tech.中心点转向center point steering (车辆)
auto.中心线转向直行时,转向盘偏离中心线在±3°内center line steering
agric.中心转动喷灌系统center pivot irrigation system
auto.中心转向轴四轮转向机构中的前后转向机构连接轴center steering shaft
bridge.中心轮转式桥牌规则laws of pivot bridge
auto.车辆中性转向neutral steering
auto.汽车的中性转向neutral steer
wind.中性转向neutrally steer
auto.车辆中性转向neutral handling (neutral steer handling characteristic)
auto.中性转向点neutral steering point
auto.中性转向特性neutral steer handling characteristic
auto.中性转向特性neutral handling (neutral steer handling characteristic)
auto.车辆中性转向线neutral steer line
auto.中性转矩轴线neutral torque axis
tech.中悬转轴center-hung pivot
avia.中断进近转弯航路点missed approach turning waypoint (飞机将自动飞过的仪表进近程序的中断进近段中指定的航路点,以便飞到指定的中断进近等待点)
tech.中枢支承旋转窗center pivoted window
tech.中枢轴式转向center pivot steer
tech.中枢轴式转向center pivot steering
tech.中枢轴式转向center pin steering
agric., tech.中枢轴转臂centre-pivot boom
tech.中枢运转港pivot port
tech.中止滚转roll recovery
avia.中点转换changeover at midpoint
tech.中空干法回转窑hollow dry process rotary kiln
avia.中等坡度转弯medium turn
agric.中等旋转干燥机secondary rolling and drying machine
tech.中等横向加速转向运动mid-range lateral acceleration handling maneuver
tech.发动机的中等运转性能mid-range performance
tech.中等运转条件moderate operating condition
tech.中继泵转输relay pumping
avia.Procurement中航技总公司转包生产部Supply-Chain Management and (成立于2004年7月 1日,其前身是中航技工贸公司的一部分,是直属于中国航空技术进出口总公司的一个主要业务单元)
avia.中航技总公司转包生产部Supply Chain Management and Procurement
tech.中转transshipment (客货运输)
railw.中转transfer operation
railw.中转transit operation
econ.中转with transshipment
busin.中转with transhipment
tech.中转transit (客货运输)
tech.中转中心relay center
tech.中转中心intermediate center
econ.中转仓储field warehousing
manag.中转仓库central warehouse
tech.中转作业费transshipment charges
tech.中转保管费storage in transit
tech.中转信号机transition signal
tech.中转停留时间time of detention in transit
UN, tech.中转兵营transit camp
tech.中转列车transit train
tech.中转列车轮渡transfer steamer
auto.中转劳务包干费agreed lump-sum transshipment labor charge
nurs.中转医院transport hospital
commer.中转地市场entrepot market
securit.中转基金feeder fund
gen.中转transfer correspondence
busin.中转intermediate office
busin.中转intermediate center
tech.中转换乘transfer floor
tech.中转性冷库transit cold store
refrig.中转性冷藏库transferring cold store
tech.中转收据forwarding receipt
tech.中转整零车transshipment part-load wagon
gen.中转旅客transit passengers
tech.中转旅客候车室transfer passengers' waiting room
tech.中转旅馆transient hotel
tech.中转时间tranfer time
tech.中转时间put-through time
tech.中转条款transit terms
tech.中转枢纽transshipment terminal
tech.中转枢纽transfer hub
tech.中转枢纽central terminal station
tech.中转junction port (口)
tech.中转entrepot port (口)
tech.中转port of transshipment (口)
tech.中转transshipment port (口)
tech.中转transit port (口)
commer.中转entrepot port
busin.中转intermediate port
tech.中转transfer port (口)
tech.中转port of transit (口)
tech.中转turn round port (口)
nautic., transp.中转port of transhipment
econ.中转港口a turnround port
tech.中转intermediate transit point
econ.中转特许transit privilege
tech.中转码头transfer terminal
tech.中转码头transshipment terminal
tech.中转码头marine transfer terminal
econ.中转票据transfer document
railw.中转transfer depot
tech.中转relay station
tech.中转transfer station
dril.中转staging area
tech.中转transshipment station
tech.中转intermediate repeater
econ.铁路中转签字sign a transfer
railw.中转签证transit visa
tech.中转线transfer track
