
Terms for subject Ceramics containing 中国 | all forms | in specified order only
中国制陶业对山水画的应用非常广泛,而这种风格与道家清静无为的人生理想有着千丝万缕的联系The depiction of a Chinese landscape is very common in ceramics in China, and it is really associated with a Taoist concept of life in an idyllic environment
从产量、技术创新、艺术加工、审美多样性和全球影响力来说,中国的陶瓷传统是世界上历史最悠久、工艺最领先的In terms of the sheer production, technical innovation, artistic refinement, aesthetic diversity and global impact, the Chinese can claim the world's longest and foremost ceramic tradition
在汉朝,软体铅釉瓷器主要在中国中部制造,中国南部沿海地区还是继续制造高温焙烧的炻瓷,加上草木灰釉、黄绿色等色彩,可以说是一种早期的青瓷In the Han dynasty, while soft-bodied lead-glazed wares were manufactured largely in central China, the coastal region of southern China continued the production of high-fired stoneware incorporating a wood or ash glaze with a yellow-green color range that can be considered an early form of celadon
浙江是中国青瓷的重要产地之一Zhejiang is one of the important producing areas of Chinese celadon