
Terms for subject Technology containing 中线 | all forms | in specified order only
三级至二级中心线路tertiary to secondary centre circuit
三线中继线three-wire trunk
三线式中继线three-wire trunk line
三角形中线median of a triangle
不中断的划线run-through ruling
不接地中线insulated middle wire
不接地中线non-grounded neutral system
不接地中线non-ground neutral system
不接地中线系统non-grounded neutral system
不接地中线系统non-ground neutral system
不接地中性线insulated neutral
不接地中性线floating neutral
与道路中线直交straight across the road
专线双向中继电路private line two-way trunk circuit
两穿堂或门厅中心线axis line
线center line
中凸的四瓣花装饰的线脚tooth ornament
中凸线crown line
中压线路medium voltage line
中压输电线路middle voltage transmission line
中和升力线neutral lift line
中和曲线neutralization curve
中和滴定曲线titration curve of neutralization
中和线neutral line
中和线neutralizing wire
中和线dividing line
中和线圈neutralizing coil
中和线圈neutralization coil
中国线规Chinese Wire Gage
中央子午线中天central meridian transit
中央射线central ray
中央无线电实验室central radio laboratory
中央纬线比例尺scale along central median
中央经线比例尺scale along central median
中央通信线路central communication line
中子一中子测井曲线neutron-neutron log curve
中子一热中子测井曲线neutron-thermal neutron log curve
中子一超热中子测井曲线neutron-epithermal neutron log curve
中子伽马测井曲线neutron-gamma log curve
中子寿命测井曲线neutron lifetime log curve
中子射线处理表面涂饰法Dynacote process
中子射线照相检査neutron radiographic inspection
中子射线照相法neutron radiography
中子放射线照相术neutron radiography
中子活化测井曲线neutron activation log curve
中子测井曲线neutron log curve
中子色散曲线neutron dispersion curve
中弧线skeleton line
中弧线medial camber line
中弧线弯度camber curvature
中心线center conductor
中心二次曲线central conic
中心光线central ray
中心区线网密度central district line net density
中心圆锥线centre conic
中心圆锥线central conic
中心垂线定线vertical centering alignment
中心墨线center line
中心导线centre conductor
中心射线central ray
中心布线方式wire center system
中心抽头次级线圈centre-tapped secondary
中心接线盒central junction box
中心线core wire
中心线Central line
中心线mean line
中心线inner conductor
中心线middle line
中心线Centre Line
中心线偏斜lack of alignment
中心线半径radius of central line
中心线半径center line radius
中心线平均值centre line average
中心线弯曲角camber angle
中心线板条centre line strake
中心线校正centre line adjustment
中心线流速centre line velocity
中心线流速center line velocity
中心线浓度centre line concentration
中心线浓度center line concentration
中心线稀释度centre line dilution
中心线稀释度center line dilution
中心线节center line knot
中心联线line of centers
中心蚀曲线central eclipse curve
中心轨迹线locus of center
中心轨迹线line of centers
中心轴线中心轴central axis
中心连线line through center
中心锚结线夹mid-anchor clamp
中心隔离线central separate line
中心频率剩余曲线residual curve of middle frequency
中性场线neutral field line
中性导线neutral conductor
中性干线neutral main
中性曲线indifference curve
中性母线neutral bus
中性点引出线neutral lead
中性燃烧曲线neutral-burning curve
中性线fourth wire
中性线neutral wire
中性线neutral main
中性线axis of commutation
中性线加载neutral loading
中性线回路neutral return path
中性线圈neutral coil
中性线开关neutral switch
中性线接地电抗器neutral reactor
中性线接地电阻器neutral grounding resistor
中性线放电理论neutral line discharge theory
中性线电流natural current
中性线电流继电器neutral current relay
中性线端neutral terminal
中性线继电器neutral relay
中性线路neutral circuit
中性馈线neutral feeder
中感应测井曲线medium investigation induction log curve
中插等高线half-interval contour
中断干线trunk main
中断总线interrupt bus
中梯曲线半极值点弦长bowstring length between half-maximum point of curve mid-gradient
中梯曲线弦切距bowstring tangent distance of mid-gradient curve
