
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 上、下 | all forms | in specified order only
上下superior-inferior/superior to inferior
上下up and down shift
上下料装置loader and unloader
上下方便ease of entry and exit
汽车上下方便性entry-exit ease
上下vertical play
上下班交通车commuter bus
座椅上下调整范围upwards or downwards adjustable range
左右车轮在相反方向上下跳动axle tramp
公共交通上下车站台loading island
车身上下垂直up-and-down movement
车身上下垂直up-and-down motion
上与下upper and low
上升和下降阀kneel up and down valve
上排气口与下排气口upper air outlet and lower air outlet
上至下superior-inferior/superior to inferior
从子口上拆下unseat the bead
从底盘上拆下总成的修理out-of-chassis overhaul
从车上取下机件试验检查的方式off-the-car type
蓄电池从车上拆下来充电bench charge
从车架上拆下总成的修理out-of-frame overhaul
从轮辋上拆下外胎demounting of tire
人行道出租车上下客处taxi bay
双座上下班班车two passenger commuter
在下面加上弹簧put on springs
座椅上下移动seat lift
悬挂于水平铰链上的下翻式门drop-gate door
活塞环上下piston-ring side
活塞环槽上、下ring-groove side
环形上下料装置circular loading
簧上质量与簧下质量之比ratio, sprung-to-unsprung mass
脚从踏板上滑下时离合器有砰的声音slam in the clutch