tech.中转线relay track
tech.中转线路transit route
tech.中转调运设备transit distribution facility
tech.中转货棚transit shed
tech.中转货物transit cargo
econ.中转货物transfer yard
tech.中转货物transship cargo
busin.中转货物goods to be transhipped
tech.中转货物goods to be transshipped
port.facil.中转货物储藏storage in transit
tech.中转货进口报单transship entry
tech.中转transit charges
tech.中转费率transit rate
tech.中转费率transit charges
tech.中转transfer car
tech.中转车平均停留时间average time of detention per goods operation
railw.中转车平均停留时间average detention time of wagons in transit
tech.中转车平均停留时间average detention time of car in transit
tech.中轴转门crapaudine door
bridge.中途终止轮转cutting movement during play
econ.中途转船transshipment on route
econ.中途转运transshipment on route
busin.中途转运transhipment route
nautic., transp.中途转运协会way-port conference
dril.中途转运地staging area
nautic., transp.中途转运港way port
nautic., transp.中途转运港intermediate port
nautic., transp.中途转运港port of call
avia.中速压气机转速intermediate speed compressor RPM
auto.发动机中速转矩mid-range torque
avia.中间万向支架转动角angle of middle gimbal
tech.中间转动轴second-motion shaft
tech.中间转动齿轮轴secondary gear shaft
auto.中间转向杆intermediate steering rod
auto.中间转向杆系center steering linkage
auto.转向器构中间转向臂intermediate steering arm
tech.中间转向臂intermediate steering arm
tech.中间转换intermediate conversion
tech.中间转换器buffer module
tech.中间转播站intermediate repeater station
tech.中间转让mesne assignment
tech.中间转运点intermediate transfer point
auto.中间轴反转式变速器countershaft reverse gearboxtransmission
auto.中间输出式齿轮齿条转向器rack and pinion steering gear with central output type
tech.主转换中心master switching center
econ.乙方同意根据本协议中陈述的条款转让上述权利Party B agreed to grant said rights according to the terms recited in this agreement
UN, ecol.亚洲及太平洋技术转让中心Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology
earth.sc.人工气象转报中心Manual Weather Relay Center
avia.从平飞中滚转脱离peel off
busin.代办中转agency for transshipment
econ.代办中转agency for transshipment
busin.以速度为中心的转变change from being speed-oriented to
securit.价格/技术分析中的反转形态reversal patterns in price/technical analysis
busin.体现在产品中的先进技术转让transfer of advanced technology embodied in product
UN, account.使中期计划的两年期部分得以运转operationalize a biennium slice of the MTP
tech.偏转中心deflection center
auto.催化转化器中毒poison the cat
tech.公共汽车中转bus terminal
UN关于蓄意把转基因生物释放到环境中的指令Directive on the Deliberate Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms
tech.内转换中子探测器internal conversion neutron detector
avia.军用战略和战术中转military strategic and tactical relay
tech.初次转换中心primary switching center
anim.husb.加强中非和东非农业研究协会农业技术转让基金Agricultural Technology Transfer Fund of Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa
earth.sc.北大西洋深水中转油库North Atlantic Deepwater Oil Terminal
org.name.区域技术转让中心Regional Centre for Technology Transfer
earth.sc.区域技术转让中心联合国Regional Centre for the Transfer of Technology
avia.区域技术转让中心regional technology transfer center
tech.区转换中心zone switching center
tech.区转换中心zone switch center
UN协助需要技术援助的发展中国家和其他国家以便执行控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约信托基金Trust Fund to Assist Developing Countries and Other Countries in Need of Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
outd.小轮车单脚在空中转握把180°Footed X-up
auto.发动机运转中断发生故障engine conk
tech.发动机运转中断engine conk
auto.同中心转向全部车轮绕同一转向中心回转,车轮不产生侧滑common center steering
