
Terms containing 中盘 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.上心盘中心距distance between pivots
tech.中冰盘medium ice floe
el.中国视盘China video disc
repr.biol.中央前置胎盘placenta praevia totalis
repr.biol.中央前置胎盘placenta praevia centralis
el.中央控制操作盘central control and operating panel
el.中央控制操作盘central control and operate panel
el.中央控制盘master control panel
met.中央控制盘central control panel
met.中央操作盘central operation panel
met.中央监视盘central supervisory panel
auto.中央管式底盘chassis with center tube
repr.biol.中央胎盘central placenta
auto.中央脊管式车架底盘tubular backbone chassis
textile中式盘花纽Chinese ball knot button
space中心配电盘central distribution switchboard
met.中性电阻盘neutral resistor panel
avia.中文键盘输人Chinese keypad entry
telecom.中文键盘输人技术Chinese keypad entry
IT中文键盘输入Chinese keyed entry
auto.中梁型底盘punt chassis
busin.中止探盘drop offer
chess.term.中炮盘头马middle cannon and horse's chain
chess.term.中炮盘头马战术tactics of middle cannon and horse's chain
footb.中盘middle game
securit.中盘jobber price
fin.中盘平衡基金balanced mid-cap fund
securit.中盘批发商service wholesaler
securit.中盘mid-cap stock
securit.中盘mid-cap share
securit.中盘股 SPDRMidCap SPDR
securit.中盘股成长基金mid-cap growth fund
chess.term.中盘mid-game victory
chess.term.中盘chuoshi gachi
footb.中盘win the middle game
el.中继线测试盘trunk test panel
el.中继线测试盘trunk line test panel
fin.中证财富大盘指数CSI Wealth Large Cap Index
auto.中间连接法兰盘intermediate flange
auto.离合器中间压盘center pressure disc
auto.离合器中间压盘intermediate disc
auto.离合器中间压盘center pressure plate
auto.离合器中间压盘intermediate drive plate
auto.双盘离合器中间压盘intermediate plate
auto.离合器中间压盘center plate
tech.中间接合盘intermediate flange
tech.中间游动盘floating center
gen.无级变速皮带轮的中间游动盘floating centre
sport., med.中间盘Mittelscheibe
tech.中间盘intermediate pan
auto.中间盘用来防止同时换入两个档位intermediate plate
met.中间配电盘intermediate distributing board
tech.刻度盘中心为零的仪表centre zero instrument
el.反应堆容器封头中心碟形盘【核】reactor vessel head centre disc
tech.古建筑中带翅膀形的托盘装饰winged disc
tech.同度盘位置测回中数zero mean
telecom.向磁盘中心步进step in
tech.圆盘中耕机disk harrow
agric.圆盘中耕机中耕disc cultivation
agric.圆盘松土中耕机disc scarifier
proj.manag.在 MS-DOS 或其他操作系统中第二个软盘驱动器的标识符B:
tenn.在两盘比赛中得零分double bagel
el.城市间中继线电话trunk-line board
proj.manag.如果在计算机中安装有以前版本的 DirectX、您将发现所用的硬盘空间略有不同If you had an earlier version of DirectX installed on your computer, you will see little difference in used space on your hard drive
nurs.子宫胎盘卒中uteroplacental apoplexy
nurs.子宫胎盘卒中couvelaire uterus
tech.安在炉壁中的铸铁盘mantel register
auto.平端面钻中心孔刀盘tool-rest for facing and centering
el.底封头中心碟形盘【核】bottom head centre disc
auto.底盘中段chassis centre section
auto.底盘集中润滑central chassis lubrication
econ.我们即以电报向你发去150吨中等棉花的报盘We are cabling you an offer for 150 tons cotton free at quay
dentist.我将在您的口腔中试个别托盘,您感觉痛吗?I'm going to try this tray in your mouth. Well, do you feel any pain?
el.手机键盘中文输人法Chinese keypad entry
securit.接近当日盘中高位near its high for the session
el.操作系统中的磁盘操作系统DOS under OS
textile擦盘碟的中粗毛巾dish towel
commer.改变报盘中的条件modify terms in an offer
tech.料盘中心槽tray boot
tech.智利中部棋盘格式构造central Chile chess-board structure
archit.有中柱的盘旋扶梯newel type spiral stair (case)
tech.有中柱的盘旋扶梯newel type spiral staircase
commer.有关食品的询盘正在全力办理中Enquiries for foodstuffs are receiving our full attention
fin.标普中盘股 400指数S & P MidCap 400 Index
chess.term.棋盘中心centre of the board
chess.term.棋盘中心center of the board
proj.manag.此示例显示如何创建加密密钥备份副本、 并将其保存到软盘中密码保护的文件中This example shows how to create a backup copy of the encryption key and save it to a password-protected file on a floppy disk
el.炉机电集中控制盘boiler, turbine, generator control panel
el.炉机电集中控制盘BTG control panel
securit.盘中临时停牌special trading suspension during business hours
fin.盘中交易暂停trading suspension
securit.盘中停牌trading suspension during session
commun.唱片盘中纹lead-over groove
securit.盘中跌幅intraday falls
IT磁盘中心处理系统disk oriented system
fin., amer.纳斯达克资本市场一中盘NASDAQ Global Market Mid Cap
agric.绞盘绳索牵引式中耕机winch-traction cultivator
repr.biol.脐带在胎盘中心附着central insertion
repr.biol.胎盘绒毛的结缔组织中的巨大细胞Hoff cells
gen.西餐中,人人都有自己的盘子,吃中餐时,盘子是放在桌子上大家公用的In the west, you have your own plate of food, while in China, plates are placed on the table and everyone shares
tech.转向架心盘中心距bogie pivot pitch
auto.转向盘对中steering-wheel centring
tech.转盘中心移动装置centre shift (平地机)
tech.转盘式中心岛【道】roundabout island
securit.过于集中的仓盘over-concentrated positions
agric.运行中的盘螺帽under-running disk nut
tech.道岔自动集中控制盘automatic switching panel
dart.镖击中已在镖盘上的镖弹回后得分winger dart
textile集中报盘concentration of offer
busin.集中报盘发价concentration of offer
railw.集中报警控制盘centralized alarm control panel
shipb.集中控制盘centralized control panel
tech.集中配电盘central panel
tech.集中配电盘central distribution board
repr.biol.面盘中缩肌median retractor muscle of velum
avia., inf.飞机向压坡度方向大角度侧滑下降或在盘旋转弯中侧滑下降dish out