
Terms for subject General containing 不超过 | all forms | in specified order only
M корп.упр. 不超过 Mthis side of
不超过not exceed
作为一名足球队员,谁都超不过他As a football player he is second to none
各次结果相差不应超过results should agree within 5 per cent
好莱坞星光大道上点缀着超过2 000个五角星,它们不仅代表着那些著名影人,同时也是好莱坞商会对众多做出贡献的电影人表示的感谢The Hollywood Walk of Fame is embedded with more than 2, 000 five-pointed stars featuring the names of not only human celebrities but also fictional characters honored by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for their contributions to the entertainment industry
如果发生这样的事情,酒店肯定会赔偿的。赔偿费不超过洗衣服费的十倍In such a case, the hotel should certainly pay for it. The indemnity shall not exceed ten times the laundry charge
对不起,先生,您的行李超过了 20公斤,请付行李附加费Excuse me, sir, you have to pay your baggage allowance, because it has exceeded
独立家具或设备的高度不可超过2. 5米,其摆放位置也不可超出划定范围No freestanding fitment may exceed a height of 2.5 meters or extend beyond the boundaries of the site
虽然那看上去不过是个小饭馆,但是那里的海藻面包超好吃,又便宜It looks like a greasy spoon, but the laver bread is great and cheap
误差不超过 0,01 毫米的量规gauge that must not err by more than 0.01mm
金额超过信用额度均需经过授权。消费额在发卡行授信额度内就不必经过授权For any amount exceeding the line of credit you'll have to get authorization. You don't need to get authorization if your expenses are in line with the credit given by the issuing bank