
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing 与" | all forms
丁块颗粒过筛机cube and pellet sieve
一罐炼乳相当的标准奶量equivalent content
公牛同群run with bull
公羊交配put to the ram
公羊同群run with ram
奶桶相连接的机器挤奶in-churn milking
配母羊ewe exposed to ram
陆上自由联络许可证free pratique
中央农业园艺合作理事会Central Council for Agricultural and Horticultural Co-operation (UK)
FAO/WHO 乳乳制品基本法规官方专家委员会即现在的乳与乳制品法规委员会Joint FAO/WHO Committee of Government Expert on the Code of Principles Concerning Milk and Milk Products
亚洲畜牧生产保健委员会Animal Production and Health Comission for Asia
亚洲畜牧生产保健委员会Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia
产于我国喜马拉雅山区蒙古等地区argalis sheep
产热散热heat production/heat loss
产量年龄关系曲线yield-age curve
联合国教科文组织生物圈计划Man and the Biosphere Programme
生物圈计划国际协调理事会International Coordinating Council of the Programme on Man and the Biosphere
全国农业工业发展协会National Agricultural and Industrial Development Association (UK)
全国农学院农业教师协会National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (USA)
全国水果马铃薯贸易联合会National Federation of Fruit and Potato Traders Ltd. (UK)
全国淀粉化学公司National Starch and Chemical Corporation
全国谷物农业商人协会National Association of Corn and Agricultural Merchants (UK)
兽医内科学外科学博士Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
兽医教师研究工作者协会Association of Veterinary Teachers and Re-search Workers (UK)
内分泌代谢endocrine and metabolism
农业农业化学研究理事会Council for Agricultural and Chemurgic Research (USA)
农业化学工程局Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering (USA)
农业工业化学局Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry (USA)
农业食品工业工程师协会Association des Ingenieurs des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires
农业化学工程局Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering (USA)
农业发展咨询服务处Agricultural Development and Advisory Services (UK)
农业机械拖拉机商协会Agricultural Machinery and Tractor Dealers' Association (UK)
农业研究所农业局美国Agricultural Research Institute and Agricultural Board (USA)
英国剑桥农业研究理事会生殖生理生物化学研究室Agricultural Research Council Unit of Reproductive Physiology and Biochemistry
农业研究计划设施附属委员会Agricultural Research Program and Facilities Subcommittee (USA)
农业研究计划设施附属委员会Agricultural Research Program and Facilities Subcommittee (USA)
农场家畜育种者杂志Farmer and Stock Breeder
农场食品协会Farm & Food Society
农场食物学会Farm & Food Society
农场食物学会Farm and Food Society
农场食物学会Farm and Food Society
农民家畜育种者杂志Farmer and Stock Breeder
加勒比海热带美洲香蕉研究合作协会Association for Cooperation in Banana Research in the Caribbean and Tropical America
医学科学研究所澳大利亚Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science (Australia)
式金融机构Participating Financial Institution
国家农业图书馆文献中心National Agricultural Library and Centre for Documentation
国际农业生物中心International Center for Agricultural Biology
国际农业生物中心原英联邦农业局 (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau),成立于1929年,总部设在英国斯劳 (Slough)Center for Agricultural Biology, International
国际农业食品工业委员会International Commission for Agriculture and Food Industries
国际家畜繁殖人工授精会议论文集Proc Int Congr Anim Reprod Artif Insem
国际昆虫生理学生态学中心肯尼亚International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
国际牛奶食品卫生学家协会International Association of Milk and Food Sanitarians
国际遗传生物物理实验室International Laboratory of Genetics and Bio-physics
处置面积开垦面积的比率ratio of area treated to area reclaimed
大不列颠家禽蛋类生产者协会Poultry and Egg Producers Association of Great Britain
大不列颠家禽蛋类生产者协会Poultry and Egg Producers Association of Great Britain Ltd
肩连接处shoulder vein
实验室临床医学杂志Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
家畜乳品科学研究所南非Animal and Dairy Science Research Institute
家畜保健工业培训学会肯尼亚Animal Health and Industry Training Institute
干腌D.S. and S.P. cellars
干草茎稿升运器hay-and-straw elevator
1977 年粮食农业法案Food and Agriculture Act of 1977
昆虫学植物检疫局Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (USA)
欧洲农业指导保证基金会European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund
欧洲林业林产品委员会European Commission on Forestry and Forest Products
母本子代品系maternal and daughter lines
