
Terms for subject Environment containing 与" | all forms
联合国教科文组织生物圈研究计划Man and Biosphere Program
自然的关系man-nature relationship
保护躲避机制protective and evasive mechanism
保护野生动植物Conservation and Wildlife
美国保护消费者环境健康处Consumer Protection and Environmental Health Service
美国健康安全委员会Health & Safety Commission
健康安全工作法案Health & Safety Work Act
英国健康安全执行委员会Health & Safety Executive
健康安全规范Health and Safety Code
健康环境的关系health-environment relationship Relationship between the quality of the environment and the health conditions of individuals (环境品质与个人健康状况之间的关系。)
加拿大国家卫生福利部健康卫生标准顾问Health Standards and Consultants
健康、安全环境health, safety and environment
健康、安全、环境质量health, safety, environment & quality
健康、环境安全Health, Environment and Safety
全球气候研究计划全球能源水资源周期实验global energy and water cycle experiment
公共参public participation The involvement, as an enfranchised citizen, in public matters, with the purpose of exerting influence (作为有选举权的公民,为了施加影响,参与到公共事务中。)
公共意识应急反应community awareness and emergency response
剂量效果关系dose-effect relationship The relation between the quantity of a given substance and a measurable or observable effect (某物质的剂量与可测量或观察的效果间的关系。)
美国加利福尼亚职业安全保健管理局California Occupational Safety & Health Administration
美国化学品安全危害调查局Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
北极海洋飘油防治方案Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Prog ram
危险评价风险控制hazard evaluation and risk control
participation The act of sharing or taking part in a civic, community or public action (在民事活动中的行动分享或参与,社区或公众行动。)
吸人输出intake and output
固体废物管理应急处理处Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
国家职业安全保健研究所National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
美国国家职业安全卫生咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health
美国国家辐射防护测量委员会National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement
国际地球科学环境科学促进会International Association for Advancement of Earth and Environment Sciences
国际环境开发研究中心Center for International Research of Environment and Development
国际环境开发研究所International Institute for Environment and Development
国际自然天然资源保护联合会International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
地学环境科学国际中心International Center for Earth and Environmental Sciences
大气化学全球污染委员会Commission cxi Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution
大气化学地球污染国际委员会International Committee on the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution
安全环境safety and environment
美国安全环境管理计划Safety and Environmental Management Program
美国居民健康环境监测系统Community Health and Environmental Surveillance System
工业环境国际中心International Center for the Industry and the Environment
放射污染控制radiation and contamination control
政府机构间辐射研究政策协调委员会Committee on Interagency Radiation Research and Policy Coordination
欧洲监测评价计划European Monitoring and Evaluation Program
污水工业废物处理协会联合会Federation of Sewage and Industrial Wastes Association
澳大利亚污染环境控制技术处Australian Services in Pollution and Environmental Control Technology
燃油危险物品模拟环境计量罐oil and hazardous materials simulated environmental test tank
环境工程地球物理学会Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society
加拿大环境能源部Ministry of Environment and Energy
环境、健康、安全社会经济的environment, health, safety and socio-economic
美国环境净化责任条例Environmental Clean up and Responsibilities Act
环境监测报警系统environmental monitoring and warning system
美国环境科学工程委员会Council for Environmental Science and Engineering
石油泄漏防止响应Oil Spill Prevention and Response
社会参social participation Collective, civic action shared and performed by a significant number of the community or general population (集体,公民共同的行动和由社区或总人口大量进行的行动。)
社区参community participation Involvement in public or private actions, as members or as a member of a particular ethnic, political or social group, with the purpose of exerting influence (以一个特殊种族、政治或社会组织的群体会员或单一会员参与公共或个人活动以发挥影响目的。)
积极参active participation The involvement, either by an individual or a group of individuals, in their own governance or other activities, with the purpose of exerting influence (个人或团体为扩大影响而参与的事件)
美国石油学会空气资源保护委员会Committee on Air and Water Conservation
空气污染信息计算系统Air Pollution Information and Computation System
美国综合性环境响应补偿责任条例Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
职业健康工作环境occupational health and working environment
美国职业安全保健法案Occupational Safety and Health Act
美国职业安全保健管理局Occupational Safety and Health Administration
联合国环境发展大会UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992 (联合国环境与发展大会,巴西里约热内卢,1992。)
美国联邦空气水污染控制管理局Federal Air and Water Pollution Control Administration
燃料Energy & Fuels
能源环境研究中心Center for Energy and Environment Research
节能环境保护energy conservation and environmental protection
萌芽落叶同步化synchronization of flushing and leaffall
财货服务goods and services The total of economic assets, including both physical or storable objects and intangible acts of human assistance (总体经济资产,包括实体的或储存的物体及人类协助的无形行为等。)
资源保护再投资法案Conservation and Reinvestment Act
美国资源保护开采法案Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
近海安全防止污染培训促进委员会Offshore Safety and Anti-pollution Training and Motivation Committee
重新投资环境恢复法案Reinvestment and Environmental Restoration Act
防止泄漏监控对策Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure
防火防爆应急处理规定Prevention of Fire & Explosion and Emergency Response Regulations
食品环境保护条例Food and Environment Protection Act
美国食品药物管理局Food and Drug Administration