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Terms for subject General containing 不在时 | all forms | in specified order only
以上问题不在保修范围内,请购买者采购时仔细斟酌The above are not within the scope of warranty. The purchaser shall think them over before making decision
你的票上写的是直飞伦敦。不必转机,但得在这停大约一小时Your ticket shows that the flight will fly directly to London. You don't have to change flights, but you do have to stop over here for about 1 hour
…在…时不持偏见be impartial in (+ ing)
在不同的时间〔代〕at various times
在不如意时不失望make the best of the matter
在不如意时不失望make the best of things
在地中海国家,如果你和别人交谈,不愿碰触他们的手臂,或者打招呼时,不亲吻他人,不拥抱他人,那么别人会觉得你冷漠In Mediterranean countries, if you refrain from touching someone's arm when talking to them or if you don't greet them with kisses or a warm embrace, you'll be considered cold
在庆祝耶稣诞生的活动时,通常大多数罗马天主教徒在平安夜都不吃肉In celebration of the birth of baby Jesus, many Roman Catholics do not eat meat on Christmas Eve
在欧洲国家,购物时插队是很不礼貌的行为,会遭他人轻视In Europe, cutting in line is rude and would be despised by others when shopping in the mall
好的,我在超市叫了辆出租车回酒店。到所住旅店时,他跟我要100美元,不然就不让我下车OK, I hailed a cab at the market and asked the driver to take me to my hotel. But when I arrived at my hotel, he asked me for 100 dollars, or else he wouldn't let me out of the car
实验开始时我不在现场I was not on site when the experiment began
对不起,早上我在使用电脑时,不小心将变压器烧坏了I feel so sorry that I damaged the transformer accidentally in the morning when I used my computer
拉丁语当…不在in absentia
当…不在in the absence of...
当M不在的时候in the absence
当…不在的时候in one's absence
当功率因数在滞后1 ~0,5变化时,功率计在满标度的二分之一处的误差变化不应大于满标度的0,25%the error of a wattmeter at half full-scale shall not vary by more than 0. 25% of full scale for Precision instruments when the power factor is varied between unity and 0. 5 lagging
当我的心脏停止狂跳,脸不再绯红时,在厨房和走廊间遇到的那个人似乎显得遥远了When my heart stopped pounding and my face was no longer scarlet, the encounter between the kitchen and the hall seemed a long way away
我也是。我在这里的这段时间你们很照顾我。我都不知道怎么感谢你们才好Me too. You ve given me so much help during my stay here. How can I thank you enough?
我们不建议在晒黑前一个小时内沐浴,但是可以在晒黑前先卸妆或者除去香水味A shower is not recommended 1 hour before an indoor tanning session, but you should remove any makeup or perfume before the session
我们打开货物时,发现木箱干燥,内衬纸没有一点水渍。可见损坏不是发生在途中When we unpacked the goods, we found the wooden cases dry and the inside lining paper stainless. Therefore, the damage didn't occur in transit
我在行李认领处等了一个小时了,却还是找不到行李I've been waiting in the baggage claim area for one hour, but still can't find my luggage
昨天下午到达里昂,然后叫一辆出租车到了喜来登酒店,当我收拾行李时,发现手提包不见了,我估计是丢在出租车上了Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at Lyon. Then I called a taxi to the Sheraton Hotel. After that, when I put my luggage in order, I found my handbag missing. I supposed I lost it in the taxi
汽车电子制动力分配系统在直接制动和转弯制动时,可实现不同的控制策略,具有较高的制动性能和制动稳定性The Electronic Braking Force Distribution EBD system can realize the various control strategies according to braking in line and in turn, and raise the braking efficiency and stability of automobiles under hard braking
糟透了,在机场待的时间都跟在飞机上待的差不多了Couldn't be worse. I spent almost the same time in the airport as I spent on the plane
证明被告当时不在犯罪现场prove an alibi
该公司凭借在法国的设计室超前的开发优势,不断推出休闲、时尚、优雅的女装款式The company, with rooms designed in France ahead of product development strengths, keeps on leisure, fashion, elegant women's style
这个手表如不合意可在一个月内更换,同时享有五年的保修期The watch is exchangeable if it is not satisfactory within one month, and it has a five-year guarantee
非常抱歉地告诉您,我在吸烟时不小心将地毯烫了一个洞I'm sorry to tell you that I have scalded a hole on the carpet when I smoked
顾客如果对产品不满意,其有权在一段时间内退货When a customer is not satisfied with a product, he is entitled to return it to the store during a certain period of time