
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 中性 | all forms | in specified order only
中和性干预sterilized intervention central banking
区域性离岸中心regional offshore center
周期中性的预算cyclically neutral budget
地区性中央银行regional central bank
外部审计机制、中央银行的法律结构和独立性、财务报告做法、内 部审计机制、内部控制制度external audit mechanism, legal structure and independence of the central bank, financial reporting practices, internal audit mechanism, and the system of internal controls IMF, safeguards assessments
货币中性monetary neutrality
货币中性money neutrality
货币中性neutrality of money
货币中性部门money-neutral sector EU monetary statistics
贷款合同中的限制性条款debt covenant
重债穷国减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托PRG-HIPC Trust
重债穷国减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托Poverty Reduction and Growth-Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Trust
重债穷国减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations
预算中性budget neutral
预算余额或差额中的周期性因素cyclical component of budget balance
风险中性risk neutral