中梯曲线零值点间距distance between zero point of mid-gradient curve
中泓线thread of stream
中泓线channel line
中波天线medium wave antenna
中渐屈线middle evolute
中潮曲线medium tide curve
中点渐屈线mean evolute
中点线midpoint line
中点馈电天线center-fed aerial
中等运输密度线路moderate density line
中等运输密度线路medium traffic density line
中纬线equator of lens
中纵线面central longitudinal plane
中纵隆线median longitudinal carina
中线neutral conductor
中线参考标志centre line witness mark
中线地面标高center line ground elevation
中线坡度center line slope
中线坡度center line grade
中线安装center line mount
中线安装center line erection
中线对策论median game theory
中线平台center line platform
中线平均值center line average
中线平均高度centreline average height
中线弯度centreline camber
中线惯性矩equatorial moment of inertia
中线指示信标middle marker beacon
中线接地neutral earthing
中线接缝centre-line joint
中线接缝centre joint
中线支柱middle line pillar
中线木桩center line peg
中线木钉center line peg
中线centre plate
中线center plate
中线标划机centre line marking machine
中线标划机center line marker
中线标志mid-cut mark
中线标桩centre post
中线标高elevation of center-line
中线alignment stake
中线centre line stake
中线center stake
中线alignment pole
中线桩中桩centre stake
中线桩高程测量简称中平centre line stake levelling
中线桩高程测量中平center line stake levelling
中线桩高程测量简称中平centre line stake leveling
中线桩高程测量中平center line stake leveling
中线center line method
中线法洞内测量hole survey by centerline method
中线测量central line surveying
中线测量centre line surveying
中线测量centre line survey
中线测量center line surveying
中线测量center surveying
中线测量center line survey
中线centre line point
中线照射量midline exposure
中线电流current in middle wire
中线电流继电器neutral current relay
中线相位neutral phase
中线相配center matched
中线空气剂量midline air dose
中线符号center mark
中线系统mean line system
中线红色标高centre line grade elevation
中线红色标高center line grade elevation
中线centre joint
中线central joint
中线补偿器neutral compensator
中线设置center surveying
中线间距distance between centers of tracks
中线间距distance between center lines (离)
中线central plane
中线面浸水部分中心center of submerged lateral area
中线黑色标高centre line ground elevation
中线黑色标高center line ground elevation
中继线trunk main
中继线全忙all trunks busy
中继线方式图trunking diagram
中距离无线电导航仪medium distance aids
中转线transfer track
中转线relay track
中转线路transit route
中轴线centre line
中轴线central axis
中轴线backbone curve
中轴线axle wire
中途接线盒intermediate junction box
中长输电线路medium transmission line
中间中继线配线架intermediate trunk distributing frame
中间导线intermediate conductor
中间导线central conductor
中间干线配线架intermediate trunk distributing frame
中间接线盒intermediate jointing box
中间梯度曲线mid-gradient profiling curve
中间渐屈线intermediate evolute
中间站线路和房屋布置标准图standard track layout at intermediate stations
中间等高线medium contour
中间等高线mediate contour
中间等高线intermediate contour
中间线median line
中间线intermediate line
中间配线架intermediate board frame
中隆线median carina
主中心轴线main centerline
主流中心线main thread
主流中泓线main thread
主航道中心线neutral line of main channel
主航道中心线center line of main channel
互换中继线interchange trunk
井中充电法测井曲线mise-a-la-masse method in borehole curve
井中单分量磁测连续记录曲线continuous recording curve of single component magnetic survey in borehole
井中电磁波法天线类型type of antenna of borehole electromagnetic wave method
井中电磁波法曲线borehole electromagnetic wave method curve
井壁中子测井曲线sidewall neutron log curve
井眼中心线centre of borehole
井眼中心线center of borehole
