
Terms for subject Project management containing 中和 的 | all forms
安果你想、可以选择输出文件夹中的照片+自解压档案文件和电子邮件Select output folder for photos + self-extracting archive and email if you -wish
完全集成的收件箱可帮助您在日历和任务列表所在的同一个视图中查看电子邮件和语音邮件A fully integrated inbox helps you see email and voice messages in a single view, together with your calendar and task list
总统将被迫在自己的政策议程中将联邦预算赤字和国家债务置于更核心的地位The president will have to give the federal budget deficit and national debt a far more central place in his policy agenda
摩托罗拉中国研究院将促使我们成为通信和半导体工业领域的领导者Motorola China R&D Institute is helping us become the leader in telecommunication and semiconductor industries
然而该例子有少许缺点、 我们将在本教程的下一部分中解释和解决It has however a few shortcomings that we will explain and solve in the next part of this tutorial
环形网络:在环形网络中、所有微型计算机和其他通信设备以一种连续循环的形式被连接Ring network: in a ring network, all microcomputers and other communications devices are connected in a continuous loop
网络中返回其他用户的邮件地址或允许用户对主机和服务进行定位的服务directory service
色彩调和理论在辐射成像的伪彩色处理中的应用application of color harmony in radiation imaging