
Terms for subject Name of organization containing 与非 | all forms | in specified order only
与本组织相关的非职工医疗保险/补偿计划Medical Coverage for Non-staff
促进妇女参与渔业发展非洲区域研讨会African Regional Workshop on Enhanced Women's Participationin Fisheries Development
关于支持可持续生计和粮食安全的参与性方式方法的非正式工作组Informal Working Group on Participatory Approaches and Methods to Support Sustainable Livelihoods and Food Security
欧洲救济与发展非政府组织联合会European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development
欧洲救济与发展非政府组织联合会European Non-governmental Organizations Confederation for Relief and Development
粮农组织与非洲开发银行协议Agreement between FAO and the African Development Bank
联合国非洲交通与通讯十年United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa
西非经济与货币联盟West African Economic and Monetary Union
西非经济与货币联盟Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa
采购与合同组 - 非食品项目Procurement and Contracts Unit - non food item
非政府组织与欧盟发展问题联络委员会Liaison Committee of Development NGOs to the European Union
非洲儿童权利与福利宪章African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
非洲投资与开发国际金融协会SIFIDA Investment Company