
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
格竞争二人对策non-strictly competitive two-person game
丝合缝neat seam
厉处罚a stiff penalty
厉条件贷款hard loan
厉的规则stringent regulation
守秘密strictly confidential
分析refined analysis
密封闭tight seal
密监督close supervision
密遮光物dark blind
heavy frost
intense cold
killing freeze
biting cold
寒天气subzero weather
寒气候frigid climate
峻条件stringent condition
baffle plate
rigorous method
格一致原则strict compliance rule
格三角矩阵strictly triangular matrix
格上三角矩阵strictly upper triangular matrix
格上限strict upper bound
格下限strict lower bound
格不等式strict inequality
格串行顺序strict sequential order
格互补性strict complementary
格代码severity code
格优先strict preference
格伪凸strictly pseudoconvex
格假定stringent assumption
格偏好strict preference
格决定矩阵博弈strictly determined matrix game
格凸函数strictly convex function
格凸对策strictly convex game
格凸空间strictly convex space
格凹函数strictly concave function
格分离strictly separate
格初始函子strictly initial functor
格单侧有向图strictly unilateral digraph
格单调strictly monotone
格单调函数strictly unimodal function
格单调函数strictly monotone function
格单调递减strictly monotone decreasing
格单调递减函数strictly monotone decreasing function
格单调递增strictly monotone increasing
格单调递增函数strictly monotone increasing function
格博弈rigid game
格可递算子代数strictly transitive operator algebra
格定义的函数well-defined function
格容差stringent tolerance
格容限severe tolerance
格寄生物strict parasites
格对角优势strictly diagonal dominance
格局部极值strict local extremum
格嵌入strict imbedding
格平差rigorous adjustment
格平稳假设hypothesis of strict stationarity
格平稳数列strict-sense stationary series
格开平方条件strict root condition
格弱有向图strictly weak digraph
格归纳极限strictly inductive limit
格归纳极限strict inductive limit
格拟凸strictly quasiconvex
格控制strict control
格控制加班时间keep a close control of overtime
格操作条件strict operating condition
格支配dominance strict
格有效约束strict active constraint
格标准tight standard
格标准strict standard
格检查meticulous inspection
格检查close check
格检査close inspection
格检验close inspection
格检验close check
格正向量strictly positive vector
格正定算子strictly positive definite operator
格正泛函strictly positive functional
格正算子strictly positive operator
格正线性映射strictly positive linear mapping
格比较原理strict comparison principle
格的使用条件stringent condition of use
格的开根条件strict root condition
格的弯曲理论strict bending theory
格的温度控制rigid temperature control
格的理性主义strict rationalism
格的理论rigid theory
格的规则strict rules
格的规则hard-and-fast rule
格的解答rigid solution (法)
格符合主义doctrine of strict compliance
格简单排序strict simple ordering
格管理stringent regulation
格管理close supervision
格约束strict constraint
格线性函数strictly linear function
格线性方程strictly linear equation
格考验high test (的)
格节约rigid economy
格蕴涵strict implication
格规定hard-and-fast rule
格规章制度rigorously enforce rules and regulations
格解法rigorous solution
格试验rigid test
格误差界限rigorous error limits
格责任strict liability (制)
格选择rigorous selection
格递减strictly decreasing
格递减函数strictly decreasing function
格递增strictly increasing
格递增函数strictly increasing function
格递增序列strictly increasing sequence
格遵守合同条款keep strictly to the terms of the contract
格限制close restraint
衡重balance weighter
酷天气severe weather
酷天气inclement weather
酷气候stern climate
major river bed
重不足most short
重事件emergency episode
重事故serious causality
重事故fatal accident
重事故报告serious incident report
重事故率severity rate
重亏损heavy losses
重伤人的道路交通事故serious-injury road accident
重侵蚀severe attack
重入侵severe intrusion
重全漏失serious loss
重全漏失catastrophe loss
重冰况hard ice condition
重冰况hard frost
重出错信元块比severely errored cell block ratio
重出错码severity code
重剥落severe scaling
重危害severely impair
重受影响的小区severely affected plot
重受震区heavily shaken area
重后果serious consequence
重失业地区substantial-unemployment area
重失业时期heavy unemployment period
重失效major failure
重失灵船dead ship
重富营养化水体severe eutrophic water body
重富营养化状况severe eutrophication condition
重差错秒比severely errored second ratio
重干旱severe drought
重扰动heavy disturbed
重损坏critical damage
重损害critical damage
重故障serious fault
重断裂badly faulted (的)
重毁坏severe destruction
重水污染问题serious water pollution problem
重污染serious pollution
重污染severe contamination
重污染heavy pollution
重污染区heavily polluted area (域)
重污染水源heavily polluted source
重沉积damaging sedimentation
重沉积heavy deposition
重沉积damaging deposition
重波动catastrophic fluctuation
重洪灾disastrous flood
重淀积damaging sedimentation
重淀积heavy deposition
重淀积damaging deposition
重淤积heavy deposition
重淤积damaging sedimentation
重渗漏点point of gross leakage
重滑坡bad slip
重烧伤serious burn
重环境健康风险serious environmental health risk
重电积heavy deposition
重电积damaging sedimentation
重电积damaging deposition
重的住房短缺acute deficiency of housing
重盐碱化heavy salinization
重短少critical shortage
重破坏serious damage
重破坏significant damage
重破坏critical damage
重破坏的路面badly tracked surface
重破损serious damage
重破碎地带zone of intense fracture
重磨损severe wear
重程度因子severity factor
重紊流heavy turbulence
重缺乏severe shortage
重胀缩地基very severely swelling-shrinkage foundation
重衰退slump of disastrous proportions
重裂隙化very fissured
重误码秒severely errored second
重违约material breach
重违背合同serious breach of contract
重违背合同material breach
重退化生态系统serious degradation ecosystem
重错误severe error
重错误gross error
重错误信息fatal error message
重霜害damage by severe frost
重风化heavy weathering
重风化bad weathering
重飞溅excessive spatter
killing freeze
smart frost
killing frost
black frost
事故重度accident involvement severity (死伤与非死伤事故之比)
事故重度指数severity index
事故重性accident involvement severity
事故重程度severity of injuries
井下瓦斯outburst of gas
伤残重程度率disabling injury severity rate
冒浆serious mud pumping
受到格限制subject to severe limitations
受到格限制的化学品severely restricted chemical
受火重性试验fire exposure severity test
同附贴样品格一致strictly same asper attached sample
失业重地区development district
失速的重程度stall severity (发动机)
并举temper justice with mercy
的风格solemnity of style
控制性热力重度试验controlled thermal severity test
旱情be afflicted with a severe drought
暴露于火灾的重程度fire exposure severity
重的most serious
重的损伤extreme injury
标志错误重性的代码error severity code
没有格限制条件without qualification
法律尊dignity of courtroom
洪水重程度flood severity
火灾重性severity of fire
破损badly broken
格试验的high test
经典的格性classical severity
经典的格性classic severity
被断裂重破坏的badly faulted
负伤重率rate of severe injury
质地的重土壤heavy-textured soil
车祸重度指数severity index
重胀缩地基severely swelling-shrinkage foundation
遭受重破坏subject to severe risks of damage
钢管重碰弯steel tube badly bent
格约束loose constraint
重错误non-fatal error
非常重的自然灾害extraordinary serious natural calamity
面对峻挑战meet the serious challenge
风化重岩层heavily weathered rock layer