
Terms for subject Space containing 与" | all forms
三坐标多目标搜索跟踪雷达3-D multi-target search and tracking radar
上行链路噪声干扰uplink noise and interference
""/"与非"门AND/NAND gate
军事有关的情报military-related intelligence
分布无关的检测器distribution-free detector
加速度平方项有关的陀螺漂移率acceleration square sensitive drift rate
半选输出比one-to-partial select ratio "1"
航天器地面通信联系ground contact
壳体黏合的case-bonded (固体火箭的药柱与壳体黏合在一起)
外星智能联络communication with extraterrestrial intelligence
大公司合伙teaming up
天体自转方向相反的retrograde (轨道)
小公司合伙teaming down
弹对接试验connection test with missile
"/或"作用计算机的AND-TO-OR function
"或"树AND/OR tree (由"与"节点和"或"节点构成的树)
""/"或"门AND/OR gate
""/"或"/"非"门AND/OR/NOT gate
""/"或非"门AND/NOR gate
空间航天有关的信息技术space-related information technologies
空间站对接的航天器space station-docked spacecraft
距离无关distance independent
""门电路AND circuit
""门真值表truth table for AND gate
""/"非"门AND/NOT gate
专利、商标版权patent, trademark and copyright
东部航天导弹中心eastern space and missile center (美国空军)
中央指挥控制中心central command and control system
中央模拟数据分配计算系统center analog data distributing and computing system
中央计时数据分发系统central timing and data distribution system
中心指挥控制系统central command and control system
中段末段制导系统midcourse and terminal guidance system
中程无人驾驶空中监视目标截获系统medium range unmanned aerial surveillance and target acquisition system
中频高频无线电测向系统medium and high frequency direction-finding system
中频、高频甚高频无线电测向器medium, high a nd very high frequency direction finder
主动水面舰艇搜索攻击声呐active surface vessel search and attack sonar
主控用户接口软件master control and user interface software
主要靶场试验设施基地major range and test-facility base
乘员紧急逃逸营救技术crew-escape and rescue techniques
低空目标警戒探测雷达overland warning and detection radar
低空雷达跟踪目标识别系统low-altitude radar tracking and target recognition system
作动器驱动监控计算机actuator drive and monitor computer
作战支援operations and support
作战维护operations and maintenance
作战操作试验鉴定operational test and evaluation
作战使用试验鉴定operational employment testing and evaluation
作战指挥控制系统operational command and control system
作战试验鉴定operational test and evaluation
作战试验鉴定计划operational test and evaluation plan
作战试验鉴定部队operational test and evaluation force
倾斜升降陀螺控制器bank and climb gyro control unit
允许解除保险防护系统permissive arming and protection system
先进侦察目标捕捉能力advanced reconnaissance and target acquisition capabilities
先进光学激光空间技术advanced optics and laser space technology (美国空军)
先进大气探测器成像辐射计advanced atmospheric sounder and imaging radiometer
先进救援回收系统advanced rescue & recovery system
先进数据中继技术任务卫星Artemis advanced data relay and technology mission satellite
先进武器可生存技术计划Advanced Weapons & Survivability Technology (美国空军)
先进的地面交通导引控制系统advanced surface movement guidance and control system
先进的航程轨道测定系统advanced range and orbit determination
先进的资源污染观测卫星advanced resources pollution observatory
先进航轨道测定系统advanced range and orbit determination
先进靶场试验、报告控制advanced range testing, reporting and control (系统)
光学传感器跟踪器optical sensor and tracker
光学元件测试鉴定optical component testing and evaluation
光学惯性制导导航系统optical-inertial guidance and navigation system
光学探测测距light detection and ranging
光学探测测距系统optical detection and ranging system
光学搜索跟踪optical gathering and tracking
光学测距探测系统optical ranging and detection system
光学识别跟踪系统optical discrimination and tracking system
光学通信跟踪系统optical communications and tracking system
光探测测距light detection and ranging
光电识别跟踪系统electro-optical identification and tracking system
入侵探测识别系统intrusion detection and identification system
