
Terms for subject Technology containing 下 降 | all forms | in specified order only
上升下降延迟rise-fall delay
上升转为下降converting area from uplifting into depression
上盘下降hanging wall downthrow
下降going down
下降sinking subsidence
下降fall off
下降fall cloud
下降伏安特性falling volt-ampere characteristic
下降几率decreasing hazard rate
下降到冰点以下的温度a lowering of temperature below the freezing point
下降制动器控制lowering brake control (装置)
下降制动开关lowering brake switching
下降割面descending face
下降depressed region
下降卡子falling pawl
下降压力falling pressure
下降周期falling period
下降平原subsided plain
下降平顶drop ceiling
下降序列decreasing sequence
下降延迟fall delay
下降式双管系统double pipe dropping system
下降式火道downflow flue
下降式烟气downflow flue
下降式竖式烟道descending vertical flue
下降式通风downward ventilation
下降径流descending flow
下降操作drawdown operation
下降斜率descending slope
下降断块downthrow block
下降方向descent direction
下降板块subduction plate
下降极限限位器lowering height limiter
下降标高drawdown level
下降次序descending order
下降descent trajectory
下降lowering limb
下降descending branch
下降suppression ratio
下降lapse rate
下降气流downflow draft
下降气流descending air current
下降水位falling Sage
下降水位falling level
下降水头fall head (of water)
下降水头depression head
下降水平面drawdown water level
下降水平面drawdown level
下降沿trailing edge
下降沿negative going edge
下降descent method
下降descending wave
下降downwelling current
下降海岸sinking coast
下降海岸depression coast
下降海滨线shoreline of emergence
下降深度指示器load-lowering height indicator
下降深度限位器lowering limiter
下降温度squatting temperature
下降温度descending temperature
下降温度计Kata thermometer
下降溶液成矿说descension theory
下降漏斗cone of pressure relief (地下水)
下降漏斗cone of influence
下降烟道downward flow flue
下降特征曲线drooping characteristic curve
下降特性fall characteristic
下降rate of descent (飞机)
下降rate of descend
下降rate of decline
下降率传感器rate-of-descent sensor
下降率保持rate-of-descent hold
下降率指示器rate-of-descent indicator
下降率控制rate-of-descent control
下降电流dropout current
下降的特性曲线negative characteristic
下降downthrow wall
断层的下降downthrow side
下降盘地层厚度strata thickness of downthrow side
下降盘沉降幅度subsiding amplitude of downthrow side
下降盘沉降速度subsiding velocity of downthrow side
下降descending phase
下降空气descending air
下降系数比拟法analogy method of drawdown coefficient
下降线droop line
下降行程down trip (电梯)
下降路程down trip (电梯)
下降转为上升区converting area from depression into uplifting
下降转矩falling torque
下降lagging edge
下降trailing edge
下降following edge
下降back edge
下降运动lowering motion
下降运动subsiding movement
下降速度lowering rate
下降速度falling speed
下降速度fall velocity
下降速度discending velocity
下降速度【机load-lowering speed
下降cone of drawdown (体)
下降cone of influence (体)
下降cone of depression (体)
下降阶段subsiding stage
下降顺序descending order
下降预制混凝土隧道筒管部分lowering precast tunnel sections
下降mountain wind
下降gravity wind
电梯乘吝下降高峰down peak
下降高度load-lowering height
下降高度falling height
下降高度falling head
下降高速度high load lowering speed
井抽水时地下水位降落面cone of influence of well
井点降低地下水位法well point method
井点降低地下水位法well-point method
人工降低地下水位artificial dewatering
价格下降a decline in price
价格下降主要因素principal factors of price decreasing
价格下降准备reserve against decline in prices
价格下降水平deflating price level
价格下降ratio of price decreasing
倾点下降pour point depressor
倾点下降pour point depressant additive
全球性海面相对下降global relative fall of sea level
农具下降速度调节implement lowering control
冰期海面下降glacial lowering of sea level
冰点下降lowering of freezing point
冰点下降depression of zero-reading
冰点下降freezing-point depression
准许下降clear down (高度)
判断力下降decline in judgement
利润率下降falling rate of profit
利润率下降法则law of the falling tendency of the rate of profit
动力下降powered lowering
动力下降power-controlled lowering
区域性地下位水下降descent of regional ground water table
区域性地下水位下降descend of regional groundwater level
升降机上墩下水设备ship elevating plant
