
Terms for subject Business containing 中国 | all forms | in specified order only
中下等收入水平国家lower middle-income country
中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures
中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行条例Interim Regulation on Foreign Exchange Control of the Peopled Republic of China
中国业务总部area office, China
中国主要港口China main port
中国人民保险公司保险条例The People's Insurance Company of China Insurance Clause
中国保险有限公司China Insurance Company, Limited
中国保险条例China Insurance Clause
中国商人Chinese merchant
中国对外贸易运输公司China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corp.
中国Chinese scale
中国式拍卖先叫高价,低价成交Chinese auction
中国期货Chinese futures
中国租船公司China National Charting Cor poration
中国贸易代表团Chinese Trade Delegation
中央计划经济国家centralized planning economy countries
中度发展国家intermediate in the scale of development
中度发达国家intermediate country
中立国neutral state
中等发展国家medium nation
中等偏低收入的国家lower end of the middle-income spectrum
按人均国民生产总值计算中等收入国家middle-income country
中等收入水平国家middle-income country
发展中国semi-developed nation
发展中国semi-advanced countries
发展中国家投资活动准则guide-line for investment activities in developing countries
发展中国家投资行动指南guidelines for investment activities in developing countries
发展中国家间技术合作technical cooperation among developing country
发展中国家间的合作cooperation among developing countries
发展中市场经济国家developing market economy country
发展中成员国developing member countries
发展中成员国developing member-countries
受益的发展中国beneficiary developing countries
后发展中国least less developed countries
国外中间商foreign middleman
国外经营中管理会计问题management accounting problem in foreign operation
国民收入中的资本份额capital share of national income
国际业务协调中心international service coordination center
国际中转交货单international transshipment delivery order
国际中转利息international transit interest
国际中转站international transfer point
国际中转费international transshipment charges
国际中间贸易international intermediary trade
国际批发和对外贸易中心International Wholesale and Foreign Trade Centre
国际收支中的无形收支差额invisible balance
国际标签中心海牙International Labelling Centre
国际贸易中有形项目系指进出口商品项目visible item of international trade
国际金融中介公司international financial intermediary
国际金融中心international banking center
巴黎统筹委员会对中国所列的禁运单Chincom List
巴黎统筹委员会对中国禁运货单Chincom List
我们公司想从中国进口一批橡胶波纹管,但我们缺少流动资金We plan to import rubber bellows from China, but we are short of working capital
最不发达的发展中国least developed developing countries
最贫穷的发展中国poorest developing countries
本国设备中的进口成分import content of local equipment
检查中立国船只违禁品的船boarding ship
美中贸易全国委员会National Council for U.S. - China Trade
联合国跨国公司中心United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporation
该设计极具中国This design has got a real China flavor
调动中型企业和其他非跨国集团的潜力mobilizing the potential of medium-sized enterprise and other non TNCs
联合国贸发会议和关贸总协定合办国际资易中心UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Centre
跨国企业信息中心information center for multinational enterprise
中国办事处China office