auto.吊车后桥中心到旋转轴的距离distance from center of rear axle to axis of rotation
tech.汽车的后转动中心rear roll center
econ.周转中货币金额amount of money in circulation
busin.商业交易中的货币周转速度business transaction velocity
gen.噢,你是住在城中雷迪森饭店,那么你往前走两条街,然后左转,在右边就可以找到了Oh, you? re staying at the downtown Radisson. Then, you go down two blocks this way and turn left. You'll find it on the right
auto.回转中心turning point
nautic., tech.回转中心center of turning circle
nautic., tech.回转中心纵距reach
busin.国际中转交货单international transshipment delivery order
busin.国际中转利息international transit interest
busin.国际中转international transfer point
avia.国际中转航线international transit route
busin.国际中转international transshipment charges
avia.国际航空电信交转中心international aeronautical telecommunication switching center
avia.国际航空电信转换中心international aeronautical telecommunications switching center
avia.国际转接中心international switching centre
baseb.双杀时在二垒中转接传球pivot at the second base (for a double play)
fin.在发展中促转变spur change in the course of pursuing development
gen.在好转〔改进〕 中be on the mend
expl.在炸药爆炸过程中、合成能量转化为破岩和位移这些有益的实用能量。振动、冲击波和飞石这些不利的负面效应也是由合成能量产生的In the detonation of explosives, the resultant energy is converted into beneficial applications such as fragmentation and displacement. It is also responsible for adverse side effects such as vibration, airblast and flyrock
econ.在该商号的全部转包合同中都插入了这样一些材料Such insertions were included in all the subcontracts of the firm
fin.在转变中谋发展promote development while working for change
econ.在转述句中代替 can 使用could aux. can
chem.在运转中on-the-run zan
auto.在运转中in running order
econ.在这次机构调整中你的各项权利将不受任何权利转移的影响Your rights will not be affected by any devolution of the right in this adjustment of the organizational structure
tech.坐车中转transshipment by lying a part of goods unloaded in a part-load wagon
avia.塔卡莫空中转信飞机take charge and move out
agric.多行作物旋转中耕机multi-row-crop rotary cultivator
tech.多行作物旋转中耕机multirow-crop rotary cultivator
tech.大转报中心站major relay center
tech.大风浪中掉头转向turning in heavy sea
avia.天气转播中心weather relay center
earth.sc.天气转播中心Weather Relay Center
avia.天气转播中心weather relay broadcast center
tech.头的转动中心head pivot point
sport.奥林匹克转播中心Olympic Broadcasting Organization
tech.存储转发交换中心store and-forward switching centre
comp., net.存储转发交换中心store and forward switching center
tech.存储转发交换中心store and-forward switching center
expl.实验室实验结果转用到现场实际爆破业务中去transferability of laboratory experimental results to real field blasting work
auto.左右转向节主销中心线接地点的距离king-pin spacing
auto.带中置转向臂的转向杆系传动机构centre-arm steering linkage
auto.吊车并装双轴中心到旋转轴的距离distance from center of bogie to axis of rotation
expl.当药包在岩体中爆炸时、炸药在高压力下瞬间转化为高温气体When an explosive charge is detonated in rock, the charge is converted instantly to a hot gas at intense pressure
environ.快速中转列车rapid transit train
agric.悬挂机构转动瞬时中心effective hitch point
tech.慢转中子谱仪slow chopper neutron spectrometer
econ.我们把公寓大楼建筑中的水电工程转包给"顶峰"有限公司We will sub-contract to Top Peak Ltd. the electrical and water work in the construction of apartment buildings
gen.我们有些人在舞池中转晕了Some of us got giddy on the dance floor
econ.我们由你方的信中推断出你方不介意转船运输We infer from your letter that you do not mind transshipment
gen.我如何找到中国航空公司办理转机的柜台?How can I get to the connecting flight counter of China airline?
