
Terms for subject Commerce containing 专家系统 | all forms
专业厂家制造仪器professional instrument
专家的资历expert's credentials
专家鉴定expert appraisal
专家鉴定品质证明书a certificate of quality by experts
付给培训专家或单位的费用training fees
作效率高的专家efficient expert T
向一家外国企业出售专有技术的报酬the consideration for selling know-how to a foreign enterprise
国家专卖state monopoly
就该问题与专家协商consult with an authority on the subject
就该问题向权威专家请教consult an authority on the subject
推销专家sales engineer
有造诣的专家accomplished expert
特耳菲专家预测法Delphi poll
德国经济专家委员会Council of Economic Experts (1963)
聘请技术专家与专业人员engagement of technical and professional experts
请教专家consult experts
企业经营管理软专家soft expert