
Terms for subject Table tennis containing | all forms
三局best of three games
翼进攻two-winged attack
还击前球着地2次double bounce
裁判用语跳!Not up!
跳!Not up! (squash)
裁判用语跳!Double bounce!
面不同性能球拍combination bat
面不同性能球拍bat with rubber facings of two different types
面不同性能的球拍different rubber bat
面不同颜色的球拍two-colour bat
面扣杀double-flank smash
面攻smash from both wings
面攻two-winged attack
面攻attack on both sides
面连续扣杀two-winged diagonal smashes
局末平分后以先连得分为胜方的规则advantage rule
tackle two-winged shots
tackle two-winged shot
角杀反方向smash after lift to opposite corner
角杀相反方向smash after lift to opposite corner
拉中路杀corner smash after lift to the middle
裁判用语赛前练习分钟!Practice two minutes!