全国大地测量学地球物理学委员会National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics (巴基斯坦)
全国能源研究开发论证委员会National Energy Research Development and Demon strati on Council (澳大利亚)
全景搜索攻击声呐panoramic search and attack sonar
全球卫星跟踪控制设备global satellite tracking and control facility
全球卫星跟踪控制设施global satellite tracking and control facility
全球情报预警系统global information and early warning system
全球搜索救援系统global search and rescue system
全球环境安全监测global monitoring for environment and security (欧洲开展中的大型军民两用航天计划,以实现全球环境与安全实时动态监测)
切断接通系统cut-off and put-on system
初期卫星的指令控制initial satellite command and control
初步设计研制preliminary design and development
制导导航电子设备guidance and navigation electronics
制导导航系统guidance and navigation system
制导导航计算机guidance and navigation computer
制导导航设备guidance and navigation equipment
制导控制guide and control
制导、导航控制guidance navigation and control
制导、导航控制系统guidance navigation and control system
制造商承包商manufacturers and contractors
制造方法工艺manufacturing method and technology
化学辐射学实验室chemical and radiological laboratories
化学战细菌战chemical warfare-bacteriological warfare
化学、生物细菌放射性chemical, bacteriological and radiological (warfare, 战争)
化学、生物细菌放射性chemical, biological and radiological (warfare, 战争)
北京信息控制研究所Beijing Information and Control Institute (中国)
北京跟踪通信技术研究所Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology (中国)
北大西洋公约组织军事指挥、控制情报系统NATO military command, control and information system
北大西洋公约组织指挥、控制情报系统NATO command, control and information system
北大西洋公约组织生产后勤组织NATO Production and Logistics Organizations
北大西洋公约组织霍克导弹生产后勤组织NATO Hawk Production and Logistics Organization
区域轨道同步化处理设施regional orbit and synchronisation processing facility
升限能见度无限制ceiling and visibility unlimited
单一制导推进系统single guidance and propulsion system
单目标决策多目标决策single and many goal decision
南森环境遥感中心Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC, 挪威)
卫星威胁预警攻击报告系统satellite threat warning and attack reporting
卫星搜索救援satellite search and rescue
卫星攻击警告核查satellite attack warning and verification
卫星攻击预警评估飞行试验satellite attack warning and assessment flight experiment (美国 20 世纪 90 年代的研发项目)
卫星、气球火箭satellites and balloons and rockets
卫星灾害监测预报disaster monitoring and forecasting by satellite
卫星自动会合联接系统satellite automatic terminal rendezvous and coupling
卫星跟踪数据网satellite tracking and data network
卫星跟踪数据采集网satellite tracking and data acquisition network
卫星辅助搜索救援系统satellite aided search and rescue (印度 Insat-2 卫星上的)
卫生农村教育卫星计划satellite for health and rural education (programme, 国际通信卫星组织的)
合格否判据accept/reject criterion
合格试验鉴定qualification test and evaluation
后继试验鉴定follow-on test and evaluation
噪声信噪比noise and signal-to-noise ratio
地图电子综合显示仪combined map and electronic display
地球空间技术研究中心Center for Research in Earth and Space Technology (加拿大)
地球空间技术研究中心Centre for Research in Earth and Space Technology (CRES Tech, 加拿大)
地球行星环境研究中心Center for the Study of Earth and Planets Environments (CETP, 法国)
地球轨道间航天飞机earth to orbit shuttle
地球卫星跟踪控制设备global satellite tracking and control facility
地理信息空间技术发展局Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA, 泰国)
地理信息检索分析系统geographic information retrieval and analysis system
地面监视目标捕获ground surveillance and target acquisition
地面站系统-监测控制ground station system-monitoring and control
地面起飞着陆ground takeoff and landing
复合机械化信息资料检索系统composite mechanized information and document retrieval system
外挂物弹射投放装置 European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company NV EADS 欧洲航空防务航天有限公司ejector release unit for external stores