construct.扭转〔绞扭〕中心twist centre
tech.扭转中心twist center
tech.扭转中心center of twist
tech.扭转中心center of torsion
commer.技术转让中保密条款confidentiality clause in technology transfer
commer.技术转让中断条款break clause
UN, ecol.技术转让区域中心Regional Centre for Technology Transfer
busin.技术转让合同中的保密条款confidentiality clauses in technology transfer contract
outd.把手空中旋转1周bar spin
gen.把黄油放在8英寸平底锅中用中火融化,旋转平底锅让黄油均匀平铺在锅底In an 8-inch fry pan over medium-high heat, melt the butter, swirling the pan to coat it evenly
railw.拖车中间转向架Train Bogie-Intermediate
econ.换算中心的电子经费转移electronic funds transfer at point of scale
avia.探险中转exploration staging post
tech.散装水泥中转bulk cement terminal
tech.散装水泥中转bulk cement supply station
avia.数字式信息自动转换中心automatic digital message switching center
tech.数据中转data relay
tech.数据转换中心data-switching center
tech.数据转送中心data relay center
busin.旅客中转transfer of passengers
avia.旅客中转transfer passenger
sport., med.旋转中心centre of gyration
plast.surg.旋转中心pivot point
tech.旋转中心moment pole
tech.旋转中心rotating center
tech.旋转中心rotary centrer
tech.旋转中心center of rotating movement
sport.旋转中心center of gyration
tech.旋转中心柱萃取器rotating concentric cylinder extractor
tech.旋转中心法method of center of rotation
auto.转子发动机旋转活塞中心rotor center
avia.旋转磁铁的中性位置neutral position of the rotating magnet (磁电机的)
tech.旋转节中的球体swivel ball
avia.无中断电源转换no break power transfer
railw.无改编无调中转列车技术作业technological processes of transit train without resorting
gen.无线电转播中队radio relay squadron
gen.无绕电转播中队REL Sq. radio relay squadron
tech.无调中转列车技术作业过程operating procedure of transit train without resorting
railw.无调中转transit station without resorting
railw.无调中转transit wagon without resorting
tech.无调中转transit car without resorting
railw.无调中转车停留时间detention time of wagon in transit without resorting
tech.无调中转车停留时间detention time of car in transit without resorting
railw.无调中转车停留时间标准detention time standard of wagons in transit without resorting
busin.时间序列中的转折点turning point in time series
avia.更换气象信息转发中心weather message switching center replacement
gen.有一个很大的喷水池。走过喷水池,在转角右转,洛克菲勒中心就在右手边There's a big fountain. Go past the fountain, turn right at the corner, and the Rockefeller Center's on the right
tech.有调中转列车技术作业过程operating procedure of transit train with resorting
railw.有调中转transit wagon with resorting
railw.有调中转transit wagon with resorting
tech.有调中转transit car with resorting
tech.有调中转车停留时间detention time of car in transit with resorting
econ.机场中转柜台transfer correspondence
tech.杆件断面扭转中心twist centre of member section
agric.核糖体肽基转移酶中心ribosome peptidyl transferase center
auto.梯形转向瞬时中心理论上在后桥轴线上Ackerman center
tech.楼梯扶手处中柱或转弯角柱的接头newel joint
tech.模拟数字集中转换器analog-digital integrating translator
tech.模拟转接中心simulated transit center
gen.正在转变中on the turn
earth.sc.气象信息转接中心Weather Message Switching Center
earth.sc.气象转播中心Weather Relay Broadcast Center
tech.水泥中转cement terminal
tech.水泥发运中转cement distribution terminal
nautic., tech.波浪中平均转速增值increase of R. F. M. in waves
avia.流动空运医疗中转机构mobile aeromedical staging facility
tech.海上中转油罐offshore tanker terminal
tech.海上中转offshore terminal
UN湖水从中性转变成酸性的湖transition lake
tech.潮流旋转中心amphidromic center
