
Terms for subject Securities containing 上行 | all forms | in specified order only
上升平行趋势通道技术分析ascending parallel trend channel
上市公司参股非上市银行listed companies taking stakes in non-listed bank
上市公司对其股份权益有进行调查的权力power of listed corporation to investigate ownership of interests in its shares
上市公司董事会行为规范Code of Conduct of Directorate of Listed Company
上市公司行业分类上海证券交易所industry classification of SSE listed companies
上市前发行pre initial public offering
上市发行go public
上市发行人listed issuer
上市发行手续费handling fee for open offering
上市发行规则regulation governing the public offering
上市发行证券协会Public Securities Association
上市股票发行listed stock issues
上市规则的执行enforcement of listing regulations
上市证券发行public securities offering
上涨行情ringing market
股票市场上涨行情bull market
不容忍股市上投资人的任何违法行为zero tolerance of investors5 illegal behaviors in stock market
两地以上发行dual listing
两地发行的首次公开上市dual-listed IPO
中国人民银行上海总部Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China
二次上市发行secondary public offering
二级首次公开上市发行secondary initial public offering
互联网上首次公开上市发行服务internet initial public offering service
互联网首次公开上市发行服务internet initial public offering service
从属首次公开上市发行secondary initial public offering
公司上市发行public issue
公司债券的发行、上市及交易corporate bonds' issuance, listing and trading
制裁市场上的非法行为crack down on illegal behaviors in market
单一发行人权重上限single issuer weighting cap
发行量上限volume cap
同步定价和同步上市发行 A 股和 H 股simultaneous pricing and listing for issuing A and H shares
境外发行股票和上市管理通知国务院Notice on Regulation of Share Issues and Listings in Overseas Markets State Council
子公司海外上市发行overseas listing of subsidiary company
对上市公司进行公开谴责和批评conduct public censure or criticism to listed company
对市场上的非法行为采取严厉措施crack down on illegal behaviors in market
执行上市规则的目的listing enforcement objectives
执行上的变化implementation of change
新上市银行newly-listed bank
无上市股发行的市场listless market
暂时搁置上市发行shelf listings
有关上市规则执行的公告Listing Enforcement Announcements
法律上可强制执行enforceable at law
第二次原始公开上市发行secondary initial public offering
线上发行抽签online issuance lot
线上和线下发行量online and offline issuance amount
上行情系统online quotation system
网上发行online issuance
网上发行新股股本认购capital subscription of new stock online issuance
网上发行认购subscription of online issuance
网上国内首次公开发行online domestic IPO
网上市场行情同步系统computerized market timing system
网上执行online execution
网上投资银行online investment bank
网上经纪行业online brokerage industry
网上股本发行认购capital subscription of online issuance
网上证券委托暂行管理措施Provisional Measures on On-line Securities Commissioning
网上银行业务web banking
网上银行业务internet banking
网上银行服务online banking
网上银行服务electronic banking services
网上首次公开上市发行internet initial public offering service
网上首次公开发行online IPO
A 股和 H 股同步上市发行simultaneous issuance and listing of A and H shares
A 股市场加纳斯达克市场两地上市发行模式A + N shares offering Model
股票上市发行floatation of shares
股票初次上市发行primary distribution
股票行市上涨rise of stock
行情上扬market firm
行情上涨rally in prices
行情上涨rising market price
行情上涨market rise
规范上市公司董事的交易行为regulate the trading behavior of listed companies' directors
证券行情布告板上记下最近消息的人board boy
违反上市发行规则failure to comply with offering rules
降低了价格上行风险diminishing upside risks to price
非上市发行unquoted issue
非上市股发行non-public shares issuance
非上市股票公开发行公司non-listed public company
非网上发行offline issuance
首次上市发行费用initial listing fee
首次公开上市发行initial open offering
首次公开上市发行initial public offering
首次公开上市发行价格发现体制IPO price discovery system