水果蔬菜储存研究协会Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Research Association
沙漠干旱地区研究委员会Committee on Desert and Arid Zones Research (USA)
法定肉畜种类等级market classes and grade
法定肉畜种类等级market class and grades
法定肉畜种类等级market classes and grades
法定肉畜种类等级market class and grade
澳大利亚羊毛肉类生产者联合会Australian Wool and Meat Producers Federation
热带高原兽医研究所秘鲁Veterinary Institute for Tropical and High Altitude Research
犊牛育成牛舍calf-and-young-stock barn
玉米的比价hog-corn price ratio
玉米小麦品种改良中心Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
生殖繁育杂志Journal of Reproduction and Fertility
生猪大麦比价hog-barley price ratio
生长形态growth and form
生长肥育growth and fattening
畜头检验清洗传送带head inspection and flushing conveyor
畜牧乳品研究所南非Animal Husbandry and Dairy Research Institute
病理细菌学报Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology
瘤牛短角牛杂交zebu x shorthorn
瘦肉脂肪比率lean-to-fat ratio
直接奶桶联结的挤奶机direct-to-can milking machine
科学工业研究局新西兰Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
科学工业研究理事会Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
科学工业研究理事会 CSIRO 的前身Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
牛奶称重记录装置weighing-and-recording gear
粉碎和筛过的猪油米面混合的粗粉shredded suet
联合国粮食农业组织Food and Agricultural Organization (of the United Nations)
联合国粮食农业组织Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
繁殖力不育学报Fertility and Sterility
细胞分裂素生长素相互作用cytokinin-auxin interaction
羊毛工艺绵羊育种杂志Wool Technology and Sheep Breeding
美国大学干旱半干旱地区水土开发理事会Council of U. S. Universities for Soil and Water Development in Arid and Subhumid Area
美国无雏鸡白痢鸡伤寒美国控制鸡场雏鸡白痢与伤寒的最高一级,获此称号的鸡场证明已经消灭此病United States Pullorum-Typhoid Clean
美国植物园American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboretums
美国渔业野生动物局United States Fish and Wildlife Service
美国禽厂孵化厂联合会American Poultry and Hatchery Federation
美国禽场孵化场联合会American Poultry and Hatchery Federation
联邦乳酪科学技术局Commonwealth Bureau of Dairy Science and Technology (UK)
联邦动物育种遗传学局Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Breeding and Genetics
联邦牧草大田作物局Commonwealth Bureau of Pastures and Field Crops (UK)
联邦牧草大田作物科技情报研究所Commonwealth Bureau of Pasture and Field Crops
联邦科学工业研究组织Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
肉制品meat and meat products
肉品牲畜管理委员会Meat and Livestock Commission
肛门生殖器间的距离与动物交配行为有关anogenital distance
能获得经营非农产业相等收人的农场economic viable farm
腺嘌呤胸腺嘧啶型指戊糖核酸adenine and thymine type
苏格兰农业渔业部Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland
英国园艺顾问协会British Association of Consultants in Agriculture and Horticulture
英国农业园艺机械协会British Agricultural & Garden Machinery Association
英国家禽育种者孵化商协会British Poultry Breeders and Hatcheries Association
英国家禽饲养孵化商协会British Poultry Breeders and Hatcheries Association
英国有机复合肥料协会Association of British Organic and Compound Fertilizers
英国玉米淀粉葡萄糖制造商协会British Maize Starch and Glucose Manufacturers Association
英国谷物、种子、饲料农产品商人协会British Association of Grain, Seed, Feed and Agricultural Merchants
药理学实验医疗学报Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
荷兰国际生物学联络情报局International Biologisch Contacten Informatie-bureau voor Netherlands
营养学文摘评论综述Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews
营养素热能比nutrient to calorie ratio
蔬菜块根种子批发商委员会Wholesale Vegetable and Root Seeds Committee (UK)
蛋品家禽生产egg and poultry production
装卸运输储藏设备handling-and-storage equipment
西南草原绵羊育种研究所Southwestern Range and Sheep Breeding Laboratory
调查统计常设委员会Standing Committee on Research and Statistics
调查统计常设委员会联合国粮农组织Standing Committee on Research and Statistics
还原糖灰分比R.S ash ratio
还原糖蔗糖比R. S-sucrose ratio
部件零件accessories and parts
阉公羊无羔母羊群dry sheep
非洲国家家畜保健畜产咨询委员会肯尼亚Inter-African Advisory Committee for Animal Health and Production
非洲国家家畜保健畜产局肯尼亚Inter-African Bureau for Animal Health and Production
面颊槽头下脚碎肉cheek and head trimmings
食品营养研究中心菲律宾Food and Nutrition Research Centre
食品安全质量管理处Food Safety and Quality Service
关节bone and joint
瘦肉比率muscle:bone ratio
瘦肉比率ratio of lean to bone
黑端细毛美利奴羊国家细毛美利奴羊协会Black Top and National Delaine Merino Sheep Association