多元航天运输回收系统multi-unit space transport and recovery system
多军种试验鉴定multi-service test and evaluation
多媒体信息检索查询multimedia information service
多普勒定位测距系统Doppler location and ranging system
多普勒测距导航Doppler range and navigation
多普勒测距情报系统Doppler ranging and information system
多目标相位跟踪测距multiple-object phase tracking and ranging
多目标精属跟踪测距multiple object precision tracking and ranging
多目标跟踪分类tracking and classifying multiple targets
多目标鉴跟踪discriminating and tracking multiple objects
多终端存取传输设备multiterminal access and transfer equipment
多路转换器终端装置multiplexer and terminal unit
夜间低空导航定位红外系统low altitude navigation and targeting infrared for night
大气空间物理学atmospheric and space physics
天基导弹跟踪监测系统space-based missile tracking and surveillance system
天基监视跟踪系统space surveillance and tracking system
天文空间物理研究所Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio (阿根廷)
天文学地球物理学服务处联合会Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Service
太阳辐射气候实验卫星solar radiation and climate experiment (美国科学卫星)
空袭威胁判断防空武器分派threat-evaluation and weapon assignment
射弹空中爆炸撞击定位系统projectile airburst and impact location system
小型信息存储检索系统miniature information storage and retrieval system
尾流分析控制wake analysis and control
引信战斗部配合fuze-warhead matching
引信战斗部配合fuze-warhead coordination
引信战斗部配合效率fuze-warhead matching efficiency
引信战斗部配合效率efficiency of matching of fuze with warhead
弹道特征数据trajectory and signature data
弹道飞行数据计算机ballistic and flight data computer
弹道测距记录系统range only measurement of trajectory and recording
彩色电子姿态方向指示器coloured electronic attitude and direction indicator
性能可靠性performance and reliability
性能成本评定performance and cost evaluation
性能改进的可靠性performance and improved reliability
性能相容性要求performance and compatibility requirements
性能分析试验资料performance analysis and test histories
性能评估检测设施performance assessment and check-out facility
总线控制接口器件bus control and interface unit
总装检验final assembly and check-out
成本作战效能分析cost and operational effectiveness analysis
成本/进度计划控制系统cost/schedule planning and control system
战区监视综合通信系统battle area surveillance and integrated communications system
战地空中指挥控制中心airborne battlefield command and control center
战场侦察监视卫星battle field reconnaissance and surveillance satellite
战场管理指挥、控制、通信、计算机、情报、监视和侦察battle management and command, control, communications, computers ,intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
战役级建模仿真campaign-level M&S
战斗监视目标捕获combat surveillance and target acquisition
战斗监视目标搜索截获combat surveillance and target acquisition
战术战略tactics and strategy
战术电子定位目标信息输入系统tactical electronic locating and targeting system
战略战斗力鉴定strategy and force evaluation
战略进攻防御系统办公室Office of Strategic Offensive and Defensive Systems (美国海军)
截获跟踪系统acquisition and tracking system
指令控制中心command and control center
指令控制信息处理information processing in command and control
指令数据收集站command and data acquisition station
指令数据的获取截获command and data acquisition
指令数据管理分系统command and data management subsystem
指令数据采集command and data acquisition
指令遥测系统command and telemetry system
指令性改装检查mandatory modification and inspection
指引接合系统orbital rendezvous positioning, indexing and coupling system
指挥控制信息系统command and control information system
指挥服务舱command and service module
指挥通信舰command and communication ship
指挥控制情报command control and intelligence
指挥、控制通信舰command, control and communication ship
指挥、控制、通信情报系统command-control-communication and intelligence system
指挥、控制、通信、计算机情报command, control, communications, computers and intelligence