earth.sc.热中子转换反应堆thermal converter
tech.热中子转换反应堆thermal neutron converter reactor
tech.煤转化中产生的污水coal conversion wastewater
tech.物资转运中心distribution center
tech.电子数据转接中心electronic data-switching center
tech.瞬变过程中的转速特性transient-speed characteristic
tech.瞬时旋转中心instantaneous center of rotation
avia.瞬时转动中心instantaneous center of rotation
auto.瞬时转向旋转中心instantaneous center of turn
railw.移交重车中转距离average kilometers of local wagons to be delivered in transit at technical station per transit operation
tech.程序中断转移programme interrupt transfer
tech.程序中断转移program interrupt transfer
tech.程序转接中断programme switching interrupt
tech.程序转接中断program switching interrupt
outd.中转body varial
avia.中转播无线电中继通信airborne radio relay
sport, bask.中转pivot in the air
sport.中转pivot in air
avia.空中偏转与调节air deflection and modulation
avia.空中偏转和调节air deflection and modulation
outd.空中拧转车把 180°X-Up
avia.空军中继转播设施air relay facility
railw.空车中转距离average kilometers of empty wagons in transit
auto.空转中间齿轮lazy gear
busin.竞争性中间市场转让定价transfer pricing in competitive intermediate market
tech.纸条转接中心tape relay center
gen.群转换中心group switching center
tech.翻转中心invert center
mil., air.def.联合多信道中继和转换系统joint multichannel trunking and switching system
avia.联合机动转报中心joint mobile relay center
agric.肽基转移酶中心peptidyl transferase center
earth.sc.自动数字转换中心Automatic Digital Switching Center
tech.自动数据转接中心automatic data switching center
avia.自动电子转换中心automatic electronic switching center
tech.自动纸带穿孔机转换中心reperforator switching center
tech.自动转报中心telegram retransmission centre
gen.自转中的地球the earth in its daily round
agric.致月中瘤RNA 病毒反转录酶oncorna-virus reverse transcriptase
tech.落地中转transshipment by unloading goods from one part-load wagons to goods section then loading into another
nautic., tech.蒸发气控制系统-中转vapour control system-transfer
tech.行包发送、到达、中转volume of parcel dispatch and arrival and transshipment
tech.行李包裹中转加给收入luggage and parcel transfer increased revenue
tech.行李和包裹的中转transfer of luggages and parcels
agric.行间旋转中耕机row tiller
tech.表达式中的转换conversion in expression
tech.货物中转loading dock
commer.货物不能在途中转The goods can't transshipped en route
tech.货车中转加给收入freight train transfer increased revenue
railw.货车中转平均停留时间average detention time of wagons in transit
railw.货车中转次数number of transit operations in one turnround of wagon
railw.货车中转距离average kilometers of wagons in transit
tech.货车中转距离average kilometers of wagons in transit loaded at technical stations per transit
tech.货运中转基地freight terminal
auto.车轮的瞬时转向中心instantaneous center of rotation of wheels
tech.车辆中转时间car turnaround time
tech.车辆中转时间car transfer time
auto.车辆中性转向特性neutral vehicle handling
tech.转位中心架和工件自动装卸器swing-position steady rest and ejector
tech.转动中心rotational center
tech.转动中心rotary centrer
wind.转动中心center of rotation
construct.转动中心pivoting point
tech.转变中的农业agriculture in transition
UN转变中的湖泊transition lake
securit.转变为股份公司的大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises turned into corporate enterprise
auto.车辆转向中心turning center
wind.转向中心center of turn
tech.转向中心turning center
auto.转向传动机构转向中间连接拉杆steering center link
auto.转向传动机构转向中间臂steering center arm
auto.转向器构中的摩擦力friction in steering mechanism
