
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing 中性 | all forms | in specified order only
中性分层neutral stratification
中性neutral soil
中性intermediate rock
中性点不接地系统isolated neutral system
中性点位移neutral point displacement
中性点引线neutral terminal
中性点接地neutral point earthing
中性点接地neutral-point earthing
中性点接地方式neutral point treatment
中性点接地自耦变压器neutral auto-transformer
中性点消弧线圈接地系统arc-suppression-coil earthed neutral system
中性点电抗接地系统reactor grounded neutral system
中性点直接接地系统solidly earthed neutral system
中性点端子neutral terminals
中性点端子neutral leads
中性点经变压器接地系统transformer earthed neutral system
中性点谐振接地系统resonant earthed neutral system
中性点阻抗接地系统impedance earthed neutral system
中性线neutral line (conductor)
中性neutral axis
中等强度和频度的地震活动性seismic activity of moderate intensity and frequency
中酸性喷发岩intermediate acidic eruptive rock
发电机中性接地设备generator neutral grounding equipment
弹性中心elastic centre
惯性中心centre of inertia
汇流铜环中性circuit ring neutral point