指挥、控制、通信、计算机、杀伤、情报、监视侦察系统command, control, communications, computers, kill, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
振动冲击隔离vibration and shock isolation
搜索救援search and rescue
搜索救援作业search and rescue operation
搜索救援卫星search and rescue satellite
搜索救援卫星辅助跟踪计划search and rescue satellite-aided tracking (加拿大、美国、苏联、法国合作的全球空、海难卫星监视计划)
搜索救援机构search and rescue facility
搜索跟踪雷达acquisition and tracking radar
数据搜集、保持传送系统collection, holding and transfer system
改进现代化improvement and modernization
污染控制radiation and contamination control
故障分析控制系统failure analysis and control system
故障定位修理fault location and repair
故障定位监视fault location and monitoring
故障插入显示装置malfunction insertion and display unit
故障检测报警fault detect and warning
故障检测记录系统malfunction detection and recording system
故障检测隔离fault detection and isolation
故障检测分析记录malfunction detection analysis and recording
故障模式影响分析failure modes and effects analysis (导弹与航天部门采用的风险评估的一种定量分析工具)
故障模式影响分析failure mode and effects analysis
故障诊断、隔离恢复fault diagnosis, isolation and recovery
敏捷换频空空导弹搜索跟踪系统frequency agile search and track (seeker)
天空仿真器star and sky simulator
星际宇宙科学研究协会Association pour l'Etude et la Recherche Astronautique et Cosmique (法国,法文)
显示分析子系统display and debriefing subsystem
显示控制display and control
显示控制command, display and control
最低成本估计算调度系统least cost estimating and scheduling system
最佳动态静态结构有效系统optimum dynamic and static structural efficient systems
最大最小库存量maximum and minimum inventories
最终逼近后退撤离机动final approach and recede maneuvers (卫星编队飞行的)
月球工程探测器selenological and engineering explorer (日本首个月球探测器,又称月亮女神)
月球轨道着陆途径lunar orbit and landing approach
有源无源辐射器综合测距combined active/passive emitter rangings
机械臂遥控操作器控制技术manipulator/teleoperator control technology
机载通信电子设备局Airborne and Communications-Electronics Board (美国陆军)
机载导弹连续发射低空突防continuously airborne missile launching and low-level (penetration)
机载导弹连续发射低空突防continuously airborne missile launching and low-level penetration
机载水面舰船搜索导航雷达and navigation radar
机载水面舰船搜索海上搜索雷达and maritime radar
机载监视控制设备aircraft monitor and control
机载监视目标捕获airborne surveillance and target acquisition
机载目标截获火控系统airborne target acquisition fire control system
机载科学空间实验室实验系统模拟airborne science/space lab experiment system simulation
机载航程轨道测量系统airborne range and orbit determination system
机载通信定位识别采集系统airborne communications location identification & collection system
机载预警控制系统airborne warning and control system
杀伤力易损性分析lethality and vulnerability analysis
权限描述标识符authority and description identifier
材料工艺检验规范material process and inspection specification
栅极板极互导grid-plate transconductance
校准维护测试程序calibration and maintenance test procedure
校核验证verification and validation
校核、验证鉴定verification validation and certification
校正跟踪测距台correction tracking and ranging station
核爆炸警报辐射数据系统nuclear explosion warning and radiological data system
核研究制造有限公司SODERN (法国)
模块化数据采集控制分系统modular data acquisition and control subsystem
模块式机载搜索跟踪雷达modular airborne search and track radar
模型仿真model and simulation
模拟混合计算机程序设计analog hybrid computer programming
欧洲卫星跟踪遥测通信网European satellite tracking, telemetry and telecommunication network
欧洲安全合作组织Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
欧洲空间研究技术中心European Space Research& Technology Center (ESTEC)
欧洲航空防务航天公司European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co., Ltd.
欧洲航空防务航天德国有限公司EADS Deutschland GmbH
欧洲航空防务航天法国有限公司EADS France S.A.S.
