
Terms for subject Environment containing 下水 | all forms | in specified order only
下水groundwater Water that occupies pores and crevices in rock and soil, below the surface and above a layer of impermeable material. It is free to move gravitationally, either downwards towards the impermeable layer or by following a gradient (存于岩石或土壤孔隙与裂缝中的水,位于地表下方与不透水层的上方,可以随重力往下朝不透水层或沿著水利坡降而自由移动。)
下水Ground Water
下水water table Water that occupies pores, cavities, cracks and other spaces in the crustal rocks. It includes water precipitated from the atmosphere which has percolated through the soil, water that has risen from deep magmatic sources liberated during igneous activity and fossil water retained in sedimentary rocks since their formation. The presence of groundwater is necessary for virtually all weathering processes to operate. Phreatic water is synonymous with groundwater and is the most important source of any water supply (占据在孔隙、孔洞、裂缝和地壳岩石等空间的水。它包括从大气中沉淀下来通过土壤渗透的水,在岩浆活动期间从深岩浆源中上升所释放的水,和自形成以来保留在沉积岩的化石水。地下水的存在对于几乎所有的风化过程操作都是必要的。潜水是地下水的代名词,也是最重要的供水来源。)
下水保护groundwater protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to the environmental integrity of fresh water found beneath the earth's surface, usually in aquifers, which supply wells and springs (为避免和减少对地下水体环境整体性的损害,所采取的预防措施、程序或安装的装置,而这些地下水体通常位于含水层,是井水和泉水的来源。)
下水保护water table protection Water table is inherently susceptible to contamination from landuse activities. Remediation is very expensive and often impractical. Prevention of contamination is therefore critical in effective groundwater management (地下水极易受到土地利用活动的污染。整治地下水是非常昂贵的,而且往往是不切实际的。因此防止污染在地下水的有效管理中很关键。)
下水损害危机groundwater endangering Threat to the quality and quantity of groundwater by activities related to the use of land. As some activities (e.g. landfill) present a particular risk of pollution, the closer an activity is to a well or borehole, the greater the risk of the pumped water being polluted. The type of soil, the geology, the rainfall and the amount of water pumped out of the ground must all be taken into consideration (由于土地使用的相关活动造成地下水之质与量的威胁。某些活动(如掩埋场)有其特定的污染风险,任何活动与井或凿孔的距离愈近,其抽出水质遭受污染的风险愈高。凡土壤的型态、地质、降雨量、和井水的抽出量,都应纳入考虑。)
下水提取groundwater extraction The process, deliberate or inadvertent, of extracting ground water from a source at a rate so in excess of the replenishment that the ground water level declines persistently, threatening exhaustion of the supply or at least a decline of pumping levels to uneconomic depths (精心策划或随意自地下水源以超过地下水补充的速率汲取水的过程,会造成地下水位持续的下降,使得水源有枯竭的危险,或至少使水位下降至不符合经济效益的抽取位置。)
下水水质groundwater quality Groundwater accounts for over 95% of the earth's useable fresh-water resources; over half the world's population depends on groundwater for drinking-water supplies. This invisible resource is vulnerable to pollution and over-exploitation. Effective conservation of groundwater supplies requires the integration of land-use and water management (地下水占地球可用淡水资源的95%;超过半数的地球人口依靠地下水作为饮用水源。这种看不见的资源容易受到污染和过度开采,为有效节约地下水资源,必须整合土地使用和水资源管理。)
下水污染groundwater pollution Contamination of any water found under the earth's surface by any leaching pollutants, such as inorganic compounds (chlorides, nitrates, heavy metals, etc.), synthetic organic chemicals (pesticides, fertilizers, etc.) and pathogens (bacteria, parasites, etc.) (地表下任何水体受到污染物,如无机化合物(氯化物、硝酸盐、重金属等)、合成有机化学物质(农药、肥料等)及病原体(细菌、寄生虫等)等渗漏的污染。)
地下排水subsoil drainage The removal of surplus water from within the soil by natural or artificial means, such as by drains placed below the surface to lower the water table below the root zone (自然或人工的手段,如通过放置在地表以下的水渠,以降低根区以下的水位,从土壤内去除多余的水。)
地下饮用水源underground sources of drinking water
开发地下水exploitation of underground water The process of extracting underground water from a source (从一源头提取地下水的过程。)
水下排水口underwater outlet Point of water disposal located below the sea surface (位于海平面以下的排水口。)
水渗透到地下water infiltration into the ground The movement of surface water into soil or rock through cracks and pores (地表水通过裂缝和孔进入土壤或岩石的运动。)
集水区;下游区catchment area 1. An area from which surface runoff is carried away by a single drainage system. 2. The area of land bounded by watersheds draining into a river, basin or reservoir (1. 一个区域,从那里通过一条排水系统来排放地面径流。 2. 通过分水线来界定的地域,排放到河里、内港或水库。)