单位开采下降decrease of specific mining quantity
单位距离的水温下降value of water temperature drop per unit distance
压力下降drop in pressure
压力下降drop of pressure
压力下降pressure decay
压力下降pressure fall
压力下降pressure breakdown
压力下降decline in pressure
压力迅速下降flash down
压头下降式压机down stroke press
变速下降variable-speed lowering
可行下降方向feasible decent direction
吊钩下降速度lowering speed of the hook
吊钩下降速度hook lowering speed
周期下降period down-wave
周期性下降cyclic downturn
周期性上升和下降cyclic upturn and downturn
土地肥力下降exhaustion of soil
地下水下降underground lowering
地下水下降含水层phreatic low
地下水下降圆锥体drawdown cone of groundwater
地下水下降漏斗drawdown cone
地下水下降漏斗cone of groundwater depression
地下水下降漏斗曲线drawdown curve of groundwater
地下水降落曲线drawdown curve of groundwater
地下水位下降decline of water table
地下水位下降groundwater depression
地下水位下降lowering ground water table
地下水位下降decline of groundwater level
地下水位下降曲线ground water recession curve
地下水位升降water table fluctuation
地下水位升降water-table fluctuation
地下水位升降groundwater table fluctuation
地下水位升降变化phreatic fluctuation
地下水位升降变化groundwater fluctuation
地下水位坡降water-table gradient
地下水位坡降gradient of groundwater table
地下水位持续下降groundwater drawdown continuously
地下水位持续下降原因cause of groundwater continuous drawdown
地下水位比降gradient of water table
地下水位的降落depression of water table
地下水位等降深图equal drawdown map groundwater
地下水位降低lowering of the groundwater
地下水位降低phreatic decline
地下水位降低lowering of the water table
地下水位降低groundwater lowering
地下水位降落falling of water table
地下水坡降线groundwater fall line
地下水平面升降fluctuation of water table
地下水比降gradient of groundwater table
地下水水位下降groundwater drawdown
地下水水位泄降groundwater drawdown
地下水水位降低工程groundwater lowering works
地下水水位降深groundwater drawdown
地下水水位降落groundwater drawdown
地下水温下降temperature drop of groundwater
地下水的抽降期draw period
地下水降低groundwater lowering
地下水降落曲线drawdown curve
地下水面下降漏斗cone of water table depression
地下水面坡降water-table gradient
地下水面坡降groundwater gradient
地下水面降落water-table decline
地下水面降落groundwater lowering
地下水面降落groundwater drawdown
垂直下降vertical depression
垂直下降特性电源constant current power supply
垂直下降速度rate of descent
基础下降foundation settlement
增益自动下降gain turn-down
实际增长水平下降decline of real growth rate
实际水位下降real water-level decrease
密度增加而收益下降diminishing returns from increasing intensity
小半径盘旋下降narrow-spiral glide
就业率下降decline in job
局部海面相对下降local relative fall of sea level
工作下降work decrement
工作可靠但性能下降fail soft
工作可靠但性能有下降fail passive
市价正下降market declining
布里奇曼坩埚下降Bridgman method
干性下降阻抑剂loss of dry inhibitor
平台的下降platform drop
平滑下降smooth descend type
平稳下降steadily drop down
平稳下降delayed drop
平衡锤调节绳索下降weight a brake
年开采下降速度mining downing velocity of year
库水位下降reservoir drawdown
应力下降decline of stress
应力下降因数stress reduction factor
强烈下降intensive depressing region
下降low-speed lowering
微速下降机构precision lowering mechanism
快速下降机构quick lowering mechanism
快速下降quick drop catch
快速下降gradient method
急剧下降sudden drop
急剧下降sharp decline
急剧下降extreme descent
悬臂下降超速限制器cantilever descending anti-overspeed device
抽水下降漏斗cone of pumping depression
抽水下降面积area of pumping depression
推力下降thrust drop
推力下降信号器thrust-loss indicator
推土板下降时间blade lowering time
推土板下降深度blade lowering depth
摩尔冰点下降常数molar depression constant
明显下降dramatic decline
显著下降greater drop in yield
曲折下降irregular lower
最上下降steepest descent
最大允许水位下降maximum allowable water table decrease
最大角度下降steepest descent
最快下降method of steepest descent
最快速下降线line of quickest descent
最速下降steepest gradient method
最速下降saddle-point method
最陡下降向量steepest descent vector
最陡下降steepest gradient method
最陡下降method of steepest descent
最陡下降近似法steepest descent approximation
梯度下降gradient descent
残值下降损失salvage loss
毛管水下降capillary depression
毛细下降capillary depression
毛细水下降capillary depression
气压下降drop in atmospheric pressure
