
Terms for subject Sports containing 与" | all forms
加速度有关的项acceleration-related terms
头部同高same level as one's head
对手不分胜负成绩相等tie with one's competitor
…抗衡contend with
…… 拉平比分even up scores with
某人配对pair up with sb.
某人配对in partnership with somebody
…… 相称match
…结婚ally oneself to
…联合结盟ally oneself to
肩同宽shoulder width apart
裁判员接触approach the umpire
规则不符contravene the rules
速度有关的项velocity-related terms
防守者较量take on a defender
比赛结果预期相反cross the dope
世界级的链球运动员将链球掷出的距离几乎一个足球场的长度差不多World class hammer throwers hurl the hammer nearly the length of a football field
严重警告取消比赛资格Warning and Disqualification
体温压力饱和度body temperature and pressure-saturated
体温饱和压力body temperature and saturated pressure
作用力反作用力定律action-reaction law
你不得进人检录处、因你这次比赛无关As you do not take part in engage in the competition, you are not allowed to come into the call room
动作学习控制motor learning and control
动机效果motive and effect
单人多人牌类游戏solitaire and multiplayer card games
善于同伴配合的队员team player
团结、进步、文明、参Unity, Progress, Civilization, Participation.
国际体育休闲设施协会Internationaler Arbeitskres Sportstattenbau
国际体育科学体育教育理事会International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education
国际有舵雪橇平底雪橇联合会International Bobsleigh and Tobogganing Federation
国际现代五项冬季两项运动联盟International Modern Pentathlon and Biathlon Union
国际现代五项冬季两项运动联盟Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne et Biathlon
场地器材设备ground facilities and equipment
平等、参、友谊、进步。Equality, Participation, Friendship, Progress.
技巧舞蹈acrobatics and dance
控制力量动机motive for control and power
控制反控制战术contain-and-counter tactics
放射性核素骨关节显像radionuclide skeletal and joint imaging
替代补充治疗alternative and complementary therapy
游离色氨酸支链氨基酸的比值fTRP:BCAA ratio
爆发力大小取决于力量速度的结合The explosive force is determined by the combination of force and speed
归属需要love and belongingness need
男子 110 米栏跨栏技术的发展和改进栏架变革、科技进步及竞争激烈密切相关The development of male 110-meter hurdle race technique is closely related with the reform of the hurdle, scientific progress and fierce competition
竞走的每一步过程中、运动员在后脚离地面前、他的前脚必须地面保持接触During the period of each step, the advancing foot of the walker must make contact with the ground before the rear foot leaves the ground
3000 米障碍赛世界冠年基普坦努伊在最后三圈大大领先于其他选手、无人能之匹敌Kiptanui, the 3000 metres steeplechase world champion, ran unchallenged for the last three laps, building up a huge lead
网球墙球协会Tennis and Rackets Association
美国健康、体育娱乐协会American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
美国食品药物管理局Food and Drug Administration of U.S.
美式橄榄球的护具本是保护球员的,现在反而鼓励球员更不顾后果横冲直撞,从而导致美式橄榄球比不用护垫头盔的英式橄榄球更危险Sports equipment designed to make American football safer encouraged more reckless moves and ended up making the sport more dangerous than unpadded, unhelmeted rugby
膝软骨骨软骨骨折chondral and osteochondral fracture of knee
英国运动场地园艺美化承包商协会British Association of Sports-ground and Landscape Contractors
补充修改complement and amendment
警察强盗开店的游戏policemen and robbers (at keeping shop)
计时跑是田径运动中检验运动员能力状态的一种练习跑A time trial is a practice race in track and field to determine the ability and conditioning of an athlete
训练大纲计划training program and plan
起点终点线start and finish line
过去数年间,长期的训练令他获得了铅球标枪两项世界纪录,他希望明年还能创造铁饼项目的纪录It is this discipline that has won him two world records in the past year, in shot put and javelin, and he hopes to add another for discus next year