
Terms for subject Geophysics containing 与" | all forms
感应同时记录的伽马值gamma ray induction
炮检距有关的属性offset dependent attributes
指示气层用中子孔隙度密度孔隙度差值neutron density porosity difference
井下采集遥测电子模块borehole acquisition and telemetry electronics modules
井眼信号地层信号比borehole-to-formation signal ratio
传导散射运动学transfer and scattering kinetics
低频采集测距low-frequency acquisition and ranging
信号随机噪声之比signal-to-random noise ratio
信息采集解释information acquisition and interpretation
充电放电charge and discharge
全球型剖面型点global stratotype section and point
击穿电压击穿时间关系曲线voltage-time-to-breakdown curve
反射系数其母体的关系reflectivity versus parent (horizontal slowness)
反射系数水平慢度关系reflectivity versus parent (horizontal slowness)
反演理论应用inverse theory & application
叠加振幅扫描互相关cross-correlation of stacked amplitude with sweep
美国国家地球物理太阳一地球数据中心National Geophysical and Sun-Terrestrial Data Center
国际地磁学地电学协会International Association of Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity
国际地磁学超高层大气物理学协会International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
国际地震学地球内部物理学协会International Association of Seismology and Physics of Earth's Interior
国际大地测量学地球物理学联合会International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
国际理论物理应用物理联合会International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
国际辐射单位测量委员会International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurement
国际陆地海洋地球物理学会议International Conference on Geophysics of the Earth and Oceans
圣贝纳迪诺基线子午线San Bernardino base and meridian
智利地球物理大地测量局Department of Geophysics and Geodesy
地球物理技术石油服务公司Geophysical and Technical Petroleum Services Company
地球物理极地研究中心Geophysical and Polar Research Center
美国地球物理空间行星物理研究所Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
地球物理空间数据通报Geophysics and Space Data Bulletin
地球物理在工程环境问题中的应用专题讨论会Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environment Problems
地球物理学天文学geophysics and astronomy
刊名地球物理学空间物理学评论Review of Geophysics and Space Physics
美国地球空间信息技术协会Geospacial Information & technology Association
地球观测系统数据信息系统earth observing system data and information system
地震学地震工程学国际研究所International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering
声学信号分析acoustics and signal analysis
岩石复电阻率测量分析系统complex resistivity measurement and analysis system
多级反馈补偿合成multi-order feedback and compensation synthesis
加拿大大地测量学地球物理学联合委员会Associate Committee of Geodesy and Geophysics
大气地面物理学杂志Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
美国大气物理学化学实验室Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Laboratory
天文学地球物理学学会联盟Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Services
天然剩余磁化强度非滞后剩余磁化强度比natural remanent magnetization/anhysteretic remanent magnetization
声波孔隙速度泥岩速度之比ratio of pore velocity to shale velocity
完井插入取出式射孔枪completion insertion and retrieval perforator
密度双程等候时间density and dual wait time
美国工程地球物理学家矿产勘探地球物理学家协会Society of Engineering and Mineral Exploration Geophysicists
干扰分析传输选择jamming analysis and transmission selection
异步传输模式研究工业企业研究asynchronous transfer mode research and industrial enterprise study
指令控制装置command and control unit
振幅入射角的关系amplitude versus incidence
振幅方位的关系amplitude versus azimuthal
振幅炮检距分析amplitude versus offset analysis
振幅炮检距和方位的关系amplitude versus offset and azimuth
振幅角度的关系amplitude versus angle
振幅、相位和频率炮检距amplitude, phase, frequency versus offset
振荡器时钟模块oscillator and clock module
数据存取交换设施data access and exchange facility
数据收集处理系统data collection and processing system
数据自动采集系统计算机联合装置automatic data acquisition system and computer complex
数据远程存取控制系统remote access of data and control system
数据采集控制data acquisition and control
数据采集控制单元设备data acquisition and control unit
数据采集控制系统data acquisition and control system
数据采集数据记录宽带系统wideband system for acquiring and recording data
数据采集监控设备data acquisition and monitoring equipment
整体滤波跟踪系统bulk filtering and tracking system
方位振幅的关系azimuth versus amplitude
时间频率time and frequency
美国机械设备应用物理学研究所Machinery and Applied Physics Institute
模拟信号离散时间信号转换器analog signal to discrete time interval converter
横波声波时差纵波声波时差比delta time shear/delta Time compression
水平渗透率垂直渗透率比horizontal to vertical permeability ratio
波形频谱分析程序waveform and spectral analysis program
刊名,英国测量仪表评论Measurement and Instrument Review
测量控制系统measurement and control system
测量的横波时差纵波时差之比ratio of measured delta T shear and compressional
测量精度重复性研究measuring accuracy and repeatability study
海岸大地测量调査Coast and Geodetic Survey
海岸大陆地磁观测台coast and geodetic magnetic observatory
球面指数补偿spherical and exponential compensation
理论应用力学theoretical and applied mechanics
刊名,瑞士理论应用地球物理学Pure and Applied Geophysics
电磁模拟反演合作组Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion
电磁波应用杂志Journal of Electromagnetic Wave and Application
电磁量级单位electric and magnetic magnitude and units
电视红外观测卫星television and infrared operational satellite
电视红外观测卫星television and infrared observation satellite
电路系统circuit and system
目的层上覆层响应比target to overburden response ratio
相关探测测距Correlation Detection and Ranging
纵横比极化关系曲线aspect ratio versus polarization curves
组合相移衰减combined phase shift and attenuation
绘图地球物理解释计算机mapping and geophysical interpretation computer
统一光亮度颜色标度uniform lightness and chromaticity scale
综合测井信息处理系统comprehensive logging information and processing system
美国理论力学应用力学全国委员会United States National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
能量吸收炮检距的关系energy absorption offset
腐蚀防护评价测井corrosion and protection evaluation log
自动相位频率控制automatic phase and frequency control
色同步信号短脉冲串同步位发生器burst and sync bit generator
衰减速度弥散attenuation and velocity dispersion
距离、方位高程range, azimuth and elevation
软独立模拟类别模拟soft independent modeling and class analog
钻井综合评价测井integrated drilling evaluation and logging
钻井综合评价测井系统integrated drilling evaluation and logging system
静时差正常时差static and normal moveout
频率时间frequency and time
频率炮检距关系frequency versus offset