欧洲航空防务航天航空制造公司EADS Construcciones Aeronauticas SA (EADS CASA)
欧洲航空防务航天运载器公司EADS Launch Vehicles (EADS-LV, 法国)
欧洲航空防备航天马特拉系统和信息公司EADS Matra System & Information
正""门positive-AND gate
武器电气维修人员weapon and electrical maintainer
武器储存安全系统weapon storage and security system
武器投放导航系统weapon-delivery and navigation system
武器控制导航系统weapon control and navigation system
武器控制投放系统armament control and delivery system
武器效能系统试验环境weapons effectiveness and system test environment
气体储存、分配输送设备gas storage, distribution and supply device
气球火箭satellites, balloons and rockets
气象数据采集显示系统meteorological data acquisition and display system
氧化剂燃烧剂比oxidizer-to-fuel ratio
氧化剂燃烧剂混合比oxidizer-to-fuel mixture ratio
水星表面、空间环境、地质化学测距MErcury Surface, Space environment, GEochemistry and Ranging
污染消除环境控制技术pollution abatement and environ mental control technology
流动回收修理mobile reclamation and repair
流动检查维修mobile checkout and maintenance
测定结论determination and findings
测控通信系统tracking, telemetry, command and communication sub system (载人航天器的)
测试操作test and operations
测试校准test and adjust
测试监控站test and monitoring station
测试评估test and evaluation
测试诊断test and diagnostics (程序)
测试、计量诊断设备test, measurement and diagnostic equipment
测距完好性监测站ranging and integrity monitoring station
测距测速导航ranging and velocity navigation
测距跟踪系统airborne laser illuminator, ranger & tracking system
测量测量的关联measurement-to-measurement association
测量轨迹关联measurement-to-track association
测量精度可重复性研究measuring accuracy and repeatability study
温度时间关系temperature history (曲线)
演绎归纳混合建模法deductive-inductive hybrid modeling method
火星亚表面电离层探测先进雷达Mars advanced radar for subsurface and ionospheric sounding (欧洲火星快车轨道器上的)
煤油偏二甲肼的混合物kerosene-unsymmetric dimethyl hydrazine mixture
照看维护care and maintenance
爱佛可公司数据分析预测技术AVCO data analysis and prediction techniques (AVCO 是美国一家航天工业公司)
物理天文学院Institute of Physics and Astronomy (IFA, 丹麦)
瑞士航空航天法协会Association Suisse de Droit Aérien et Spatial (法文)
生产率、质量可靠性productivity, quality and reliability
生存救援survival and rescue
生物控制模拟biological control and simulation
用户控制通信语言language for user control and communication
电子学雷达研究所Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (印度)
电子战斗侦察electronic combat and reconnaissance
电子扫描稳定天线electronic scanning and stabilizing antenna
电子组件的自动寿命试验记录automatic life testing and recording of electronic components
电气控制检测系统electrical control and test system
电气系统支援的自动化控制检测automated control and checking of electrical system support
电磁战通信实验室electromagnetic warfare and communications laboratory
电视惯性制导television and inertial guidance
真空充电放电试验vacuum charging and discharging test
着发瞬发引信impact and superquick fuze
着陆回收landing and recovery
着陆控制逻辑装置landing control and logic units
研制确认平台development and validation platform
研制试验design, development & test
研制性试验鉴定development test and evaluation
研制试验鉴定靶场developmental test and evaluation range
研究发展开发research and development
研究发展工程鉴定research and development engineering [evaluation]
研究应用舱research and applications module (美国航天飞机的)
研究研制research and development
研究设计费用research and design cost
研究试验设备管理局Direction des Recherches et Moyens d'Essais (法国,现改为 DRET,武器装备研究与技术局,法文)
研究高级开发research and advanced development
研究试验鉴定research test and evaluation
研究、开发工程设计research, development and engineering
研究、开发鉴定research, development and evaluation
铝金属氧化物半导体silicon and aluminum metal oxide semiconductor
程序分析评价模型program analysis and evaluation model
程序分析控制鉴定program analysis control and evaluation
程序库更新维护program library update and maintenance
程序开发编制维护系统program development and maintenance system
程序监控计划技术program monitoring and planning techniques
