
Terms for subject Forestry containing 业务 | all forms
不规则伞伐作业irregular shelterwood system
乔林采伐作业high forest cutting systems
乡村林业rural forestry
交互带状皆伐作业alternate clear-strip felling
交互带状皆伐作业alternate clear-strip system
产业工程队industry crew
人工作业产生的可燃物activity fuel
以森林为基础的企业forest based enterprise
以森林为基础的企业forest-based enterprise
伐前更新作业method of advance reproduction
伐区带伐作业progressive clear-strip system
伐区式伞伐作业group system
伐区式伞伐作业shelterwood compartment system
伞伐作业法seed-tree method
作业法regime (regimen)
保残木作业reserve tree method
全体伞伐作业uniform system
全球农业生产global farm
公共部门林业机构public sector forestry agency
农业废料agricultural residue
农业、林业和畜牧业之间的平衡balance between agriculture, forestry and grazing
农业残渣agricultural residue
农业生态区划agro-ecological zoning
农业种植园agricultural plantation
单株择伐作业single tree selection system
单纯矮林作业simple coppice system
参与式林业participatory forestry
可取消的定期作业分区方法revocable periodic block method
合作社林业cooperative forestry
同龄乔林作业high forest even-aged system
商业性疏伐commercial thinning
商业性采伐commercial harvest
商业性采伐commercial fellings
商业木材生产commercial timber production
商业林commercial forest
商业立木蓄积growing stock of commercial species
商业立木蓄积commercial growing stock
商业采伐commercial logging
固定的定期作业分区fixed periodic blocks
土地利用变化和林业land-use change and forestry
城市周边林业peri-urban forestry
城市林业urban forestry
定期作业分区法periodic block method
定期隔年作业periodic intermittent working
工业用材林industrial plantation
带状伞伐作业shelterwood strip system
带状划伐作业strip and group system
带状皆伐作业progressive clear-strip system
带状皆伐作业clear strip-system
带状皆伐作业clear-strip system
带状群状渐伐作业法strip-and-group felling system
干旱地区林业管理arid zone forest management
择伐作业selection systems
按作业法造材conversion by system
施业林managed forest
无性系林业clonal forestry
旱区林业arid zone forestry
木材工业wood-based industry
林业与农业的相互关系forest-agriculture interface
林业专业人员forestry professional
林业发展forestry development
林业发展forest development
林业发展总体计划master plans for forestry development
林业委员会forestry commission
林业教师forestry teacher
林业机构forestry institution
林业生物多样性forestry biodiversity
林业能源林forestry energy plantation
林业设备forestry equipment
林业部门评审forestry sector reviews
森林产业forest sector
森林产业forestry sector
森林产业forest property
森林产业forest estate
森林企业forest based enterprise
森林企业forest-based enterprise
森林作业规程code of forest practice
森林作业规范forest practices
楔形伞伐作业wedge system
母树作业法seed-tree method
汤加作业法taungya method
混农作业法taungya method
热带林业tropical forestry
热带林业控制tropical forestry regulation
短轮伐期林业short rotation forestry
矮林作业法sprout method
矮林作业法coppice stand system
矮林作业法coppice system
社会林业social forestry
社区企业发展community-based enterprise development
社区林业community forestry
社区森林企业community-based forest enterprise
私有林业private forestry
篱架型喷雾作业band spraying
群状择伐作业group selection system
能源产业energy sector
萌生林中林作业coppice with standards
萌生林中林作业coppice with standards system
营林作业silvicultural treatment
资源产业resource industry
辅助营林作业系统accessory silvicultural systems
采伐作业面forest logging unit
采伐机作业头felling unit
集材作业区forest logging unit
集约林业intensive forestry
非工业用人工林non-industrial plantation
非工业用针叶人工林non-industrial softwood plantation
非工业用阔叶人工林non-industrial hardwood plantation