
Terms for subject Electronics containing 上海 | all forms | in specified order only
上升海岸rising coast
上海信息基础设施试验系统Shanghai information infrastructure testbed
上海先进半导体制造公司Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation of Shanghai
上海光学与精密机械研究所Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics
上海华东计算机公司Shanghai East-China Computer Corporation
上海国际数字电话设备有限公司Shanghai International Digital Telephone Equipment Company Ltd.
上海西门子移动通信有限公司Shanghai Siemens Mobile Communications Ltd.
上海贝尔阿尔卡特移动通信系统有限公司Shanghai Bell Alcatel Mobile Communications System Co. Ltd.
全球海上遇险安全系统global maritime distress safety system
卫星基海上搜索与救援系统satellite-based maritime search and rescue system
国际海上无线电导航设备会议International Meeting on Radio Aids to Marine Navigation
未来全球海上遇难保险系统future global maritime distress and safety system
海上人侵检测分析组[科]marine intrusion detection analysis section
海上动目标指示器sea moving target indicator
海上危险perils of the sea
海上反应堆sea based reactor
海上发射洲际弹道导弹sea-launched intercontinental ballistic missile
海上发射中程弹道导弹sea-launched intermediate range ballistic missile
海上发射机动水雷sea-launched mobile mine
海上巡逻飞机maritime patrol aircraft
海上无线电测向仪maritime radio direction finder
海上特种战争naval special warfare
海上移动台海岸电报通信maritime mobile coastal telegraphy
海上移动台电报通信maritime mobile telegraphy
海上、空中、陆地、水下目标sea, air, land, underwater targets
海上系统marine system
海上货物运输carriage of goods by sea
海上通信线路sea line of communications
海上遇难信号marine distress signal
海上遥感系统maritime remote sensing system
海上预警marine early warning
第三届压碎机及配套装备展览会在上海举行The third international crusher and corollary equipment expo was held in Shanghai