井筒十字中线标定setting-out of cross line through shaft center
交通中轴线transport axis
伽马一中子测井曲线gamma-neutron log curve
位置线法线方向位移中误差mean-square error of displacement for normal direction of position line
依比例尺空中基线距离scale distance of air base
光学垂线对中optical plummet centring
光学垂线对中optic plummet centring
共用中线common neutral
共线中心centre of collineation
内部长途中继线intertoll trunk
分品中断线graded trunk line
划弧线的中心striking point
列柱中心线axis line
十字形交叉中心线square crossing center line
十字线中心center of reticule
半面电路中继线圈side circuit repeating coil
单向中继线outgoing trunk
单竖井双重线对中double plumbing of single shaft
圆柱中微凸线样板entasis reverse
在禁止超车区画出中线center lining of no-passing zone
圬工墙中心线masonry wall center line
中线earthed neutral
地板下安装在管道中的电气线路electrical underfloor service carried in conduits
地板下安装在管道中的电气线路electric underfloor service carried in conduits
坝顶曲线中心点centre of crest circle
墙中心线centre line of wall
墙身中心线center line of wall
多条中线multiple centre joint
天线扫描中心antenna scanning center
天线电器中产生的起伏电压antenna pick-up
定位中心线location center line
密度中线定律law of rectilinear diameters
射线中心ray centre
射线中心ray center
X 射线在晶体中的衍X-ray diffraction in crystals
局中继线incoming trunk
局间中继线载波系统exchange trunk carrier system
市内中继线local trunk
市内中继线路local junction circuit
市内中继线路local central office
带同心中性导线的电力电缆power cable with concentric
带同心中性导线的电力电缆neutral conductor
广播中继线programme line
广播中继线program line
弯曲中心线elastic line
弯曲中心线方法elastic line method
弯桥曲线中心center of curve of curved bridge
弹簧座中心线spring seat center line
微波无线电中继通信系统microwave radio relay communication system
心射图中央子午线central meridian of gnomonic chart
悬挂中心线centre line of support
悬挂中心线center line of support
承力索中心锚结线夹mid-anchor clamp for catenary wire
抛光中心线centre buffing
抛光中心线center buffing
接地中线grounded neutral
接地中线导体grounded neutral conductor
接地中线导体earthed neutral conductor
接触线中心锚结线夹mid-anchor clamp for contact wire
搜索航线中心search line center
播控中心的地线系统grounding facility of broadcast continuity
旁向重叠中线central line of lateral overlap
暂用中继线intercept trunk
最末中继线群final trunk group
有效空中路线effective air path
有线中继wired trunking
有线中继wire relaying
有线中继line relay
有线中继制line relay system
有线中继设备line relaying equipment
末级中继线final trunk
机腹中心线ventral centerline
杆的中心线bar centre line
条图心中线bisector of the strip map sheet
构件中心线element center line
构件中心线的图line diagram
构件的中心线member center line
标划路中线center line marking
标划道路中线center line marking of road
标画路中线center lining
桥梁中线centre line of bridge
桥梁中线center line of bridge
桩中心线pile centre line
梁的中心线beam center line
楼梯中线加固梁stair horse
横向中心线transverse centre line
横向中心线transverse center line
中线median line
中线linea medians
中线后的post median
正线中心距离distance between centers of lines
水平中线horizontal center line
水线面中心centre of floatation
水线面中心centre of flotation
水线面浸水部分中心centre of water plane
汇流排中心锚结线mid-anchor clamp for busbar
中线medianum colpi
中线colpus median
沟管中心定线alignment of sewer central line
河槽中线channel centerline
河流中心线stream axis
河流中心线stream centre line
河流中心线thread of stream
河流中心线river centre line
河流中心线river axis
河道中线channel axis
河道中泓线thread of stream
河道中泓线thread off channel
河道中泓线axis of channel
油槽船中线隔框tanker centre line bulkhead
沿中线切断管子center split pipe
测量中线survey line
浮接中心线floating neutral
浮置中线floating neutral
源线中心centre of source line
激电中梯平面等值线图plan contour figure of induced polarization gradient array
