
Terms containing 中和 水 | all forms | in specified order only
shipb.下水后、 中间轴和螺旋桨连接校中aligning intermediate shaft and propeller shaft after launching
shipb.下水后、 主机曲轴和中间轴连接校中aligning main engine's crank-shaft and intermediate shaft after launching
shipb.下水后中间轴和螺旋桨连接校中aligning intermediate shaft and propeller shaft after launching
shipb.下水后主机曲轴和中间轴连接校中aligning main engine's crankshaft and intermediate shaft after launching
China, polit.中华人民共和国水利部Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China
earth.sc.中华人民共和国水土保持法Law of the People's Republic of China on Water and Soil Conservation
ecol.中华人民共和国水土保持法P. R. China Act on Water and Soil Preservation
tech.中华人民共和国水污染控制实施细则Implementation Rules for Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
tech.中华人民共和国水污染控制实施细则Detailed Regulations for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
water.res., ecol.中华人民共和国水污染控制法law of the People's Republic of China on prevention and control of water pollution
water.res., ecol.中华人民共和国水污染控制法实施细则detailed regulations for implementation of the law of the People's Republic of China of prevention and control of water pollution
tech.中华人民共和国水污染防治实施细则Implementation Rules for Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
tech.中华人民共和国水污染防治实施细则Detailed Regulations for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
ecol.中华人民共和国水污染防治法Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
earth.sc.中华人民共和国水法Water Law of the People's Republic of China
met.中和过的废水neutralised waste water
tech.中和废水处理neutralization wastewater treatment
tech.中和水neutralized water
tech.中和水neutralizing water tank
tech.中和水neutral depth
anim.husb.中和水解液light liquor
met.中和过的废水neutralised waste water
gen.中性皮肤的人水分和油脂分泌正常,肤质有弹性,肤色均匀People with normal skin will have normal moisture and oil secretion levels with a fair skin complexion and good elasticity
org.name.中欧和东欧水产养殖中心网Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central and Eastern Europe
org.name.中欧和东欧水产养殖中心网Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central-Eastern Europe
org.name.中美洲渔业和水产养殖组织Central American Organization of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector
org.name.中美洲渔业和水产养殖组织Organization of Fishing and Aquaculture in Central America
cosmet.从香茅和其他特定精油中提取或人工制成的一种无色、有芳香气味的液体被用于制作香水A colorless aromatic liquid, obtained from citronella and certain other essential oil or produced synthetically, is used in making perfumes
org.name.农业气象和实用水文学及其应用的区域培训中心Regional Training Centre for Agrometeorology and Operational Hydrology and their Applications
desert.农业气象学和应用水文学地区中心Center Regional de Formation et d' Application en Agrometeorologie et Hydrologie Opeationnelle, Regional Center for Agrometeorology and Applied Hydrology (设于尼日尔尼亚美)
oil原油中水和机械杂质basic sediment & water
UN国家气象、水文机构在执行21世纪议程和气候变化框架公约中的作用的指导方针Guidelines on the Role of National Meteorologies and Hydrological Services in the Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Framework Convention on Climate Change
UN国际供水和卫生中心International Water and Sanitation Centre
sport.在 3000 米障碍赛跑途中要跨越 28 个栏架和 7 个水池A steeple chase of 3000 metres includes 28 hurdle jumps and 7 water jumps
tech.地层水中气饱和度图map of gas saturation in formation water
earth.sc.大湖水和海水研究中心Great Lakes and Marine Waters Center
earth.sc.大西洋水下实验和评估中心Atlantic Underwater Test and Evaluation Center
avia.大西洋水下试验和鉴定中心Atlantic underwater test and evaluation center
nautic., tech.对水平中和轴的惯性矩iym3
cosmet.将酒精、香精和水按照一定的比例放入容器中,搅拌混合放置一段时间,让香精中的杂质充分沉淀Pour alcohol, essence and water into the container according to certain proportion, then stir and place for a while to let the impurities to precipitate adequately
el.废水中和器wastewater neutralizer
tech.废水中和处理neutralization treatment of wastewater (法)
el.废水中和箱waste water neutralization tank
el.排水中和处理neutralization of effluent
tech.柴油中的水和沉积物diesel fuel water and sediment
econ.根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》,公民的收入超出规定水平时需向政府支付一定的税款According to The Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, a citizen should pay certain tax to the government if his income is above the stated level
chem.氨水中和法脱硫ammonia liquor neutralization process (for desulfuration)
tech.水中的溶解氧和氯离子dissolved oxygen and chlorine ion
UN, ecol.水和环境合作中心Collaborating Centre on Water and Environment
earth.sc.水文和地形中心Hydrographic and Topographic Center
earth.sc.水资源开发和管理中心印度Centre for Water Resources Development & Management India
el.污水中和箱waste water neutralization tank
tech.污水和污泥在农业中的应用application of sewage and sludge in agriculture
earth.sc.深水介子和中微子探测器deep underwater muon and neutrino detector
org.name.渔业和水产养殖业中鱼品装卸问题特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Party on Handling of Fishes in Fisheries and Aquaculture
org.name.渔业和水产养殖中鱼品处理特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Party on Handling of Fishes in Fisheries and Aquaculture
geophys.由中子寿命测井计算出的含水饱和度water saturation from neutron lifetime log
geophys.由中子寿命测井计算出的含水饱和度water saturation from NLL
tech.盐水中和槽brine neutralizing tank
nautic., tech.空中充满白沫和飞溅水雾,风吹飞沫使海面白 茫茫一片,能见度严重受影响。the air is filled with foam and spray. sea completely white with driving spray. visibility very seriously affected
tech.空气中水气被水解石灰和水泥吸收air slaked
earth.sc.美国海军水下研究和发展中心Naval Undersea Research and Development Center
nautic., tech.自基线至船体横剖面水平中和轴的垂直距离Nvertical distance from the base line to the horizontal neutral axis of the hull transverse section N (m)
nautic., tech.自基线至船体横剖面水平中和轴的垂直距离N (m)
el.蒸发器给水与中和箱evaporator feed and neutralizing tank
gen.让您家的冰箱和储藏食品的柜子中保存一些富有营养,并有益于心脏的食品,例如全麦食品、鱼类、瘦肉、蔬菜和水果等Try to keep your fridge and pantry stocked with foods that make up a nutritious, heart-healthy diet, such as whole grains, fish, lean meat, vegetables and fruits
footwear这种材料在水介质中具有较低的摩擦系数和较好的防水与密封性能This material possesses a lower friction coefficient, better water resistance and seal ability with water medium
met.钢水包和中间罐加热:创新与革命Ladle and Tundish Heating: Innovation and Revolution
org.name.非洲、近东和小岛屿发展中国家的农业用水问题Round Table on Water for Agriculture in Africa, the Near East and Small Island Developing States
org.name.非洲、近东和小岛屿发展中国家的农业用水问题Water for Agriculture in Africa, the Near East and SIDS
org.name.食品和包装材料中氯乙烯单体和丙烯腈的 指导水平Guideline Levels for Vinyl Chloride Monomer and Acrylonitrile in Food and Packaging Material