
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
一种锈复合钢silver ply steel
会打拧的多层多股nonrotating rope
具人格的力量如自然力impersonal forces
冲不淤的渠道silt stable channel
冲不淤的渠道regime channel
动辐射点stationary radiant
反跳弹簧锤dead-stroke hammer
正规子群normal divisor
算术变数arithmetic invariant
可展直纹skew ruled surface
可抗力引起的后果consequences of force majeure
可抗拒的规律inexorable law
可靠的地基dubious foundation
可预见指一个 有经验的承包商 在提交投标文件 那天还不能合理 预见的unforeseeable means not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for the submission of the tender
可预见的外界条件unforeseeable physical conditions
合格产品的管线slop line
合格的馏分slop cut
合法数码记号forbidden digit
合画法out of drawing
合规格out of gage
合规格夹泥超量的底层材料submarginal granular base material
电力同时率diversity factor
地震勘探填塞的爆炸carrotless charge
大间隙close clearance
失真振荡模式unspoiled mode
完全 不连贯的资料fragmentary data
完善接地imperfect earth
定点测深irregular soundings
定航线的远洋货轮ocean tramp
密的loosely bound
对称配置asymmetric configuration (排列)
尽根surd root
平地rough ground
平坦out of level
平衡流non equilibrium flow
承重梁false beam
挥发酸fixed acid
排水的抗剪角undrained angle of shearing resistance
接触no touch
非周期,大阻尼,直指电流计aperiodic galvanometer
易于混汞法回收的自然金refractory gold
易用混汞法回收的自然金refractory gold
正常off normal
浸人液内的测液尺ullage rule
清晰 明白unintelligible
粗糙路面no skid road
油的oil tight
相关联 不相互影响的控制noninteracting control
确定范围区域uncertain region
渐缩tapered chord
给太阳晒keep out of the sun
工作使用out of service
能受重载的桥梁weak bridge
能工作out of service
能工作运转out of operation
能自由伸缩的传力杆"frozen" dowel bar
膨胀可油漆的non-swelling, paintable
良好的形态objectionable feature
高密度装配的规则形状技术random-geometry technique
设护栅的铁路交叉open railway crossing
过端量规not-go side
连接 disjointed
连续性测度measure of discontinuity
透 X 射线的roentgenopaque
透女呆百叶窗板light-proof louver
透明屏幕opaque mask
透明罩opaque mask
锈包钢stainless clad steel
结性dross coal
乘客多的停车站minor stop
令人一时模糊看清的炫光veiling glare
供料 进料,供给,流量underfeed (underfed)
侧缘切槽活塞solid skirt piston
信号稳定swinging of signals
功率动力under power
压塑性poor compactibility
厚薄均而龟裂bull crack
司机停车离车live parking
安排排列,布置,配置 misarrange
宽度够定尺的材料narrow widths
尺寸尺度 undersize
弥补supply a deficiency
微观 微量均匀性microinhomogeneity
成本加运费船方负担卸货费用cost and freight free out (C&F FO)
搁着不偿还leave outstanding
曝光under exposure
利条件下的试验exaggerated test
材料的均匀不密实discontinuity of material
析像力lack of resolution
"此路通"标志road closed sign
波形正向漂移positive creep
潮位定点amphidromic center
点态连续函数pointwise discontinuous function
用比重同的方法分离gravitational separation
由于比重同产生的压差gravity head
画得准确的out of drawing
离岸价船上交货包括理舱费free on board unstowed (FOB unstowed)
色彩的同层次色调gradations of colour
表面平度奇异性surface irregularity
起动refusal to start
通风风量deficiency in draft