激电中梯曲线curve of induced polarization mid-gradient array
焊线中距pitch of well
焊缝中心线axis of welding
焊缝中心线weld centerline
焊缝中心线weld centre line
焊缝中心线axis of a weld
生产线中热成形机in-line type thermoforming machine
甲板中线ridge line
电抗线圈中点接地系统reactor grounded neutral system
电杆拉线的中断环stay thimble
画出中线center lining
砌入路面中央分道线built-in center line
磁针中央线neutral line
禁带中间线mid-gap line
中线段校正airline correction
空中基线air baseline
空中基线倾斜air base inclination
空中导线aeropolygon (测量)
空中导线法aeropolygon procedure
空中巡视管线air surveillance patrol
空中直线距离airline distance
空中直线里程airline mile
空中继线指示灯idle trunk lamp
空层中继线dead lever trunk
穿线树中的表头list head in thread tree
笔画中线stroke center line
笔画中线center line
第二线中修second line recovery
管线中混合in-line mixing
管线中的锚基anchorage on pipeline
管线中的高度控制阀altitude control valve in pipeline
管线中石油产品分批点batch end point
纵向线longitudinal center line
纵向中线longitudinal center joint
纵向中线接缝longitudinal center joint
线中电压line-to-neutral voltage
线交换集中器line switching concentrator
线圈中和coil neutralization
线性体中心对称度分析central symmetric degree analysis of lineament
线性规划中的分解decomposition in linear programming
线性规划中的单纯形法simplex method of linear programming
线路线center line of track
线路中线测量center line surveying
线路中修track intermediate repair
线路中修intermediate repair of track
线路中心线track alignment
线路中断block work
线路中断line interruption
线路中断interruption on track
线路中断原因reason for outage
线路中继操作hook operation
线路交换集中器line switching concentrator
线路再生中继机line regenerative repeater
线路和中继线群line and trunk group
线路集中单元line concentrating unit
航线中间站way point
航线交通管制中心air route traffic control center
航道中线浮标mid-channel buoy
航道中心线central line of channel
航道中心线axis of channel
船体中线midship line
船体中段剖面面积曲线curver of area of midship section
船舶中线centre line of a ship
薄壳中线shell center line
街道线street centerline
补偿中子测井曲线compensated neutron log curve
表面上的点与观察口中心点的连线viewing ray
表面入射光束的中心线incident ray
规划中线planning center line
记录中继线recording trunk
谱线中心line center
质量中心轴线centroidal axis
起动中止螺线管starting cut-out solenoid
起动机磁场线圈中间接头starter field coil equalizer
起重机轨道中心线centre line of crane rail
超高频小型中继无线通信系统ultra-high frequency mini-trunking radio system
车行道中心线lane centre line
车钩中心线偏移coupler centerline offset
轧槽中线axis of groove
轧辊孔型中线roll parting line
轨道线track centers
轨道线track centre line
轨道线track centerline
轨道中线track center
轨道中线track-center distance
轨道中线track center distance
转向节旋转中心线knuckle pivot centre
转向节旋转中心线knuckle pivot center
转接中继线transit trunk
轴向中心线longitudinal center line
轴的中线axis of spindle
输出中继线output trunk
通用中继线general purpose trunk
道路中线地面标高centre line ground elevation
道路中线坡度标高center line grade elevation
道路中心标线center line
道路中心线road axis
道路中心线centre line of road
道路中心线center line of road
铁路中线railway axis
铁路中心线railway centerline
铁路中心线centre line of track
铆钉行中心线gauge line
铆钉行中心线gage line
销中心线pin center
长源距中子一中子测井曲线long spacing neutron-neutron log curve
长途中继线toll trunk line
长途中继线long-distance trunk
长途台间中继线intertoll trunk
防中子射线玻璃neutron-ray protected glass
隧道线center line of tunnel
隧道中线centre line of tunnel
隧道中线标定setting-out of center line of tunnel
隧道中心线tunnel center line
集中布线concentrical wiring
集中布线concentric wiring
震源至震中连线seismic vertical
馈线分配中心feeder distribution center
马路中线下排水管centre drain
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