程序研究开发program research and development
稳定姿态控制stabilization/attitude control
紫外和可见光成像仪光谱仪ultraviolet and visible imagers and spectrographic imagers (美国中段空间试验卫星上的)
编辑输出程序editing and output procedure
网络测试训练中心Network Test and Training Facility (美国国家航空航天局)
网络设计管理系统network design and management system
罗马尼亚流体力学航空航天设计研究所Institut de Mecanique des Fluides et Constructions Aerospatiales
联合后勤、作战情报中心Joint Logistics, Operations and Intelligence Center (北约组织)
联合国亚太经济社会委员会United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
联合国探索和平利用外层空间会议United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
联合多路中继交换系统joint multichannel trunking and switching system
联合建模仿真系统joint modeling and simulation system
联合战略跟踪雷达系统joint strategic track and radar system
联合搜索救援中心Joint Search and Rescue Center (美军)
联合热带试验研究院joint tropical trials and research establishment (澳大利亚)
联合监视目标攻击指示雷达系统joint surveillance target attack radar system (美国战场监视侦察机)
联合研究开发委员会Joint Research and Development Board (美国陆军部与海军部)
联合空中搜索救援中心joint air search and rescue center
联合被动主动探测雷达combined passive and active detection radar
联合试验鉴定joint test and evaluation
联合飞行数据采集传输系统joint inflight data acquisition and transmission system
联机模式分析识别系统on-line pattern analysis and recognition system
联邦教育科学培训部Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST, 澳大利亚)
联邦科学工业研究组织Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO, 澳大利亚)
联邦科学工业研究组织地球观测中心CSIRO Earth Observation Center (EOC, 澳大利亚)
联邦科学工业研究组织通信与工业物理部CSIRO Telecommunications &Industrial Physics (澳大利亚)
聚焦投影扫描视像管focus projection and scanning vidicon
脉冲多普勒搜索截获雷达pulse Doppler search and acquisition radar
脉冲干扰分离消除pulse interference separation and blanking
脱离规避escape and evasion
腐蚀鉴定试验区域corrosion evaluation and test area
航向偏流计算器course and drift calculator
航向姿态传感器heading and attitude sensor
潜艇的航向深度自动控制仪automatic course keeping and depth keeping controls
航向速度计算器course and speed calculator
航向速度计算机course-and-speed computer
航天导弹系统组织space and Missile Systems Organization (美国空军武器系统研究部)
航天导弹系统组织Space and Missile Systems Organization (美国空军武器系统研究部的)
航天导弹试验中心Space and Missile Test Center (美国国防部)
航天导弹试验组织Space and Missile Test Organization
航天空间控制导航space control and navigation
航天动力因素救生space dynamic factors and survival
航天员医学监督保障astronaut medical monitoring and support
航天员医学监督保障astronaut medical monitoring and medical support
航天器结构机构系统spacecraft structure and mechanism sub system
航天控制导航space control and navigation
航天测控数据采集space tracking and data acquisition
航天测控数据采集网space tracking and data acquisition network
航天消毒检疫spaceflight sterilization and quarantine (对载人航天器座舱及航天员)
航天环境控制生命保障系统space environment control and life support system
航天监视控制aerospace surveillance and control
航天监视预警系统aerospace surveillance and warning system
航天计量测试space metrology and measurement
航天跟踪数据采集网space tracking and data acquisition network
航天跟踪监视系统space tracking and surveillance network
航母陆上着陆系统carrier and shore landing system
航空空间aeronautics and space
航空空间法研究所Institute of Air & Space Law (加拿大)
航空航天科学委员会Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences
航空航天科学技术报告Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports
航空和航天遥感技术测量农业资源储藏量agriculture and resources inventory surveys through aerospace remote sensing
航空航天制图大地测量处Aerospace Cartographic and Geodetic Service (美国空军)
航空航天大会展览Aerospace Congress and Exhibition (ACE, 又称北美航展)
航空航天指挥控制系统aerospace command and control system
航空航天救援回收局Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service
航空航天监视警戒系统aerospace surveillance and warning system
