
Terms containing 不另通知 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.不另行通知subject to change without notice
commer.不另行通知The schedule is subject to change without notice
econ.不另通知subject to change without notice
econ.不另通知,我方报价不变更Our quotations keep unchanged without notice
proj.manag.主板规格如有变更恕不另行通知Motherboard specifications are subject to change without notice
avia.另行通知前下滑道仪表着陆系统不工作glide path instrument landing system not operative further notice
avia.另行通知前信号灯不亮beacon light not burning until further notice
interntl.trade.如有变更不另通知subject to change without notice
commer.所有报价可随时更改不另通知All quotations are subject to change without notice
proj.manag.条件或规格的改变不另通知subject to change without notice
commer.船期更改不另通知sans engagement de date