
Terms for subject United Nations containing 中心 区 | all forms | in specified order only
亚太经社会区域国家遥感中心/方案主任会议Meeting of the Directors of the National Remote Sensing Centres/Programmes in the ESCAP Region
亚洲及太平洋湿热带粗粮、豆类、根茎和薯类作物研究和发展区域协调中心Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tubers in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋防治荒漠化研究和训练中心区域网Regional Network of Research and Training Centres on Desertification Control in Asia and the Pacific
区域人口信息中心Regional Population Information Centre
区域住房中心Regional Housing Centre
区域矿物资源开发中心Regional Mineral Resources Development Centre
国际干旱地区农业研究中心International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
国际干旱地区农业研究中心International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas
山区综合发展国际中心International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
建立区域农业机械中心政府间会议Intergovernmental Meeting for the Establishment of the Regional Centre for Agricultural Machinery
建立区域防治荒漠化研究训练中心网络政府间会议Intergovernmental Meeting on a Regional Network of Research and Training Centres on Desertification Control
技术转让区域中心Regional Centre for Technology Transfer
拉加经委会/人类住区中心人类住区联合股Joint ECLAC/UNCHS Unit on Human Settlements
海洋和沿海区方案活动中心Oceans and Coastal Areas Programme Activity Centre
海洋和沿海区方案活动中心Ocean and Coastal Areas Programme Activity Centre
海洋和沿海地区方案活动中心Programme Activity Centre for Oceans and Coastal Areas
联合国人类住区中心United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
联合国人类住区中心Habitat superseded
联合国区域发展中心United Nations Centre for Regional Development
联合国区域发展中心UNCRD =United Nations Centre for Regional Development
联合国和平与裁军区域中心United Nations regional centres for peace and disarmament
跨区域运输基建中心Trans-regional Centre for Transport Infrastructure
防治石油污染区域中心Regional Oil Combating Centre