气压下降drop in atmospherical pressure
气压下降barometrical depression
气压下降barometric depression
气压柱下降falling glass
水下升降机underwater crane
水位下降fall of water-level
水位下降recession of level
水位下降water-level depression
水位下降water-level lowering
水位下降lowering of water-level
水位下降degradation of level
水位下降decline of water-level
水位下降曲线drawdown curve of water-stage
水位下降曲线water-level descent curve
水位下降曲线water-level lowering curve
水位下降曲线drawdown curve of water-level
水位下降period of water-level decline
水位下降falling Sage
水位下降decline period of water table
水位下降漏斗cone of water table depression
水位下降线line of water-level decline
水位下降试验test lowering (地下水)
水位下降速率dropping rate of water-level
水位累积下降accumulated decrease of water table
水面下降lowering of water-level
水面下降negative wave
水面下降water-table decline
水面下降down surge
河床下降stream degradation
沿最陡轨迹下降steepest descent
泉流量下降period of spring discharge decreasing
波形下降run down
洪水位下降reducing of flood
洪水水位下降系数coefficient of flood recession
流量降深曲线方程下推法extrapolation method with equation discharge drawdown curve
海面下降recession of sea level
海面下降negative movement of sea level
清晰度下降sharpness fall-off
温度下降fall in temperature
温度下降lowering of temperature
温度下降temperature fall
温度下降drop in temperature
湿球温度下降wst-bulb temperature drop
漏斗单位下降值法method of specific drawdown within funnel
潜水下降phreatic decline
潜水面下降water-table decline
潜水面下降decline of water table
火山灰下降ash shower
火山灰下降ash fall
灵敏度下降sensitivity decrease
环境质量下降environmental degradation
生产下降曲线production-decline curve
电位下降drop of potential
电场下降relative field drop
电流下降fall of current
电流下降时间downslope time
电流额定值的下降current derating
盆地侧下降断层down-to-basin fault
直线下降straight-in penetration
直线下降linear decrease
真空下降负荷限制器vacuum operated load reducer
瞬时压力下降momentary fall of pressure
瞬时水位下降instantaneous drawdown
碱性下降试验reduction-in-alkality test (混凝土)
程序下降let down
稳定下降stabilized descent
稳定性下降stability drop
空气下降air downtake
穿云下降descent through cloud
线性下降电压linear decrease voltage
经济下降economic downturn
缓慢下降delayed drop
缓慢下降slow depressing region
考虑霜冻导致强度下降的地基设计frost condition reduced subgrade strength design
考虑霜冻导致强度下降的地基设计frost condition reduced grade strength design
脉冲下降延迟pulse fall delay
脉冲下降延迟时间pulse delay fall time
脉冲下降时间pulse decay time
脉冲下降pulse trailing edge
自由下降free drop catch
营业下降business downturn
营业下降business dip
落下灰沉降区area of fallout
蒸气压下降vapour pressure lowering
蒸气压下降vapor pressure lowering
蒸汽压下降lowering of vapour pressure
蒸汽压下降lowering of vapor pressure
螺旋下降式调整screw-down control
补给层水位下降water-level decline of recharge layer
补给层水位不下降non-water level decline of recharge later
表生下降溶液supergene solution
调速器下降特性governor droop
起重臂提升及下降boom raising and lowering
起重臂提升及下降电动机boom raising and lowering motor
起重臂提升及下降缆索boom raising and lowering cable
起重臂提升及下降速度boom raising and lowering speed
起重臂提升及下降齿轮boom raising and lowering gear
超速下降over-speed lowering
转速下降revolution drop
载重下降速度load-lowering speed
辛烷值下降octane fade
过程线下降recession limb
过程线下降falling limb
重力下降gravity lowering
重力下降gravity drop
钢领板下降装置rail lowering motion
铲斗下降时间bucket lower time
间歇性下降intermittent depressing region
下降装置anti-lowering device
防止地下水位持续下降preventing groundwater continuously drawdown
降下jack down (用千斤顶)
降下abase (帆或旗)
降下冻雨或冻雾雨freezing precipitation
降低地下水位lowering of underground water
降低地下水位lowering of water table
降低地下水位lowered ground water level
降低地下水位法groundwater lowering
降低地下水位设备dewatering installation
降低地下水水位的装置groundwater lowering installation
降低的地下水位depressed water-table
降低的地下水面lower groundwater table
降落下来settle out
降落伞投下试验drop test
降落的地下水位depressed water-table
零点下降depression of zero-reading
需求下降faltering demand
顺倾向的下降downdip block
频率下降decrease of frequency
高温增益下降high-temperature gain fall