
Terms for subject Water resources containing 业务 | all forms
世界粮食和农业领域土地及水资源状况The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture
世界粮食和农业领域土地及水资源状况State of Land and Water Resources
从事农业经济活动的女性人口female economically active population in agriculture
从事农业经济活动的总人口total economically active population in agriculture
从事农业经济活动的男性人口male economically active population in agriculture
保护性农业conservation agriculture
先期工业本底污染浓度preindustrial background concentration
其他农业用水管理面积other agricultural water managed area
养殖渔业culture-based fisheries
养殖渔业culture-based fishery
内陆捕捞渔业inland capture fishery
再利用的农业排水reused agricultural drainage water
农业取水量agricultural water withdrawal
农业取水量占实际可再生水资源总量的百分比agricultural water withdrawal as % of total renewable water resources actual
农业取水量占总取水量的百分比agricultural water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal
农业增加值agriculture, value added to GDP
农业微生物学agricultural microbiology
农业效率farm efficiency
农业污染源agricultural pollution source
农业环境破坏agricultural environment destroy
农业生态区agro-ecological zones
农业生态区agroecological zone
农业用水管理总面积agricultural water managed area: total
农业需水量agricultural water requirement
农业需水量占农业取水量的百分比agricultural water requirement as % of agricultural water withdrawal
农业非点污染源agricultural nonpoint source
农业非点源水质模型agricultural non-point source water quality model
农业非点源污染agricultural nonpoint source pollution
农业非点源污染控制agricultural nonpoint source pollution control
农业非点源污染模型agricultural nonpoint source pollution model
农业非点源污染模拟agricultural nonpoint source pollution simulation
创业成本first cost
创业费first cost
化学工业水处理water treatment in chemical industry
城市和城郊农业urban and peri-urban agriculture
城市工业污水管理management of urban industrial wastewater
塑料工业污水plastic industry wastewater
增殖型渔业enhanced fisheries
增殖型渔业enhanced fishery
工业下水道系统industrial sewerage system
工业取水量industrial water withdrawal
工业取水量占总取水量的百分比industrial water withdrawal as % of total water withdrawal
工业排污监察员trade effluent officers
工业排污阈限值industrial threshold limit
工业水污染industrial water pollution
工业污水trade waste
工业污水industrial sewerage
工业污水人口当量population equivalent of industrial wastewater
工业污水处理厂industrial waste treatment plant
工业污水处理厂industrial waste treatment works
工业污水处理厂industrial sewerage treatment works
工业污水委员会美国水污染控制联合会Industrial Wastes Committee
工业污水排放industrial waste discharge
工业污水排放industrial discharge
工业污水氧化塘industrial waste lagoon
工业用水系统industry water system
工业用甲基化酒精industrial methylated spirits
工业用腐殖酸commercial humic acid
径流农业runoff farming
有效工业废水排放指标effective index of industrial wastewater emissions
有色金属工业废水non-ferrous metallurgical industry wastewater
毛纺织工业废水woolen industry wastewater
氮肥工业废水nitrogenous fertilizer industrial wastewater
水产养殖业aquaculture industry
水处理单元作业优化设计optimization design of unit operation in water treatment
水污染工业源industrial source of water pollution
海洋环境作业浮标operational buoys fbr ocean environment
渔业用水水质标准fishery water quality standard
渔业用水水质要求water quality requirement for fisheries water
渔业的管理fisheries management
灌溉农业irrigated farming
灌溉农业irrigated agriculture
灌溉农业irrigated cultivation
灌溉农业irrigation farming
电镀作业electroplating operation
电镀工业污水plating industry sewage
石化工业废水petrochemical industry wastewater
石油工业污水oil industry wastewater
确定性农业非点源污染评估deterministic assessment of agricultural nonpoint source pollution
纺织工业染整水污染物排放标准discharge standard of water pollutant for dyeing and finishing of textile industry
纺织染整业textile dyeing and finishing industry
综合农业污染管理系统integrated system for the management of agricultural pollution
表业用水水质要求water quality requirement for agricultural water
造纸工业废物paper industry waste material
造纸工业排放水污染物水质标准discharged water standard of discharged water pollutant for paper industry
配备灌溉设施的面积占农业用水管理面积的百分比area equipped for irrigation as % of agricultural water managed area
雨养农业rainfed farming
非点农业污染源nonpoint agriculture pollution source
高浓度氨氮工业废水high strength ammonia-nitrogen industrial wastewater