航空航天研究发展顾问团Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (北约组织)
航空航天研究发展顾问团Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (北约组织的)
航空航天系统试验鉴定综合设施aerospace system test and evaluation complex
航空航天飞行器集成化设计制造aerospace vehicle integrated design & manufacture
航行航程计算器course and distance calculator
航迹方位指示器course-and-bearing indicator
航迹距离指示器course-and-distance indicator
航迹分析指令传输flight path analysis and command
舰载红外搜索跟踪系统LRSTS shipborne infrared search/track system
舰队地区控制监视站fleet area control and surveillance facility
舰队弹道导弹指挥控制通信网fleet ballistic missile command & control communications network
舰队空中控制监视台fleet air control and surveillance facility
草图设计系统分析predesign and systems analysis
虚警漏警false alarm and missed alarm
行政后勤延误时间administrative and logistic delay time
行星空间科学planetary and space science
行星轨道间往返飞船planetary surface to orbit shuttle
警报传递显示系统alarm communications and display system
调查、研究编定investigate, research and define
质量可靠性quality and reliability
质量可靠性保证quality and reliability assurance
质量可靠性信息系统Q&R information system
质量可靠性信息系统Q&R data system
质量保证测试业务quality assurance and test services
质量保证风险管理quality-assurance and risk management
质量合格取证的使用试验鉴定qualification operational test and evaluation
质量监测控制系统quality monitoring and control system
资源训练系统状态status of resources and training system
资源分配规划系统resource allocation and planning system
资源自动化计划分析系统automated resource planning and analysis system
资源计划调度法resources planning and scheduling method
轨迹轨迹的关联track-to-track association
轨迹轨迹相关问题track-to-track correlation problem
轨道同步化处理设施orbit and synchronisation processing facility
轨道姿态跟踪子系统orbit and attitude tracking subsystem
轨道聚合空间基础设施体系orbital aggregation & space infrastructure systems (计划,美国在轨服务研制计划之一)
逃逸救生escape and lifesaving
通信信息communication and information
通信信息communications and information
通信导航communication and navigation
通信数据传输系统communications and data-link system
通信数据处理操作系统communication and data processing operation system
通信数据采集办公室Telecommunication and Data Acquisition Office (美国国家航空航天局)
通信无线电工程学院Institute of Communications and RadioFrequency Engineering (奥地利)
通信测控网communication, tracking, telemetry and command network (对航天器进行通信、跟踪、遥测、遥控的天地综合系统)
通信跟踪子系统communications and tracking subsystem
通信运输秘书处Secretaria de Communicacions y Transportes (墨西哥在国际通信卫星组织签约的机构)
通信、导航监视communications, navigation & surveillance
通信故障检测转换设备communication failure detecting and switching equipment
通信-电子伪装诱骗communications-electronics cover and deception
通信系统规划执行communication system plan and execution
通用控制器处理机general purpose controller/processor
通用的建模仿真框架common modeling and simulation infrastructure
通用采集控制系统multipurpose acquisition and control system
逻辑""元件logic coincidence element
遥测图像资料处理telemetry and image data processing
遥测指令telemetry and command
遥测指挥系统telemetry and command system (卫星通信的)
遥测、跟踪遥控系统telemetry tracking and command system
防撞防地形障碍警报系统collision and obstacle terrain avoidance warning system
防空反潜anti-aircraft and anti-submarine
防空反潜antiaircraft and antisubmarine
陀螺仪航向姿态基准系统gyroscopic heading and attitude reference system
陀螺罗盘姿态速度基准系统gyrocompassing attitude and velocity reference system
附带伤亡破坏collateral casualties and damage
需求计划书need and planning documents
需求计划书need and planning document
需要分配requirement and distribution
"非"门NOT-AND gate
非参接收机non-participating receiver (GPS 系统中不跟踪伪卫星信号的接收机)
非洲航空航天防务展Africa Aerospace and Defense
非破坏性试验检查non-destructive testing and inspection
面向对象的分析设计object-oriented analysis and development
面向计算机的实验室测试系统computer-oriented laboratory and testing system
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