
Terms containing 下/右 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.上下左右全反转的upside-down and laterally reversal
box.上下左右摆动bob and weave
skydive.下桅的左右支索lower rigging
tech.下桅的左右支索lower shrouds
gen.从走廊的尽头搭电扶梯下楼,右手边就是行李提取处Go down the escalators at the end of the hallway, and the baggage claim is on your right
gen.你应该在下个红绿灯处右转,再走大约两英里,直到看见一家麦当劳You should turn right at the next stop light and go about another two miles until you see a McDonald's
proj.manag.光标控制键有一个向上箭头键、一个向下箭头键、一个向左箭头键和一个向右箭头键Cursor control keys have an up arrow, a down arrow, a left arrow, and a right arrow
gen.击剑中为防护下部右外侧的一种避开 〔防御〕的姿势seconde
textile前开下摆左右不对称front not symmetry
tech.右上下导数right-hand upper lower derivate
oil右下low right
otorhinol.右下叶支气管brochus lobaris inferior dexte
anim.husb.右下大结肠right ventral colon
tech.右下导数right lower derivative
mech.右下放工具right running head
tab.tenn.右下旋球right side underspin
life.sc.右下肺动脉right inferior pulmonary artery
life.sc.右下肺静脉right inferior pulmonary vein
anat.右下腹right lower quadrant (位于通过脐的垂直线和水平线的右下方)
telecom.右下角bottom right comer
geophys.右下象限right lower quadrant
avia.右下部插头right bottom plug
tech.右下限lower limit on the right
tab.tenn.右侧下旋right side underspin
tab.tenn.右侧下旋right side backspin
sport, bask.右侧队员向左侧篮下切入scissors left
skydive.右偏航下俯yaw right-pitch down
anat.右后叶下段inferior segment of right posterior lobe (位于右叶间裂的右后方,右段间裂下方)
telecom.右端上下文有关语句right context-sensitive language
avia.右翼下倾right wing down
avia.右翼向下right wing down
anat.右肝下间隙right inferior hepatic space (位于肝右叶与横结肠及其系膜之间,肝圆韧带右侧)
surg.右肺下叶inferior lobe of right lung
anat.右肺下叶inferior lobe of right lung (位于斜裂的后下方,呈锥体形)
surg.右肺下叶支气管right inferior lobar bronchus
anat.右肺下叶支气管right inferior lobar bronchus (右主支气管的延续,先发出上段支气管,主干继续向外后下方走行,称基底干支气管,后者再分为内侧底段支气管、前底段支气管、外侧底段支气管和后底段支气管,分布于右肺下叶。底段支气管,尤其是前底段支气管、外侧底段支气管和后底段支气管,是异物容易坠入的部位,也是炎症和支气管扩张症的好发部位)
anat.右肺下静脉right inferior pulmonary vein (收集右肺下叶的血液,经肺根向左行,注入左心房后部)
surg.右腹下神经right hypogastric nerve
otorhinol.右锁骨下干right subclavian trunk
tech.图幅右下角bottom right-hand corner
gen.在这个走廊尽头左边,走下楼梯,你就会在你的右手边找到洗手间On the left side of this hallway s end. Go downstairs and you'll find the room on your right
proj.manag.它的破产申请应该在伦敦时间下午1点钟左右、美国股市开市前、提交给位于曼哈顿的联邦法院Its bankruptcy petition is due to be filed in a federal court in Manhattan at about 1pm London time, before the US markets open
adv.左上至右下的阅读视线reading diagonal
sport, bask.左侧队员向右侧篮下切入scissors right
dentist.左右滑动您的下颌Move your jaw to the right and left
el.左-右限界上下文left-right bounded context
surg.异常右锁骨下动脉anomalous right subclavian artery
dentist.当咬牙时向右滑动下颌Please slide your jaw to the right while you're biting
gen.电视摄像机快速上、 下、左、右移动whip
telecom.制表最右下角last cell
footb.球门网右下角bottom right-hand corner of the net
geophys.用右移消除下行波型removal of down-going wave mode by right shifting
danc.臂下转向左和右underarm turn to L and R
surg.迷走右锁骨下动脉aberrant right subclavian artery
cosmet.香水通常可存放一年左右,保存于室温下即可Perfume usually can be deposited a year or so, placed at room temperature