
Terms for subject China containing 专利 | all forms | in specified order only
专利侵权纠纷dispute of patent infringement
专利公报patent gazette
专利国际申请international application for a patent
专利复审patent reexamination
专利实施许可合同patent exploitation license contract
专利技术patented technology
专利权评价报告patent evaluation report
专利标识patent notice
专利the Patent Law
专利申请权right to patent application
专利申请权right to apply for a patent
专利种类patent category
专利许可使用费royalty fee for patent exploitation
专利请求书patent written request
他人专利other's patent right
依法取得的专利patent right lawfully obtained
侵犯专利infringement of the patent rights
假冒专利pass off others' patent
假冒他人专利counterfeit the patent of another
发明专利patent for inventions
发明专利invention patent right
外观设计专利patent right for a design
实施专利exploit the patent
实用新型专利patent right for utility model
实用新型专利utility model patent right
宣告该专利权无效declare the patent right invalid
申请专利的权利right to apply for a patent
确认发明专利confirm patents for inventions
维持专利uphold the patent right
转让专利assignment of the patent right