
Terms containing 下降面 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.下降剖面profile descent
agric.采脂下降割面descending face
tech.下降割面descending face
tech.下降水平面drawdown water level
tech.下降水平面drawdown level
hydroel.st.下降水面曲线falling surface curve
oil下降面low-going edge
auto.凸轮下降面trailing edge
tech.井抽水时地下水位降落面cone of influence of well
tech.全球性海面相对下降global relative fall of sea level
tech.冰期海面下降glacial lowering of sea level
avia.剖面下降profile descent
bridg.constr.地下水平面升降fluctuation of watertable
tech.地下水平面升降fluctuation of water table
ecol.地下水面下降water-table decline
tech.地下水面下降漏斗cone of water table depression
tech.地下水面坡降water-table gradient
tech.地下水面坡降groundwater gradient
el.地下水面比降watertable slope
ecol.地下水面比降water-table gradient
tech.地下水面降落water-table decline
tech.地下水面降落groundwater lowering
tech.地下水面降落groundwater drawdown
el.抽水所引起的地下水面降落锥watertable depression cone
tech.局部海面相对下降local relative fall of sea level
weightlift.把身体降至横杠下面以支撑杠铃drop the body under the weight
tech.抽水下降面area of pumping depression
space按飞行剖面下降profile descent
bridg.constr.日照或降温影响下箱梁内外表面最大温差maximum temperature differential of inside and outside surfaces of box beam due to the effect of sunshine or temperature decreasing
desert.比液面下降specific drawdown
eng.geol.水压面下降decline of piezometric surface
tech.水面下降lowering of water-level
hydroel.st.水面下降top contract
hydroel.st.水面下降lowering of water table
tech.水面下降negative wave
tech.水面下降water-table decline
tech.水面下降down surge
desert.海平面下降sea level fall
desert.海平面下降lowing of sea level
tech.海面下降recession of sea level
oil海面下降negative movement
tech.海面下降negative movement of sea level
dril.液面下降时间drawdown time
tech.潜水面下降water-table decline
eng.geol.潜水面下降lowering of water table
tech.潜水面下降decline of water table
expl.由于膨胀气体挤压这种物质、致使能量损失速度快、爆后产物的压力和温度迅速下降。这些损失作为膨胀波传到反应区之内、因而降低了压力和反应速率、且最终消除了对爆震波面传播的能量支持As the expanding gases compress such material, energy is lost rapidly and pressure and temperature drop sharply in the reaction products. These losses are communicated to the interior of the reaction zone as a rarefaction wave, lowering the pressure and reaction rate, and ultimately removing support far the propagation of the detonation front
earth.sc.相对海平面下降relative sea level fall
eng.geol.等测压面下降漏斗cone of pressure relief
tech.降低的地下水面lower groundwater table
avia.降到下滑线下面duck under