
Terms for subject Information technology containing 与" | all forms
部分选择输出one-to-partial select ratio
三维位置姿态检测系统polhemus 3 space isotrack
位置无关的程序location free procedure
"1"半选输出比one-to-partial select ratio
""单元AND unit
"-或"作用AND-to-OR function
"/或"图AND/OR graph
"/或"树AND/OR tree
"/或"树搜索AND/OR tree search
承载无关呼叫控制bearer independent call control
承载无关呼叫控制协议bearer independent call control BICC protocol
B 无关的 A 门A ignore B gate
…有关类似bear a relationship to
…有关类似bear a relation to
机器无关的优化machine independent optimization
机器无关的复杂度理论machine independent complexity theory
机器无关的解machine independent solution
机器无关的语言machine independent language
机器有关的优化machine dependent optimization
机器相关的复杂性类machine-dependent complexity classes
""树AND tree
CC++用户协会association of C and C++ users
""电路coincidence circuit
…的平方成反比inversely as the square of
M N 的比the ratio between M and N
程序无关的模块性program independent modularity
终端无关的主存数据库non-terminal-related main storage database
设备无关的图示技术device-independent graphics
设备无关的输入输出程序device-independent input/output program
设备无关程序device-independent program
话说人无关的语音识别speaker-independent speech recognition
过程无关的中断process-independent interrupt
"门conjunction gate"
""门电路,脉冲AND gate
""门intersection gate
A 非 B"与"门A and not B gate
A" " B"非"门NOT-IF-THEN gate
"非"门dagger operation
领域无关的专家系统domain-independent expert system
领域有关的解法界面domain-dependent solution shell
中国国家计算机网络设施工程the national computing and networking facility of China
事件响应安全组织论坛forum of incident response and security teams
互联网名称数字地址分配机构the Internet corporation for assigned names and numbers
交互激活竞争interactive activation and competition
交互激活竞争网络模型interactive activation and competition IAC network model
代码审查走查code inspection and walkthrough
企业企业之间的电子商务business to business (B to B,B2B)
企业企业之间的电子商务B to B (business to business)
企业政府之间的电子商务business to government (B to G,B2G)
企业政府之间的电子商务B to G (business to government)
企业消费者之间的电子商务business to customer (B to C, B2C)
C 企业消费者之间的电子商务B to (business to customer)
企业计划控制系统business planning and control system
会话联机存储检索conversational on-line storage and retrieval
作业传送处理job transfer and manipulation
信息内容交换协议information and content exchange
信息存储检索information storage and retrieval
信息存储检索系统information storage and retrieval system
信息存储检索语言information storage and retrieval language
信息安全保密技术technology for information security and privacy
候选电路交换话音电路交换数据alternate circuit-switched voice/circuit-switched data
光缆引入接地单元optical cable entry and grounding unit
全局搜索替换global search and replace
分类回归树classification and regression tree
分类归并sort and merge
参数分类非参数分类法parameter and non-parameter classification
启发式/或树捜索heuristic AND/OR tree search
告警控制系统alarm and control system
国际信息文字处理协会International Information/Word Processing Association
国际数学计算机模拟协会International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
国际科学协会理事会科学技术数据委员会Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council of Scientific Unions
组合算法graphic and combinatorial algorithm
塞尖塞环线tip and ring
多路通信转接器附件multi-line communications adapter/attachment
多路通信转接器附件multiline communications adapter/attachment
天线增益噪声温度之比antenna gain-to-noise-temperature
天线增益噪声温度之比antenna gain to noise temperature
天线增益噪声温度比G/Te (antenna gain to noise temperature)
字寻址字节寻址word and byte addressing
字换行居中word wrap and centering
对象连接嵌入object linking and embedding
对象链接嵌入object linking and embedding
对象链接嵌入定制控件OLE custom control
对象链接嵌入服务器OLE server
小型办公家庭办公small office/home office
峰值平均值之比测试peak to average ratio testing
差错检测反馈系统error detecting and feedback system
市场调查销售预测market survey and selling forecast
并行流水线处理parallel and pipeline processing
形式语言自动机formal language and automaton
性能评价审定技术performance evaluation and review technique
技术办公协议technical and office protocol
指挥控制command and control
指挥通信系统command and communication system
按""检索conjunction search
接线""wired AND
数据库的完整性安全性integrity and security of database
数据采集监视控制supervisory control and data acquisition
数据项函数依赖归并法merging of data item and functional dependency
数据项频度归并法merging of data item and frequency
文件传送存取管理file transfer, access and management
文件传送存取管理file transfer access and management
文字语言索引literary and linguistic index
更新文件维护updating and file maintenance
机器检查、记录恢复machine check recording and recovery
查看请求比look-to-request ratio
查看购买比look-to-buy ration
查询用户显示器inquiry and subscriber display
查询通信系统inquiry and communication system
检查点再启动程序checkpoint and restart procedure
检错纠错error-checking and correction
检验控制checks and controls
模拟混合计算机程序设计analog/hybrid computer programming
欧洲计算机网络研究教育协会Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association
汇编反汇编assemble & disassemble
注册注销log-in and log-out
测试检验程序test and verify program
测试置位test and set
电子研究资源杂志E Content The Magazine of Electronic Research & Resources
电影电视工程师学会society of motion picture and television engineers
电气电子工程师学会Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
电气电子工程师学会计算机学会Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Computer Society
电气电子工程师学会-计算机学会institute of electrical and electronic engineers computer society
知识资源管理knowledge & resource management
研究、发展、试验评价research, development, test and evaluation
确定应答重发positive acknowledgement with retransmission
移动拷贝move and copy
GPRS 移动性管理会晤管理GPRS mobility management and session management
符号布设压缩symbolic layout and compact
算法设计分析design and analysis of algorithms
线""连接wired AND
网络处理控制network processing and control
网络营运管理事务委员会Committee of Network Operation and Management
美国电气电子和英国电气工程师学会的电子期刊数据库IEEE/IEE electronic library
联机插入去除online insertion and removal
自动再配置复执automatic reconfiguration and retry
自动清除、复制改向automatic purge/copy/redirect
自动硬件故障检测重构automatic hardware failure detection and reconfiguration
虚拟系统多媒体国际会议international conference on virtual systems and multimedia
装配综合管理、计划控制系统integrated manager, planning and control for assembly system
装配综合管理、计划控制系统integrated manager, planing and control for assembly system
计算机图形学Computers & Graphics
计算机通信communication (computer and communication)
计算机通信computer and communication
计算机会计财务系统computer accounting and finance system
计算机化信息检索现代知识了解computerized information retrieval and current awareness
计算机自动测量控制的通用标准系统接口computer automated measurement and control
计算机辅助设计制造computer aided design and manufacturing
计算机辅助设计工程computer aided design and engineering
计算机辅助设计技术computer aided design and technology
诊断监控协议diagnostic and monitoring protocol
询问应答系统inquiry and response system
跟踪保持部件track and hold unit
跟踪、遥测遥控tracking, telemetry and control
转储再启动程序dump and restart program
转换光源transform and lighting
多边形转换光源transform and lighting
软件验证确认计划software verification and validation plan
软件验证确认评审software verification and validation review
进程间的通信同步communication and synchronization between processes
通用描述、发现集成universal description, discovery, and integration
鉴别授权authentication and authorization
错误检测纠正+B148error detection and correction
错误检验校正error detection and correction
功能级模拟gate and functional level simulation
静态动态内部路由static and dynamic interior routes
验证数字签名authentication and digital signatures