
Terms containing 上注 | all forms | in specified order only
oil上倾部位注水井updip water injection well
oil上塞注水泥法top-packer method
el.上封头注水upper head injection
securit.上架注册公司可以一次注册2 年内债券和股票多次发行的总额shelf registration
met.上注direct teeming
met.上注direct pouring
met.上注top pouring
met.上注top pour
met.上注pour from top
met.上注downhill teeming
met.上注pour from the top
met.上注direct casting
met.上注cast from the top
met.上注top teeming
met.上注cast from top
met.上注direct pouring process
met.上注direct casting process
met.上注top teeming process
met.上注top-pour ingot
water.res.上注overpour gate
avia.上游注入upstream injection
dril.上胶塞注水泥固井法top-packer method
tech.上行注入站upload station
hydroel.st.上部浇注top casting
nurs.上颌结节注射法tuberosity injection
archit.从...... 上转移某人注意abstract one's attention from
econ.侵占权注明在一份施工现场的土地调查证书上The right of encroachment is given on a certified land survey of the site
gen.全神贯注在…上be absorbed in
tech.分型面上浇注系统parting-line gating
tech.分段上行注浆section grouting upwards
geol.加拿大北阿尔伯塔陆上勘探注册区Northern Alberta Land Registration District
el.反应堆上部水腔注水泵refuelling cavity fill pump
el.反应堆上部水腔注水泵refueling cavity fill pump
sport.号运动员请注意!马上到检录处Attention please! Athlete No. come to the call room right now (immediately)
railw.吸上式注水器attraction injector
gen.在M上注上Nlabel M with (N)
econ.在裁决书上注明理由give reasons for an award
econ.在账单上注明"收讫"receipt a bill (或"付清")
econ.如有需要,卖主可在箱上加注说明文字The seller can affix indicative information on the case if necessary
hydrol.上注入 站onshore injection plant
econ.工序注明在节点上的网络图event-on-node diagram
gambl.成功预测比赛上半场和全场得分的投注double result
econ.我方在上一封信中提醒你方注意必须给你们的货物投保失窃险和火险We impressed on you the necessity of insuring your goods against theft and fire in our last letter
econ.我方确认你方订单上注明的交货时间We confirm the delivery time on your order
gen.我查查看还有没有空位。很幸运,还剩一个。请注意,登机时间是上午9点20分I'll check to see if there's any space left. Luckily, only one left. Mind you, boarding time is 9:20 am
gen.把… 注上标记label
idiom.把全部注意力用于一项问题上面have a one-track mind
busin.把注意力集中于企业目标上focus attention on objectives
gen.把注意力集中在…上centre attention on
sport.把赌注下在热门马以外的所有马上play the field
busin.提单上加批注superimposed clause in bill of lading
econ.提单上加盖或添上的批注条款a superimposed clause
interntl.trade.提单上加盖或添上的批注条款superimposed clause
shipb.提单上加盖或添上的批注条款superimposed condition in bill of lading
busin.提单上批注免责事项exceptions noted on the bill of lading
securit.暂停注册上市shelf listings
busin.标签上注明商品等级grade labeling
expl.样品附近的岩心上显示的裂纹频率在采样时就注意到了The fracture frequency displayed by the cores in the vicinity of the samples was noted at the time of sampling
proj.manag.此外、私营企业注册资金投入呈大幅上升之势Additionally, the input of registered capital of privately owned enterprises has shown a trend of substantial growth
oil沿上倾方向注水updip injection
oil注入上水flooded suction
oil注入井压力上升injection pressure buildup
busin.注册上市申请书registration statement
econ.注册上市申请表registration statement
gen.注册后,您可以在网上支付。请您注意保护个人信息After registration, you can pay it online. Be careful about your personal information
manag.注意力集中在企业目标上to focus attention on objectives
oil注水泥上塞follower plug
sport, bask.注视场上活动follow the action on the court
tech.海图上有关潮汐情况的注释tide notes
dril.泥浆泵灌注式上水flooded suction
agric.犁体上液肥注射器plough bottom injector
interntl.trade.上注answer on a cheque
econ.票据上注明付款场所domiciliation of an instrument
exhib.上注册登记online registration
busin.证券上市注册securities sold register
met.车上底注uphill casting on car (法)
met.车上底注uphill casting on cars
proj.manag.这则注资新闻拉动了全球金融股票的上扬News of the cash injection yesterday helped boost banking stocks around the globe