
Terms for subject Sports containing 一 比 一的 | all forms
进行一局比赛的时间duration of a game
一边倒的比分lopsided score
一边倒的比赛one-way traffic
一边倒的比赛one-sided contest
一边倒的比赛one-sided game
一边倒的比赛lopsided contest
团体比赛中两队员之间的一场比赛individual match
今天、在美国波士顿市和纽约市举行的一年一度的马拉松赛跑吸引了成千上万的长跑运动员参加比赛Today, annual marathon races in Boston and New York City attract tens of thousands of distance runners
从技术方面来说、这是我参加过的比赛中跑得最好的一次Technically, it was the best race I have ever run
四分之一决赛前的比赛pre-quarter-final round
因有伤病或恶劣天气情况而由主办方限制下注金额的一场比赛circled game
在"各就位" 口令下达后、如果一名运动员通过声音或其他方式干扰参加这次比赛的其他运动员、这一行动应视为起跑犯规If a competitor after the command On your marks "disturbs other competitors in the race through sound or otherwise,it may be considered a false start"
在女子跳高比赛中、 郑达真创造了一项新的亚洲纪录High jumper Zheng Dazhen set a new Asian record in women's high jump.
在快速反应起主要作用的竞赛项目中、 即使反应时稍微快一点点都有可能对比赛成绩产生至关重要的结果Even small improvements in reaction time may produce significant results in performance where quick reactions are essential
在接力赛跑时、参赛队员必须在接力区内传递接力棒、任何一个跑到终点不携带接力棒的队将被取消比赛资格In relay races, the batons must be passed within a take-over zone and any team finishing without the baton will be disqualified
女子 10000 米比赛中跑出一匹黑马一一中国运动员邢慧娜在最后一圈超越领先的埃塞俄比亚运动员、在第 28 届奥运会中她为中国赢得一枚金牌In the women's 10,000m race, a dark horse from China Xing Huina overtook the leading Ethiopian runners in the last lap. She won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games
如果一名运动员被另一名运动员推出或被迫跑出他的分道、但未从中获得实际的利益、这名运动员将不应被取消比赛资格If a competitor is pushed or forced by another person to run outside the lane, and if no material advantage is gained, the competitor shall not be disqualified
如果根据 3 名裁判员的意见、某一位运动员的行进方式在比赛任何阶段违反竞走定义时、这名运动员将被取消比赛资格。取消比赛资格由裁判长负责通知。When, in the opinion of three Judges, a competitor's mode of progression fails to comply with the definition of race walking during any part of the competition, the competitor shall be disqualified and informed of his disqualification by the Chief Judge
应在比赛路线上靠近终点处设置一块显示严重警告红卡的公告牌A Warning red card Posting Board shall be placed on the course and near the finish
轮次是淘汰赛中的一个比赛阶段、只有优胜者才能进人下一个比赛阶段A round is a stage in an elimination series and only the winners advance to the next stage
运动员应穿着由其国家主管部门正式批准的国家或俱乐部统一的比赛服装Competitors must wear the national or club uniform clothing approved by their National Governing Body (注clothing 是衣服、服装的总称,通常不用复数)
重大比赛的前一周至 10 日内、必须逐渐减少训练量It is essential to taper off training during the final week to 10 days before a big competition