
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
井信托银行Mitsui Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, 东京)
井物产公司Mitsui & Co. Ltd. (1947)
井银行Mitsui Bank (Tokyo, 东京)
十天期的汇票draft at 30 days sight
十日远期外汇exchange within current month
和银行Sanwa Bank (Osaka, 大阪)
地套利trilateral arbitrage
星公司Samsong Co., Ltd. (1938)
洋电气公司Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. (1950)
C grade
A级triple A (Standard & Poor's Corporation 美国标准及蒲耳氏公司所定证券最高级 AAA)
C grade
级 AAA products 三级产品third grade
级白棉good middling
菱信托银行Mitsubishi Trust & Banking Corp. (Tokyo, 东京)
菱商事公司Mitsubishi Corp. (1950)
菱土地公司Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. (1937)
菱油化公司Mitsubishi Petrochemical Co. Ltd. (1956)
菱电气公司Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (1921)
菱重工业公司Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (日本)
菱重工业公司Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Limited (1964)
菱金属公司Mitsubishi Metal Corp.
菱银行Mitsubishi Bank (Tokyo, 东京)
角套汇three-point arbitrage in foreign exchange
资企业three foreign-founded enterprises (包括外资独资企业 (enterprises of sole foreign capital) 、合资企业 (joint ventures)、合作经营企业 (cooperative operation enterprises))
C 革命Three C's revolution (指信息革命 (information revolution), 包括:电子计算机化 (Computerization)、控制 (Control)、通讯 (Communication))
不包括四月十日before 30th April
买方直到四月十日才开立有关信用证The buyer didn't establish the relative L/C until April 30
介格差距已缩小到只有百分之The difference in price has already been narrowed down to a mere 3%
他们估计产量将增加百分之They reckon the output will increase by 30%
他把支票日期填早He predated the check by three days
你方本月日函收到Your letter of the 3rd inst. is to hand
依据交单条件不同,托收分为付款交单,承兑交单和凭信托收据借贷Collection according to different conditions of delivering documents falls into D/P, D/A and D/P, T/R
信用 CThree C's credit (包括:品性 (character)、能力 (capacity)、资本 (capital))
信用证于十二月十日期满The L/C expires on December 30
信用证截止日期为十二月十一日The date of expiry of L/C is December 31
信用证有效期为个月The L/C is available for three months
假如在本月十日或其前不能收到你方信用证,我方只好取消销售合同If your L/C fails to arrive here on or before the 30th inst., we shall be obliged to cancel the S/C
写成一式be drawn up in triplicate
出票后十日付款payment to be made thirty days after date
副本Two originals and three copies are required
卖方预计在五月十一日或其前将未完成的订单货物装船出运The sellers expect to ship the outstanding orders on or before 31st May
善意第bona fide third party
四月十日前before 30th April
四月十日或其前on or before 30th April
set of three
委托人授权代理人代表他向第者招揽订货合同The principal authorizes the agent to procure contracts with third parties on his behalf
巴西号纤维Brazilian No.3 fibre
应当在装运期开始前十日开立信用证be supposed to establish the covering L/C 30 days before the commencement of shipment time
开成一式be drawn up in triplicate
征信 FThree F's (包括管理因素 (management factor) 、财务因素 (financial factor)、经济因素(economic factor))
我们已于月五日通知贵方银行。We have advised your bank on 5th March.
我方已另空邮这一商品的个样品We've forwarded you by separate airmail three samples for this article
接受贵方日来电内容勿用 acceptable, acceptingYour cable dated the third has been accepted
本信用证有效期至十二月十一日止This letter of credit is valid until December 31
本报盘六月十日前有效,过期无效The offer will remain valid until June 30, after which date it becomes null and void
根据你方要求,我方将把货物分等量的批装出Pursuant to your request, we'll ship the goods in three equal lots
此处习惯于提交形式发票一式It is customary here to have Proforma Invoice submitted in triplicate
此笔交易是按在装运开始前十天开立有关信用证的协定达成交易的The transaction was concluded on the understanding that the covering letter of credit was to be established 30 days before the commencement of the time of shipment
生产要素three elements of production (包括劳动者 (labourer)、劳动资料 (means of labour)、劳动对象(object of labour))
矿石/散货/石油用船ore/bulk/oil carrier
债务人garnishee (根据法院扣押令扣押债务人财产者)
neutral party
等商业汇票third-class commercial paper
世界银行类贷款Third Window Loan
者利益third party interest
继我方本月日函件,我方进一步特此通知贵方我方已向贵方寄送所有要求的样品Further to our letter of the 3rd inst., we have pleasure to inform you that we have sent you all the samples requested
美国大汽车制造公司Big Three (指通用 (General Motor Corporation), 福特(Ford Motor Company),克莱斯勒 (Chryster Corporation))
计算至小数第calculated to three decimal places
家银行合并为一家大型银行The three banks consolidated and formed a single, large bank
该交易以在装船前十天开立信用证为条件而达成The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that the L/C should be established 30 days before the commencement of shipment
请参看贵方六月日来函及我方同月六日回复We refer you to your letter dated 3rd June and our reply thereto of 6th id
请寄送发票副本Please send us additional copies of invoice in triplicate
请给我方寄送你方形式发票一式份以便我方据以申请进口许可证Please be kind to send us your proforma invoice in triplicate to support our application for import licence
货物应标上我方缩写名称并外加角形Goods are to be marked with our initials in a triangle
这艘船载重排水量万吨the ship has a tonnage of 30,000
通过第国汇付的汇兑cross exchange