tech.转向平台中转站台transfer platform
tech.转向机构中的减振器steering damper unit
railw.转向架中心bogie pivot center
tech.转向架中心距distance between bogie centres
railw.转向架中心距bogie pivot centers
railw.转向架中心距distance between bogie pivot centers
railw.转向架中心距bogie pivot pitch
tech.转向架中心距distance between center to center of bogies
tech.转向架中心距distance between bogie centers
railw.转向架中心销bogie pivots
railw.转向架中心销center pin of bogie
railw.转向架中心销bogie pivot
tech.转向架心盘中心距bogie pivot pitch
auto.德语转向柱开关中心【英语】 switching centre, steering columnSZL
auto.转向盘对中steering-wheel centring
tech.转向节中心轴fork center shaft
auto.转向节主销轴线与车轮中心之间的水平距离kingpin offset at the wheel center
tech.转向节旋转中心线knuckle pivot centre
tech.转向节旋转中心线knuckle pivot center
tech.转子中心rotor center
tech.转子中心体rotor center part
shipb.转子校中centering of rotor
agric.转录中间物transcriptive intermediate
econ.转手贸易中间人a switch dealer
tech.转接中继线transit trunk
tech.转播中心repeating center
tech.转盘中心移动装置centre shift (平地机)
tech.转盘式中心岛【道】roundabout island
auto.转矩中断换档torque interrupt shift
auto.转矩中断换档torque break shift
environ.转移中心mobilization centre
comp.转移输出中断branch output interrupt
tech.转角中梃corner mullion
China, law转让职业中介许可证transfer the job intermediary permit
tech.转轮中心体runner boss
tech.转轮中心高程runner level
tech.转轮室中环discharge ring
tech.转辙器中心centre of switch
tech.转辙器中心center of switch
busin.转运中心relay center
busin.转运中磨损的结果results of friction in transit
busin.转运过程中损失loss during transhipment
tech.转运途中in transit
tech.转门中轴centre shaft
tech.转门中轴center shaft
sport., physiol.载体中介转运carrier-mediated transport
tech.过车中转transshipment from one part-load wagon to another directly
gen.运转〔使用,操作,实施〕中in operation
dril.运转中in operation
auto.运转中在用的设备operating equipment
tech.运转中修理current running repairs
chem.运转中检查onstream inspection
avia.运转中检査non-interruptive checking
tech.运转中清洗on-stream method
tech.运转中的部件live part
tech.运转中维修on-stream maintenance
tech.运转中计算机living computer
earth.sc.运转控制中心operations control center
tech.车辆的中转throwing of switch under cars
busin.通信转报中心communication relay center
sport., physiol.通道中介转运channel-mediated transport
tech.道岔中途转换switch thrown under moving cars
steel.钢中渗碳体的磁性转变A₀ transformation
tech.铁路水路中转设备rail-water facility
railw.铁路货场中转库房railway team yard transit shed
tech.锚泊中船随着潮水涨落而回转tail with the stream
tech.锚泊中船随着潮水涨落而回转tail up and down the stream
tech.锚泊中船随着潮水涨落而回转tail to tide
auto.镗缸机中心旋转轴boring bar
auto.试验台闭合回路中循环转矩locked-in torque
tech.陆地卫星运转控制中心landsat operation controlling center
commer.除非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading
wind.集中式风能转化系统centralized wind energy systems
auto.集装箱中转container transshipment terminal
auto.集装箱中转container terminal
tech.集装箱内陆中转container base
tech.集装箱联运中转设施intermodal container transfer facility
tech.零担中转作业transshipment of part-load goods
tech.零担中转加给收入part-load transfer increase revenue
tech.零担货物中转part-load transshipment station
mil., air.def.雷达微波中继转发器radar microwave link repeater
tech.露明中柱旋转楼梯open newel stair (case)
tech.飞机中转staging base
avia.高级中央转换装置advanced central switching unit
tech.齿轮转动时油层中形成未充满沟槽之温度channel point
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