
Terms for subject China containing 业务 | all forms | in specified order only
专门业务specialized work
业务代办人business agent
业务培训professional training
业务指导professional guidance
业务指导或者领导operational guidance or leadership
业务收入proceed as generated from one's business
业务教育professional education
业务种类business type
业务种类category of business
业务秘密professional secrets
业务素质professional level
业务素质professional qualification
业务素质professional quality
业务素质professional caliber
业务规则operational rules
业务许可business license
业务预测business estimation
业务预测operational forecast
业务预测service forecast
业务预测business projection
主导电信业务经营者leading telecommunications business operator
争揽公证业务vie for notarial business
人寿保险业务life insurance business
人身保险业务personal insurance business
从事戒毒治疗业务engage in the treatment of drug addiction
依法自主开展律师业务provide legal service independently pursuant to law
保险业务许可证insurance license
保险代理业务许可证insurance agent license
保险经纪业务insurance brokerage business
保险经纪业务许可证brokerage business permit
信件寄递业务correspondence delivery services
信托业务机构trust institution
公证业务notarial business
关于简化和协调海关业务制度的国际公约International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures
兵役工作业务professional work concerning military service
再保险业务reinsurance of the insurance business
再保险分入业务inward reinsurance business
再保险分出业务outward reinsurance business
合伙业务partnership activities
国内快递业务domestic express delivery service
国际海事卫星组织业务协定Operating Agreement relating to the International Maritime Satellite organization
《国际移动卫星组织公约》1998 年修正案及《国际移动卫星组织业务协定》1998年修正案 1998Amendment to the Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization Inmarsat and Operating Agreement on the International Mobile Satellite Organization
国际通信卫星组织业务协定Operating Agreement Relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
基础电信业务basic telecommunications services
基础电信业务资费charges for basic telecommunications services
增值电信业务value-added telecommunications services
增值电信业务value-added telecom services
增值电信业务value-added telecommunications business
增值电信业务资费charges for value-added telecommunications services
对外贸易业务foreign trade
干部队伍政治和业务素质political standards and professional skills of cadres
建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、清正廉洁、作风优良的公务员队伍build a contingent of public servants who are politically reliable, professionally competent and clean and honest and have a good work style
快递业务express delivery service
快递业务经营许可express delivery business permit
思想政治、业务培训ideological, political and professional training
承办业务business to be undertaken
承揽业务solicit business
技术业务培训technical and vocational training
报关业务engage in declaration at the custom
拍卖业务规则rules on the auction
招揽承销业务canvass any underwriting business
提高干部队伍政治和业务素质improve the political standards and professional skills of their cadres
撤销有关业务许可revoke the relevant business license
撤销相关业务许可relevant business license revoked
未了结业务outstanding business
核定的业务范围scope of business approved
每笔保险业务each insurance contract
电信业务telecommunications business
电信业务经营许可证telecommunications service operating permit
电信业务经营许可证operating permit for telecommunications business
电信业务许可telecommunications business permit
盈利业务profitable business
监理业务business operation of project supervision
监理业务supervising business
知识产权质押业务business of hypothecation of intellectual property right
票据业务deal with negotiable instruments
终止其业务活动cease the business operation
经营保险业务许可证insurance business operation permit
经营测绘业务engage in surveying and mapping for commercial purpose
经营证券业务engage in securities business
证券业务纠纷dispute regarding securities operation
证券承销业务underwriting operation of securities
证券服务业务securities trading service
证券经纪业务operation of securities brokerage
质押业务business of hypothecation
超出业务许可范围beyond the business scope as permitted
转让监理业务transfer the business operation of project supervision
进行关联业务调查conduct investigation on affiliated business
限制业务活动restrict the business operation
非法经营证券业务unlawfully undertake any securities operation
骗取证券业务许可cheat for the securities business license