
Terms for subject Dentistry containing 与" | all forms
下次复诊时,我想您讨论治疗计划Next time, I want to discuss the treatment schedule with you
可摘义齿相比,固定桥的基牙需要被磨除更多的牙体组织以为修复体留出间隙To make a fixed bridge, we have to prepare more teeth tissue to leave more space, compared with making a removable denture
活动义齿相比,种植牙与天然牙有更相似的功能The implant has more similar biting functions to natural teeth than removable dentures
颌骨相比,牙齿的体积显得太大The size of the teeth are too large compared with the size of the jaws
充填物的颜色您的牙齿色泽相匹配The filling will be matched to the color of your teeth
六个月内我们将您联系提醒您复诊We will be in touch with you in six months to remind you of your appointment by card
刷毛牙龈缘呈九十度Place the bristles of the brush ninety degrees to the gumline
因为树脂材料前牙颜色相同,所以经常被用来修补前牙Composite resin is often used in the front tooth, because its color is the same as the teeth
如果在下次复诊前临时冠掉了,请我们联系If the temporary crown comes off before your next appointment, please contact us
如果病情加重,请我们联系If there is any change for the worse, please contact with us
如果继续出血和严重的疼痛,请立即我们联系If you have any problems of bleeding and serious pain, please contact us immediately
您有过治牙相关的并发症吗?Have you ever had complications from dental treatment?
旧充填物牙体之间有缝隙There is a crevice between your teeth and the old filling
请像我这样把牙刷放在牙龈牙齿的联合部位Place the toothbrush at the junction of the gums and the teeth like this
这颗智齿上颌牙并没有好的咬合关系This wisdom tooth doesn't work in proper occlusion with the upper tooth
龋坏髓腔非常接近The decay is very close to the pulp