
Terms for subject International trade containing 业务 | all forms | in specified order only
一般业务租赁operating leasing
一般业务费用general operating expense
三边业务triangular operation
不受欢迎的业务undesirable risk
专业劳务成本professional service cost
专线业务private tieline service
专门技术及管理之就业的服务所professional and managerial office
业主的义务owner's obligation
业务中断保险business interruption insurance
业务供应品operating supplies
业务关系business relationship
业务兴旺prosper in business
业务兴旺的商行going concern
业务函件official correspondence
业务分析operational analysis
业务协助operational assistance
业务account executive
业务基金operating fund
业务备忘录engagement memorandum
业务委员会business board, joint business committee
业务工作量magnitude of the operation
业务差旅费operational travel
业务开支operating expenses
业务征信business reference
业务总收益gross earnings
业务恢复兴旺pickup in business
业务情报operational information
业务意图business opinion
业务承担weight of commitment
业务报酬business consideration
业务指导operation nudge
业务指标operational indicator
业务收益表earnings statement
业务方案operational program
业务方法operational approach
业务条件professional qualification
业务汇率operational rate
业务活动operational activities
业务活动operation action
业务用具如打字机等business tools
业务电报service message
业务电话business telephone
业务研究operational research (O. R.)
业务种类class of business
广告公司等的业务经理account executive
业务经理office manager
广告或服务业的业务经理account executive
业务联系银行corresponding bank
业务能力professional qualification
业务范围class of business
业务计划plan of operation
业务评议局Operations Evaluation Department
业务评议部门operations evaluation staff
业务账单technical account
业务账户account working
业务费用operating cost
业务费用operating outlay
业务费用operation cost
业务费用commercial expense
业务资金账户business fund account
业务项目operational project
交换业务reciprocal exchange of business
英格兰银行从"前门"进行公开市场业务活动"at the front door"
英格兰银行从后门进行公开市场业务活动at the back front door
英格兰银行从"后门"进行公开市场业务活动"at the back door"
代客买卖证券业务stock broking
代客买卖证券业务stock brokerage
代理业务commissioned agency business
代理业务agent service
代理业务的协议agency arrangement
代理业务督察agency superintendent
代运业务forwarding operation
企业经济业务business transaction
企业财务business finance
供给市场调查资料和各行业务报告giving market surveys and industry reports
促进开展业务promote business
保管业务custodian service
保险业务insurance business
保险业务年度underwriting year
保险业务总量insurance portfolio
信托业务fiducial business
信托业务fiduciary work
信托业务trust business
信托银行业务trust banking
信贷业务credit operations
信贷业务credit line
停止业务cease activity
保险全部业务移转portfolio acquisition
公共业务public service division
公开市场业务活动open market operations
其他金融业务other financial operations
具体业务性政策措施special operational policy measures
农业综合支助服务integrated agricultural support services
农务商业farm marketing
出借业务loan services
出口 信贷保险业务export credit insurance facilities
出口信贷保险业务export credit insurance facilities
初步业务preliminary aerations
办理许可证业务licensing operations
加急业务urgent service
加急业务电话urgent service call
单方面无分回业务分保non-reciprocal reinsurance
单独的贷款业务separate lending operations
即期业务outright transaction
即期业务spot exchange transaction
商业事务business affairs
商业实务commercial practice
商业服务commercial service
商业系,商务部department of commerce
商业银行业务commercial banking
商务事业commercial business
商务行业commercial vocation
国外业务经营foreign operation
国际多种方式联运业务international multimodal transport operation
国际租赁业务international business of leasing
国际转帐电报业务凭证申请书application for international transferred account telegraph service card
在信用证业务value on
地方业务费用local operating cost
外币业务foreign currency operations
外汇业务foreign exchange dealings
外汇业务foreign currency operations
多国计划拟订和业务中心Multinational Programming and Operation Centre
多式联运人的职能和业务MTO's functions and operations
多种业务multiple operation
多种业务的联合销售组织umbrella joint-marketing organization
套头交易业务hedging operation
套汇业务arbitrage transaction
实际业务协定vocational agreement
寄销商店,寄售业务consignment business
对发展中国家的软币优惠放款业务soft-loan window
州际商业委员会,中央商务部Interstate Commerce Commission
工业推广业务industrial extension services
市场业务活动market operation
19H年特种业务客船协定Special Trade Passenger ships Agreement (1977)
1971 年特种业务客船协定Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971
建立业务联系establishment of correspondent relationship
开办新业务take on new business
强制接受业务assigned risk
恢复业务往来renew business relations
情报交换业务clearing house service
执行业务股东working partner
执行业务股东executioner of business
执行业务股东managing partner
扩大业务widen business
批准的业务项目operations approved
承保各类保险业务underwrite various classes of business
承包搬运业务contract cartage
投资业务investment portfolio
报账后业务post-statement events
拒保业务名单decline list
拒受的业务declined risk
拒受的保险业务declined risk
推动业务activate business
推广业务extension services
搬运业务cartage service
支付业务payment transactions
支助性业务supporting service
放款业务loan services
放款业务money-lending business
放款业务lending operations
断绝业务关系sever business connections
业务new business
业务代表new business representatives
普通业务ordinary business
有关详情请与中国业务部接洽for further information contact us at China desk
服务业servicing business
服务事业service business
服务性企业service-type business (firm)
服务性企业service firm
服务行业service industries
服务行业人员service worker
期货业务forward exchange transaction
未满期业务转入portfolio entry
未满期业务转出portfolio withdrawal
未满期业务转移transfer of portfolio
未满期业务转移portfolio transfer
次健业务人身保险substandard risk
汽车货运业务trucking operation
洽谈业务negotiate business
海关业务general office
特别工业事务special industrial services
现汇业务outright transaction
现汇业务spot exchange transaction
班轮业务liner service
班轮公会业务手则Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences
直接业务direct writing
票据交换所业务clearing house service
租船业务charter business
稳定股票市场价格的业务活动operations for stabilizing the stockmarket price
世界银行第三类业务third window
第三类业务third window
第三类业务条件third window terms
第二类业务Second Window
第四类业务fourth window
累积放款业务cumulative lending operations
经常业务current operation
经营业务transact business
美元业务dollar transaction
联合业务委员会joint business committee
自然业务年度natural business year
集装箱装卸区到装卸区业务terminal-to terminal service
集装箱装卸区到装卸区运输业务terminal-to-terminal service
集装箱装卸区到门运输业务terminal-to-door service
议付业务negotiated transaction
记帐电报业务凭证payment on account telegram card
许可证业务licensing operations
货物装卸业务goods handling service
购进业务buying operation
贷款业务loan transaction
贷款业务money-lending business
贷款业务lending operations
资本业务capital operation
资金供应业务financing operations
跟单信用证业务documentary credit operation
软币优惠贷款业务soft loan window
过户业务transfer transaction
运输业务transport operation
运输业务的管理和监督regulation and control of transport operation
进出口业务import and export business
远期外汇业务forward exchange facilities
连锁商店业务chain store operation
通融受保业务accommodation line
邮政业务postal service
邮购业务mail order business
野猫式银行业务wild cat banking
金库业务Treasury Operations Department
银行业务banking practice
银行业务动员委员会banking mobilization board
销售业务selling operation
业务费用non-operating cost
非贸易业务non-commercial transaction
非贸易业务non-commercial transactions
项目支助业务project supporting services
额外的补偿资助业务additional compensatory financing facilities
首席业务领导人chief executive officer
驳运业务lightering operations